Sunday, September 26, 2021

Movie; Jungle Cruise (2021) Caution; Spoiler Alerts


Jungle Cruise

Came out; 2021

Time; 2 hour 7 minutes

Watched: Movie Theatre

Rating; PG-13 for sequences of adventure violence

IMDB Rating; 6.6/10

Caution; Spoiler Alert


Dwayne Johnson as Frank Wolff

Emily Blunt as Lily Houghton

Edgar Ramirez as Aguirre

Jack Whitehall as MacGregor Houghton

Jesse Plemons as Prince Joachim

Paul Giamatti as Nilo Nemolato

Veronica Falcon as Trader Sam

Dani Rovira as Sancho


Based on Disneyland's theme park ride where a small riverboat takes a group of travelers through the jungle filled dangerous animals and reptiles but with a supernatural element


We had one kid home (ususal with a house of 6) so we thought, lets go see a movie. We picked this one based on the previews and we were not disappointed at all.

Emily Blundt is great and the Rock as the jungle guide is wonderful, telling the same cheesy jokes you get on the ride!

The storyline was great and there is a twist towards the end that I didn't see coming. Super cute and I would watch this 100 times over again!

CAUTION; Major Spoiler Alert

Plot Summary;

In the 16th century, Spanish conquistadors travel to South America in search of the Tears of the Moon, a mythical tree whose petals can cure any illness, heal any injury, and lift any curse. After most of the men die in the jungle, the survivors are nursed back to health by a local tribe using the tree petals. When they refuse to reveal the location of the tree, the Spanish destroy the village, and as punishment are cursed to never die and never be able to leave sight of the river.

In 1916, Dr. Lily Houghton and her brother MacGregor detail Lily's research on the Tears of the Moon to an association of English explorers, explaining that the petals could revitalize medicine and aid in the war effort. The Houghton's request access to an arrowhead recovered by Dr. Albert Falls that Lily believes is key to locating the tree. When the association denies their request, believing the tree to be a myth and a female scientist unqualified to join their ranks, Lily steals the arrowhead instead. She narrowly avoids Prince Joachim, a German aristocrat who also wants the arrowhead and the tree.

In South America, Frank Wolff takes tourists on jungle river cruises, which he embellishes with fake dangers and corny jokes. When his boat engine is repossessed by businessman Nilo, he attempts to steal it back. Caught in the act by Lily, Frank pretends to be Nilo and arrogantly tells her that the Tears of the Moon is a myth and that she will not be able to handle the dangers of the jungle, but changes his tone when he notices that Lily is in possession of the arrowhead. Frank's deception is revealed with the real Nilo shows up, but Lily hires Frank anyway after he underbids Nilo and bravely fights off a wild jaguar attack.

Frank, Lily, and MacGregor depart on Frank's boat but are almost intercepted by Nilo attempting to get his engine back, mercenaries hired by Joachim to retrieve the arrowhead from Lily, and Joachim himself attacking in a German submarine. After they make their mistake, it is revealed that the attacking jaguar was actually Frank's pet Proxima, and Lily wonders if Frank can be trusted.

Joachim locates the cursed conquistadors, whose bodies have turned to stone due to them traveling too far from the river, and have been infested over time by tree roots, snakes, and insects. Joachim frees them by diverting the river, and offers to help them break the curse if they help him to retrieve the arrowhead.

As Frank, Lily and MacGregor continue down the river they become closer. MacGregor reveals to Frank that he was nearly disowned by his family due to his homosexuality, but Lily stood by him. Breaking into Frank's cabin, Lily finds photos and drawings of new inventions such as the automobile, but also discovers drawings of the arrowhead and research on the Tears of the Moon. Lily accuses Frank of wanting the tree for himself, but he explains he gave up searching for it a long time ago and believed it couldn't be found. They are attacked by a tribe of "cannibals" who demand the arrowhead, but this is revealed to be another deception by Frank working with a friendly tribe. Frank apologizes and says he was unable to call off the plan, but Lily rebuffs him. Trader Sam, the tribe's female leader, translates the writing on the arrowhead, revealing the location of the tree, and that it only blooms under a blood moon. The conquistadors attack and manage to take the arrowhead; Frank recovers it and gives it to Lily but is stabbed through the chest with a sword and falls to his death. Lily runs away from the river so that the Spaniards cannot follow her.

