Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Movie; Willy's Wonderland (2021) Caution; Spoiler Alert


Willy's Wonderland

Came out; 2021

Time; 1 hour 50 minutes

Watched: Hulu

Rating; TV-MA

IMDB Rating; 5.5/10

Caution; Spoiler Alert


Nicolas Cage as The Janitor

Emily Tosta as Liv

Beth Grant as Sheriff Lund

Ric Reitz as Tex Macadoo

Chris Warner as Jed Love

Kai Kadlec as Chris

Caylee Cowan as Kathy

Jonathan Mercedes as Dan

Terayle Hill as Bob

Christian Delgrosso as Aaron

David Sheftell as Evan


A quiet loner (Nic Cage) finds himself stranded in a remote town when his car breaks down. Unable to pay for the repairs he needs, he agrees to spend the night cleaning Willy's Wonderland, an abandoned family fun center. But this wonderland has a dark secret that the "The Janitor" is about to discover. He soon finds himself trapped inside Willy's and locked in an epic battle with the possessed animatronic mascots that roam the halls. To survive, he must fight his way through each of them


What, and I can not stress this enough, the fuck did I watch here? This was literally a cross between Five Nights at Freddy's Meets Chucky Cheese with a smidge of Child's Play.

Nicolas Cage says nothing in this movie, not a word. There's little explaination as to who he is outside of what happens to him when he enters Willy's Wonderland. I wish there would have been just a little because I feel it would have given us, as movie watchers a bit of a background.

My brother said I should watch this, it was supposed to be scary, that it wasn't. It was funny and a fun movie to watch, there is lots of killing and blood so be warned if your squeamish.

Plot Summary; CAUTION; Major Spoiler Alert

None in IMBD so here's mine

The Janitor (Nicolas Cage) is driving his car down the road when he gets a flat tire. The tow truck driver, Jed Lovepicks (Chris Warner) picks him up and takes him to the shop, tells him he can fix everything for $1,000. The Janitor hands him his credit card but Jed advises him it's only cash and their ATM machine doesn't work. Jed tells the Janitor he knows where he can work it off if interested, The Janitor nods his head and Jed makes a phone call.

Meanwhile we find Liv (Emily Tosta) at Willy's Wonderland with gas cans and a lighter trying to burn the place down until she is picked up by Sheriff Lund (Beth Grant) and locked in a trailer that much be the Sheriff's home. She is told to stay put and not go near Willy's.

The Janitor is met by Jed and Tex Macadoo (Ric Reitz) at Willy's Wonderland. He is explained that Tex just purchased the place and would like to open it but it's been trashed by the local kids because it had a bad past. Tex gives the Janitor a Willy's shift and tells him it's the Janitor's closet. Tex leaves and I guess the fun is about to begin.

Liv is rescued by her friends, Chris (Kai Kadlec), Kathy (Caylee Cowan), Dan (Jonathan Mercedes), Bob (Terayle Hill), Aaron (Christian Delgrosso) and Evan (David Sheftell). Liv tells them that they sent someone into Willy's, they have to get him out and burn it down.

So inside Willy's, the Janitor is cleaning, the animatronic animals are coming to “life” one by one and attack the Janitor, who fights back and tears them apart, he then goes and clean's himself off and continues to clean, or he goes and drinks one of the drinks he brought with him and cleans the pinball machine he found. This continues until Liv and her friends get there. They tell him he is in danger and needs to get out, he just walks away.

Liv tells her friends she is going in to get him out and for them to be ready. Liv goes in and tells the Janitor that he needs to get out because they come alive but Liv quickly finds that “they” are the ones in danger.

Her friends are standing on the roof and suddenly the roof caves in and everyone is in Willy's Wonderland. One by one the friends start to get attacked and die, one of them calls the police and tells the Sheriff they are stuck in Willy's. The Sheriff then tells her deputy the story of Willy's Wonderland.

It was once owned by a Pedofile and he groomed all the employees to do the same. Bad things started happening and once the police started figuring out what was going on, the killed themselves in a ritual that apparently put their soles into the animatronics. Someone else cleaned up the place and tried to re-opened but once it was discovered the animatronics were possessed and feeding on the customers Willy's was once again closed. Tex purchased the building and planned on raising it but once again the killings started to happen. The town came to an agreement with Willy. They would send unsuspecting people in for them to feed on if they agreed to stay inside the building. Her daughter Liv was a survivor and the flat tire, only cash is how the town gets people in.

Sheriff Lund and the Depuity go into Willy's, find both Liv and the Janitor. She puts Liv into the deputiy's car, tells him to take her to the station and not let her out of his sight. She hand cuff's the Janitor and locks him in all while Liv is screaming that those things are the ones in trouble. Sheriff Lund opts to spend the night so the Janitor can't leave, later that night, he comes out to put the garbage in the can, she gets him to go back inside and apologizes to Willy that this wasn't her fault and it wasn't how it was supposed to happen. Willy kills the Sheriff and then attacked the Janitor.

The Janitor beats Willy, cleans up the entire place. Changes his clothes and walks out to Tex and Jed who are outside with his car. They handover his keys and look inside to see it completely clean without the animatronics on stage. They laugh and say it's finally over, meanwhile two come to live in the garbage and get out. While Jeb & Tex are sitting in Tex's car the two that came back to life start his car on fire and it blows up.

The Janitor and Liv take off in the Janitor's car

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