Friday, November 29, 2019

Wax; Mary Melts; First Order

Mary Melts

Web; /
Owner; Mary Wilkerson

What I received;

Scent Shots in bags;
Mahogoney Teakwood
Light Lager
Acrombie & Fitch
El Nino Poptail
Lychee Trop Poptail

Tarts in
Banana Cabana
Pure Paradise
Sparkling Mint Blossom
Blueberry Pumpkin Patch
Winter Candy Apple


I received this package fairly quickly, however all the labels were hand written with just the scent name and there was no branding on the labels at all!

Everything smells fine however they are not in the correct bags so I will have to re-bag everything and re-label.

When I went to look it appears this vendor is actually closing down and seems is just trying to get rid of stock. It's a shame because even if she opens back up, based on this sloppinessI wouldn't re-order

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