The next morning, Lily discovers that Frank has miraculously survived. He reveals that his real name is Francisco, and he is actually one of the cursed conquistadors, unable to die or leave the river. The expedition to find the tree was originally a noble one to save the leader's sick daughter, but when the natives were attacked by the Spaniards, Frank switched sides to help the villagers. After years of fighting, Frank trapped the others in a cave away from the river. He then spent time searching for the tree to lift his own curse, but had been unable to find it without the arrowhead.

An injured MacGregor stays behind with Trader Sam while Lily and Frank make the final journey to the tree. MacGregor is captured by Joachim and forced to reveal the location of the tree. Frank, Lily, the Germans, and the Spaniards all converge on the tree, which begins to bloom under the blood moon. The moon passes quickly as they fight, and Lily is only able to recover one petal. MacGregor kills Joachim, and Frank crashes his boat to block the river, turning himself and the other Spaniards into stone. Lily uses the petal to revive Frank and break the curse, only afterwords discovering that due to a shift in the moonlight there is one petal left for Lily's research.

Back in London, the society has offered full membership to Lily, which she rejects. She shows Frank London and gives him his first driving lesson in her automobile as well as delivering a corny jock herself

Movie; Guns Akimbo (2019) Caution; Spoiler Alert


Guns Akimbo

Came out; 2019

Time; 1 hour 38 minutes

Watched: Netflix

Rating; R for strong bloody violence throughout, pervasive language, drug use, sexual references and brief graphic nudity

IMDB Rating; 6.3/10

Caution; Spoiler Alert


Daniel Radcliffe as Miles

Samara Weaving as Nix

Ned Dennehy as Riktor

Natasha Liu Bordizzo as Nova

Grant Bowler as Degraves

Edwin Wright as Stanton

Milo Cawthrone as Hadley

Mark Rowley as Dane

Rachael Ofori as Effie

Set Sjostrand as Fuckface

Rhys Darby as Glenjamin


A guy relies on his newly-acquired gladiator skills to save his ex-girlfriend from kidnappers


This movie was recommended to us by my brother in law who has strange taste in movies (he loves the movie Ruber). We watched the preview and it didn't look bad so we figured what the hell, and watched it

It wasn't bad, it was action packed and very weird. It actually didn't disappoint. I expected really bad and got not so bad, so that's a plus!

If you like weird, action movies that relove around people killing each other for internet viewers, watch this, I doubt you'll be mad

CAUTION; Major Spoiler Alert

Plot Summary;

In an alternative near future, an underground fight club and a criminal organization known as Skizm has achieved massive popularity by live-streaming real death matches between criminals and psychos. Ordinary computer programmer Miles Lee Harris, who gets his kicks by trolling online trolls, logs into Skizm's forum to insult viewers who turn murder into entertainment. Riktor, the criminal kingpin and psychopath who runs Skizm, breaks into Miles' apartment with his henchmen Dane, Effie, and Fuckface. After being beaten and drugged, Miles wakes up to find guns bloodily bolted into both of his hands. Miles learns that he has been forced to participate in Skizm by being pitted against Nix, the game's deadliest and craziest killer; she wants out but Riktor requires she kill one last opponent, Miles.

Nix tracks Miles' phone, he tries to reason with Nix but she intends to kill him. Miles distracts her and she shoots up his apartment as he falls down the fire escape. After unsuccessfully attempting to recruit help from the police, Miles makes it to the park to meet his artist ex-girlfriend Nova Alexander, who tells Miles she doesn't want to get back together. When Miles reveals what is happening to him, Nova flees in fright. Nova reports the situation to Detective Degraves. Degraves has his partner Stanton hack Nova's phone so they can track Miles. Miles gets temporary help from a vagrant named Glenjamin. Miles then goes to the office where he works so his friend Hadley can hack the Skizm tracking malware on his phone.

Miles finally gets assertive by angrily pulling his guns after his continually condescending boss Zander insults him. Zander is shot in the head by Nix, who appears and starts shooting up the office. Miles escapes in a stolen car and Nix chases him on a motorbike. Following a face-off where he again fails to reason with Nix, Miles calls Nova but sees Riktor kidnapping her. Miles phones the police and leaves his mobile in a junkyard to provide the location. He then inadvertently interrupts a drug deal between two rival gangs. Nix shows up and starts gunning down thugs while trying to get to Miles.

The police arrive and arrest Miles. While transporting him, Degraves and Stanton explain their plan to use Miles as bait to lure Nix, who they have been trying to capture for years. Degraves reveals Nix is his daughter. Nix was driven criminally insane after Riktor took revenge on Degraves for taking down Riktor's gang by blowing up his family's van. Degraves managed to save Nix, but his wife and son died. Stanton reveals he is a mole working for Riktor when he shoots Degraves in the head. Stanton plays a video message in which Riktor explains that Miles has thirty minutes to kill Nix or else he will kill Nova. Miles recovers his phone from Degraves' body. While coercing a gaming cafe patron into hacking Nova's phone to retrieve her location, Miles learns the Skizm communities dubbed him 'Guns Akimbo' as he has become the most popular player ever. Miles arrives at Nova's supposed location to find Riktor waiting. Riktor taunts Miles by dumping Hadley's dead body before driving away.

Miles manages to secretly meet with Nix and tells her that Riktor murdered her father and kidnapped his ex-girlfriend. In her rage and desire for revenge, Nix agrees to a plan where they successfully stage a scene for Skizm's broadcast camera drones. She seemingly guns down Miles, who is actually wearing a bulletproof vest he removed from Degraves. Henchmen recover Miles' body and transport him to Riktor's Skizm hideout. Nix joins Miles as they take down Riktor's henchmen, including Dane and Effie. Nix sacrifices herself by detonating a suicide vest that blows up Fuckface and the rest of Riktor's men so Miles can survive. Riktor executes Stanton while making his way to the rooftop with Nova.

At the rooftop, Riktor keeps shooting Miles, but the latter determinedly charges at Riktor and ultimately throws him off the roof to his death, not before Riktor tells Miles that Skizm has spread worldwide and is becoming a global franchise. After Riktor dies, Miles starts to collapse from massive blood loss while imagining a romantic reunion with Nova. However, Nova actually becomes frightened and goes into shock after seeing what Miles is turning into.

Some time later, Miles is scarred from his injuries and while sitting in his car, he opens a file. He discovers a comic book written by Nova and learns that she is promoting Miles as a popular hero by writing a comic book based on their story. With Skizm spreading worldwide under new leaderships, Miles commits himself to do everything in his power to destroy the entire criminal organization

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Books; The Devil's Cove Series (3 Books) Caution; Spoiler Alerts

 Author; Malcolm Richards

The Devil's Cove Series (3 Books)

Nestled between two cliffs is an idyllic Cornish town that tourists flock to every summer.

But not this year.

A young boy has vanished while playing in his backyard. A teenager long thought to be dead is about to give local resident Carrie the shock of her life. And hiding behind a familiar face within the town’s frightened community, a deranged killer is about to unleash a legacy of pure terror.

Welcome to Devil’s Cove…


Barns and Nobles

The Cove

Book One

Published; 2017

Rating; Per Barns & Noble; 5

Caution; Spoiler Alert


The smallest towns have the darkest secrets...

When Carrie’s son, Cal, vanished from the Cornish town of Devil’s Cove, she thought she’d lost him for good. Seven years later, a teenager has been found washed up on the beach.

It’s Carrie’s son. And he’s alive.

No longer the sweet boy she remembers, Cal is deeply troubled, wildly unpredictable, and a growing danger to everyone around him.

Now, Carrie must unravel the mystery of what happened to her son before it’s too late. Because a serial killer is stalking the streets of Devil’s Cove.

And another young child is missing…

Set against the wild backdrop of Cornwall, The Cove is the first part of a nail-biting trilogy about a mother’s fight to save her son from the grip of evil.


This is one I couldn't put down. I love books like this that have so many twist and turns. There was so much detail regarding the different characters in this book, what they've been through and everything. The book was the right amount of length and had everything except the closure that I like, but this is only book one and I'm hoping that it continues in the next book.

It does end on a good note and for that I'm happy but what about the rest. It also really makes you realize that things can go on right under your nose without you knowing it

Desperation Point

Book Two

Published; 2018

Rating; Per Barns & Noble; 5

Caution; Spoiler Alert


Desperation Point

Good people can do terrible things...

It began with The Cove. Now the suspense continues in the second book of the Devil’s Cove Trilogy.

Devil’s Cove used to be a safe place to live. Until a serial killer was caught hiding behind a familiar face.

As the Cornish community reels in shock, missing teen Cal has been implicated in the murders. Desperate for answers, his mother Carrie is determined to track him down. But so is someone else…

Crime writer Aaron Black has arrived in town on a mission to save his ruined career by writing a bestseller about the killings. But he needs Cal, and he’ll do anything to find him, even if it means endangering lives.

Because there’s more to the horrifying truth than anyone can imagine. And for Carrie and her family, the real nightmare is only just beginning.


Another book that I just couldn't put down. Seriously, another book with twists and turns and you just can't figure out if it's Cal or something else.

Aaron Black goes from a crime writing author to a good person hell bent on finding out the truth. I can't wait to start the next book to find out what shocking conculsion the author comes up with!

The Devil's Gate

Book Three

Published; 2019

Raiting; Per Barns and Nobel; 5

Caution; Spoiler Alert


Six months have passed since the horrific events at Burnt House Farm and peace has finally been restored in Devil’s Cove. But trouble is on the horizon.

As the town prepares for the annual Devil’s Day festival, Carrie is coming to terms with her son’s crimes while trying to salvage what’s left of her family. Meanwhile, Nat is on a dangerous path of self-destruction as she seeks revenge on the mysterious Dawn Children.

But they are all unaware that a terrifying plan has been set in motion. One that cannot be stopped.

Death is coming to Devil’s Cove. And this time, only the chosen will survive…


This was so good. Between what was happing with The Dawn Children and the Town. It went back and forth perfectly leaving you hanging for what you just read.

So many twiests and turns going on here, these are a great read and all the books go together perfectly with new stories intertwined with the last.

Movie; Wind River (2017) Caution; Spoiler Alert


Wind River

Came out; 2017

Time; 1 hour 47 minutes

Watched: Netflix

Rating; R for strong violence, a rape, distrubing images and language

IMDB Rating; 7.7/10

Caution; Spoiler Alert


Elizabeth Olsen as Jane Banner

Jeremy Renner as Cory Lambert

Graham Greene as Ben

Kelsey Asbille as Natalie

Julia Jones as Wilma

Teo Briones as Casey

Apenanahkwat as Dan Crowheart

Tantoo Cardinal as Alice Crowheart

Eric Lange as Dr. Whitehurst

Gil Birmingham as Martin

Athea Sam as Annie

Tokala Black Elk as Sam Littlefeather


East of Boulder Flats, deep into the vast and unforgiving white territory of the Wind River Indian Reservation, the seasoned game tracker, Cory Lambert, discovers the frozen body of the young Native American, Natalie. As this is a federal crime, the F.B.I. dispatches the inexperienced but courageous agent Jane Banner to lead the investigation, however, the unprepared outsider will soon team up with Cory to unravel the mystery of Natalie's murder. Before long, Cory will inevitably have to face his own past, while at the same time, both he and Jane are thirsting to see justice done. In the end, will this be a fruitful alliance?


What a slow movie this was. It took way to long to get to the end of the movie, way too much inbetween. I understand this movie was shed light on the laws surrounding Indian Reservations and when it comes to who can arrest who, but they could have done a faster moving movie.

In the end what actually happened seems so dumb and the idiots took things way to far.

CAUTION; Major Spoiler Alert

Plot Summary;

The movie opens at night in a cold, remote Wyoming Wilderness on the Wind River Indian Reservation. Natalie Hanson, an 18-year-old Native American woman, is running barefoot through the snow while crying and looking back over her shoulder when we see the opening credits.

The next scene shows Cory Lambert (Jeremy Renner) in full white camouflage shooting a wolf. Lambert is a hunter for the Fish and Wildlife Department who kills predatory animals in the area. The next scenes show Cory picking up his son from his ex-wife's house to take him out to the Indian reservation to visit her parents. It becomes evident that Cory lost his daughter at a young age.

While out on one of his hunts, Lambert comes across the body of a young woman (Hanson). She's partly submerged in the snow with no shoes on, her toes and feet frostbitten, and a large wound on her forehead.

Cory Lambert reports the crime to the Reservation Tribal Police who notify Natalie's parents, Martin and Annie Hanson. Corey waits with Ben (Graham Greene) who is the Tribal Police chief and oversees a staff of six officers for the entire reservation, which is the size of Rhode Island. They wait at the Hanson house as FBI Agent Jane Banner (Elizabeth Olsen) arrives during a snow storm. They take snowmobiles out to the location where Natalie's body is found. Jane labels the event as a homicide. After returning to town, they go to the medical examiner's office who explains that Natalie was raped by an unknown number of people, but that she died from the cold hitting her lungs and causing them to burst and she died alone. Jane is upset because its not being labeled a homicide, even though everyone knows she died while running for her life.

Corey, Jane, and Ben all head to the rundown house of Sam Littlefeather, which is a drug den on the reservation as they look for clues. Upon arriving, they are fired upon by Sam as well as Chip Hanson (Natalie's brother). Cory is able to subdue Chip and another man while Jane pursues Sam Littlefeather in the house. Sam comes around a corner and fires at Jane, missing, while she is able to hit him with several rounds. He dies on the spot. They interview Chip, and the other man and Cory finds out that Natalie had a boyfriend named Matt who was a security guard at one of the local oil drilling camps in the mountains.

While arresting Chip, Corey sees snowmobile trails going up the hill from the house and goes to track them along with Jane. Up the hill they find the dead body of Matt Rayburn, who was Natalie's boyfriend, being eaten and chewed on by birds, half buried in the snow.

Jane, Ben, and two other deputies from Tribal police take snowmobiles all the way up to the oil drilling camp, which has several trailers on it for the workers to sleep while working up there. Cory decides to go back up the hill to further investigate Matt's death. They are greeted by the lead security guy for the drilling area. They ask him where Matt is and the security guy says he was hoping they might have answers and that he'd been missing for a few days. He has several scars on his face, as do two of the other security guards who come down as well. As they're walking to Matt's trailer, the lead security guy mentions them finding Natalie's body a few days ago and that he heard it on the radio. Jane replies surprised, saying We never said her name on the radio. As they get close to Matt's trailer, one of the Indian deputies notices that the other guards have their guns out and are flanking him and the group. He gets concerned, and everyone draws their weapons, and a standoff occurs. Jane's FBI rank outranks the other officers, and she takes control of the situation getting everyone to calm down. They walk to the trailer and Jane turns the door handle, and its locked. So she knocks.

At this point, a flashback starts as Matt crawls out of bed and answers the door to find out that it's Natalie knocking. They kiss and hug, and then the scene fast forwards to them post coital relations, talking about where they want to run away to. As they talk, you can hear Matt's co-workers pulling up to the trailer. Natalie shuts the curtain as the men enter, intoxicated and loud. Pete, who is the drunkest of the group, opens the curtain and starts teasing Matt and Natalie, asking them what they've been up to. He finally tries to see under the covers, and Matt jumps out of bed to hit him and push him back. The rest of the guys grab Matt after he gets a few punches in on Pete. Natalie jumps on top of them, and she is thrown on the bed after being hit hard in the head, knocking her out. She falls onto the bed on her stomach and Pete proceeds to rape Natalie. She awakes as Pete is raping her and Matt frees himself from the other guys and starts to hit Pete. The whole group again goes after Matt, beating him, while Natalie is able to escape and start running away. It's clear that this is when she starts running for her life, which eventually leads to her death.

The flashback sequence ends with Jane knocking on the door screaming "FBI". Corey from up on the mountain sees snowmobile tracks going from where Matt died down to the camp. He radios Ben to warn him about the security guys. Ben tells Jane to get away from the door, and at that point a loud explosion comes through the door... buckshot from a shotgun striking Jane in the chest and knocking her far back off the steps of the trailer. At this point, the gunfire starts, with the security guys all trying to shoot the members of the tribal police. Jane is alive because of her bullet proof vest but injured from the impact. The security guys manage to kill Ben and the other Indian Tribe officers, even though they are wounded as well. Jane is trying to reload her gun when the lead security guard takes it away from her. It's at this point that a bullet comes flying through his body out of nowhere to kill him. The other guards are looking around but can't find where the gunner is at. They both proceed to get killed by the mystery gunman who turns out to be Cory.

Cory shoots into the trailer hoping to get the men who shot Jane from inside, one of whom is Pete who raped Natalie in the flashback. Cory hits the other man inside the house as Pete escapes out the back and runs into the hills. Cory comes over and attends to Jane and helps her with her injuries. He then proceeds to head up the hill and try and chase Pete. Pete is running and confused and looking for Cory as he can hear someone. He turns around, and Corey nails him in the face with the butt of his rifle. Pete wakes up to find he's been taken up to the top of the mountain and that his boots have been removed and his toes are getting frostbite already. Cory pushes Pete and gets him to confess to raping Natalie and killing Matt. Cory tells him he's free to go since he confessed, but first he tells Pete that Natalie ran six miles in the snow barefoot, and that he didn't think Pete would make it 600 feet. Cory tells him to run, and Pete starts to run, making it just a few dozen steps before the cold freezes up his lungs, just as it had done to Natalie's.

The final scenes show Cory in the hospital talking to Jane, and the scene ends with Jane crying over all that they had been through. Then Corey goes to Martin Hanson's house where he finds Martin sitting outside with his death paint face paint on his face. Martin says he just invented death paint. Cory hints that they caught all the guys and that the man who killed Natalie went out with a whimper. Martin then starting to get choked up says "I just want to sit here and miss her for a minute, will you sit with me?" Cory sits with him, and a title screen comes up saying that statistics are kept for every group of missing people except native American women. Nobody knows how many are missing.

Movie; Wrath of Man (2021) Caution; Spoiler Alert


Wrath of Man

Came out; 2021

Time; 1 hour 59 minutes

Watched: On Demand

Rating; PG-13 for some strong violence throughout, pervasive language and some sexual references

IMDB Rating; 7.2/10

Caution; Spoiler Alert


Jason Statham as H

Holt McCallany as Bullet

Josh Hartnett as Boy Sweat Dave

Rocci Williams as Hollow Bob

Jeffrey Donovan as Jackson

Scott Eastwood as Jan

Andy Garcia as Agent King


Mysterious and wild-eyed, a new security guard for a cash truck surprises his co-workers when he unleashes precision skills duing a heist. The crew is left wondering who he is and where he came from. Soon, the marksman's ultimate motive becomes clear as he takes dramatic and irrevocable steps to settle a score


This was a decent movie, It took a bit to really understand what was going on. After the initial “I got it” moment it becames more “whos behind it”

CAUTION; Major Spoiler Alert

Plot Summary;

Patrick Hill begins work at Fortico Security, an armored truck company. After being commended by the superior Terry for his references, he is introduced to Bullet, who nicknames him "H" and oversees his training. H gets off to a rocky start with his colleagues, particularly Boy Sweat Dave, over his mysterious nature.

One day, Bullet is taken hostage during a drop and the kidnappers demand the $2 million in their truck. When H and Dave meet the kidnappers, H easily dispatches them with expert marksmanship. During a later attack on H's truck, he steps out when the truck is flooded with tear gas, at which point the robbers retreat on seeing him. H later sleeps with co-worker Dana Curtis and holds her at gunpoint to interrogate her about a private cash stash he finds. She claims she stole money once from a liquor store for retirement savings, but insists it was the only time. H spares her life, but threatens further repercussions if he learns she is withholding further information.

Five months earlier, H is out with his son Dougie when he reluctantly agrees to a call asking him to help with the recon of an armored truck for a robbery. H stops on the other side of the bridge from the armored truck depot, and asks Dougie to wait in the car while he goes to a food truck by the depot. He calls to reveal the location of the truck as he gets food, but as the truck goes under the bridge, it is attacked by a different group of thieves dressed as construction workers, who kill the guards as well as Dougie for being a witness. When H runs toward them, he is gunned down as well, but survives.

H is then revealed to be Heargraves, the boss of a crime syndicate; the syndicate's members were the men who made the second attack on H's truck. After Dougie's mother holds H responsible for Dougie's death and leaves, H demands to find the men responsible. After exhausting a list of suspects, and coming up with no possible leads, Heargraves' associate suggests that the robbery was an inside job. H says he will fly back to London to clear his mind, but actually arranges a contact to provide him with the forged identity of Patrick Hill, as well as the autopsy report of Dougie's death.

The thieves of the construction job are a former military platoon, commanded by Jackson, along with a man named Jan who killed the guards and Dougie. Struggling to make ends meet, the group decides to start stealing money in increasingly ambitious heists planned in great detail by Jackson and Tom, while maintaining the façade of normal lives with families, except for Jan. They first attempt to steal from a wealthy man for whom their fellow ex-soldier Carlos works as security, but come up with only a few hundred thousand dollars. They then resolve to utilize contacts in armored truck companies to steal millions of dollars. When they are given the Fortico heist, Jan kills the guards and Dougie against the wishes of the rest of the team.

Some months later, Jackson and Tom bring the team together for a much larger but riskier final heist to steal over $150 million from the Fortico depot on Black Friday. H and Bullet are riding together when Bullet reveals he is the thieves' insider, and asks H to cooperate to avoid death. The thieves, dressed in full body armor, hide in the truck to gain access into the depot and begin taking hostages, including Terry and Dave. One worker triggers the alarm and the workers behind the weapons desk begin shooting at the thieves, but are easily dispatched. H chokes Carlos and takes his body armor to fight back, inspiring Dave to do the same while Terry hides. Realizing they may not make it out, Bullet breaks his cover and kills Dave, Dana, and the remaining guards and shoots H. Bullet, Jackson, and Jan are the only ones to make it out of the depot, though Jackson is critically wounded. They evade police and make it to a garage where they have access to underground tunnels. Believing Jan will try to kill them, Jackson takes out a pistol, but Jan stops him and slits his throat. When Jan and Bullet make it to the end of the tunnel, Bullet takes out a gun to try to kill Jan, but Jan kills him first. Jan successfully makes away with all the money before the police can deduce what happened.

At Jan's apartment, he finds a phone ringing in one of the money bags, which was planted there by H to track his location. H confronts Jan with Dougie's autopsy before shooting him in the same places Dougie was shot, killing him. H turns in the money to his FBI contact and drives off with one of his associates.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Movie; Fatherhood; Caution; Spoiler Alert



Came out; 2021

Time; 1 hour 49 minutes

Watched: Netflix

Rating; PG-13 for some strong language and suggestive material

IMDB Rating; 6.6/10

Caution; Spoiler Alert


Kevin Hart as Matt Logelin

Deborah Ayorinde as Liz Logelin

Melody Hurd as Maddy Logelin

Alfre Woodard as Marion

DeWanda Wise as Swan

Paul Reiser as Howard

Anthony Carrigan as Oscar

Lil Rel Howery as Jordan

Frankie Fasion as Mike

Thedra Porter as Anna


A father brings up his baby girl as a single dad after the unexpected death of his wife who died a day after their daughter's birth


This was a tear-jerker but had the funny undertones. Kevin Hart is great!

This was super cute and did a great job at highlighting what single parents go through.

CAUTION; Major Spoiler Alert

Plot Summary;

Matthew Logelin's wife Liz passes away after an unexpected early caesarean section delivery of their daughter followed by a pulmonary embolism. At her funeral are him, with his best friends Jordan and Oscar, his mother Anna, as well as Liz's parents Marion and Mike. Matt is now a single father to infant daughter Maddy.

The first few months caring for Maddy are rough, especially after both Anna and Liz's parents have gone home. But he manages to raise her alone. After some years, Maddy, who is about 5 years old, gets enrolled in a private school.

Matt takes Maddy to the park for a birthday party, where he meets a woman named Lizzie (Swan), there because Oscar and his wife Rose want to set them up. Matt and Lizzie later agree to go out and they have a good time together. Matt introduces Maddy to Lizzie, and they instantly like each other.

At school, the boys tease Maddy for what she's wearing. She jumps off to tackle one of them but gashes her forehead open. The school tries to reach Matt, but he eventually checks his phone and rushes to the hospital. He tries to take Maddy away, but they insist that she needs stitches. Matt wants to decline as it's the same hospital where Liz died and he doesn't trust the doctors there, but he relents and lets them work. Feeling as if he neglected Maddy, Matt breaks it off with Lizzie.

At work, Howard tells Matt that he wants to send him to Croatia for a job. He takes Maddy to spend time with her grandparents. Matt later sees that Marion wants Maddy to stay with them long-term, which Maddy seems more open to. Marion makes him feel he's making too many mistakes on his own with her, and he tries to take Maddy to go, even though she wants to stay with Liz's parents. Matt then thinks he isn't making Maddy happy, so he agrees to let her stay there for now. While Maddy sleeps, he expresses to her his fears about raising her on his own.

Matt returns home alone and is later told at work by Howard that he is retiring and recommending him for his old job. He is thankful, even though this means he might be seeing Maddy even less. Even Jordan and Oscar see that her absence is making Matt feel worse. While going through her room, he finds the necklace of Liz's Maddy had been desperately searching for earlier. When Matt and Oscar are in the airport to head to Croatia for the job, he can't stop thinking about Maddy and decides to bail on the trip to return to her. She hugs her dad and he gives her the necklace. When it is time to go, he bids farewell to Marion and Mike, the former tearing up as she mentions how happy Matt made Liz.

Matt and Maddy then to go Lizzie's where he apologizes. She forgives him and agrees to join him and Maddy for ice cream.

During the credits, Matt brings Maddy back to school, where they are allowing her to wear jeans, and he shows up in a skirt to make her feel better.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Wax; Tonshi Mountain Studios


Vendor; Tonshi Mountain Studios



Owner; Angela Quick & Suzanne Nelson

4 Packs

Blueberry Sugar Type; Sweet Blueberries, Brown Sugar & Graham Cracker Crust

Wildberry Tulips Type; Tangerine, Red Berry, Freesia, Water Lilly, Strawberry Blossom, Honeysuckle, Gardenia, Vanilla, Amber, Creamy Woods & Sensual Musk

1 Cube Clam

Beachside Carnival; Fresh Ice Cream Scoop Bread and handfuls of Crunch Caramel corn with just a hint of salty sea air

Scent Sachet Bags


Clean Cotton

Citrus Odor Eliminator

Palo Santo

Extra “Love” Received

Caribbean Calm; Pineapple, Coconut, Acai Berry, Mango, Passion Fruit, Citrus, Apple, Salty Sea Air, Florals & Musk

Strawberry Fresh Cut Grass; Fresh Strawberry, Grass & Violet

Driftwood Dreams; Salty Sea Air, Beachwood Vetiver & Green Clover & Aloe


I love the incense from Tonshi and when I go in and order I always look at and order wax because I like that too lol.

The one thing I noticed this time was that all this wax was poured in May/June and it's September. I understand and know that I'm going to do my sorting the way I do and it's going to be a bit before I melt it, however when I purchase wax I at least want it to be a month or so fresh. This was a bit older and I'm pretty sure it was all full price.

Everything smells great and I won't complain because it's simply not worth it, plus they have really good prices as it stands.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Wax Empties: 7/28-8/31/2021

 Wax Empties: 7/28-8/31/2021


Where to find me;

Instagram @ Waxidents


All wax I have purchased or it has been sent to me in swaps that I do. I try and remember and disclose that information. I am never sent anything for free from the vendors

These are my opinions and mine only. This is not meant to influence your purchase just to share with you my experiences with vendors

I will never, won't ever and have never bashed another vendor. Sharing my experiences both good and bad is not bashing.

I do not believe in Ass wax. If the wax is going to throw it's going to throw. No wax should need more than 2 weeks from pour date to fully cure.

Yes, I am a vendor. I have been purchasing wax and candles for as long as I can remember. I do love to share my experiences. I enjoy wax and candles and will continue to make my own and purchase but I will never review my own here

I have a tendency to yawn when I get talking. Not sure why I just do! I'm sorry in advance

Things that drive me crazy;

No vendor or scent name on labels. This is basically advertising and why wouldn't you do it? Plus if I get or send to someone else and they or me want more, how do they know who to buy it from?

All over prices. I have been noticing vendors lately have 2 ounces of one shape for a certain price, then the same ounces of a different shape for a different price. This is a huge turn off for me

Restocks that only have certain quantities and the sell out right away. I have no tolerance for that and just won't order

Vendors who take a single scent and make it sound like a blend. I feel like this is duping your customers and shouldn't be done. People who do empty videos, who are also vendors, that review their own product.

Vendors who get involved in other people's drama.

I use the following warmers;

20 watt Happy Wax warmer in my office

20 watt glade warmer in my family room; Currently no warmer here

20 watt Happy Wax warmer in my kitchen

20 watt glade warmer in my son's room

20 watt Scentsy Stargazer warmer in my bedroom (Light Bulb)

25 watt Happy Wax warmer in my living room

15 watt scentsy warmer in the laundry room bathroom

15 watt scentsy warmer in the main bathroom

The opinions I put here are my opinions/experiences only. I fully urge each and everyone of you to form your own opinions/experiences on vendors for yourself by placing an order and getting a de-stash. Candles have many aspects to them and if I say I had a hard time burning one candle that doesn't mean the rest from the same vendor will be like that.


Retail; Hobby Lobby Luxe

Scent; Violet Amberwood

Thoughts; This was a clearance candle, it smelled so good on cold, it was nice and strong. The first several burns it smelled good but the further down it got the less scent it had.

Hit or Miss; Hit


Vendor; SEMO



Owner; Traci Woodall

Scent; Lavender Sheets

Thoughts; This was nice, it smelled like fabric softner

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Fruity Pebble Cookie & Birthday Cake

Thoughts; This was very fruity and bakery, which was very nice

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Downy Blue + Vanilla Sandalwood

Thoughts; This was a very nice laundry blend and it was so clean and perfect

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Swanky



Owner; Jeannie Jeffrey

Scent; Lavender Marshmallow Pink Sugar

Thoughts; I loved this one! It smelled so good

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Pink Sugar Cookie

Thoughts; Yes! I love this scent so much, it's such a good one

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; The Scented Squirrel



Owner; Jess Dickey

Scent; Vermont Honey Apple, Spiced Honey & Tonka and Santal

Thoughts; I didn't really get much of a throw from this one, it was very light

Hit or Miss; Miss

Scent; Cashmere Cedar & Amber Romance

Thoughts; I loved this one very much, it smelled so good! This was such a great blend

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Moon Goddess Love

Scent Description; Marshmallow Fluff, Lord of Misrule & Sugar Cookies

Thoughts; This wasn't as strong as I'd hoped, it was a lighter

Hit or Miss; Both

Scent; Lavender Marshmallow

Thoughts; This was a nice light scent

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Black Hole Sun

Scent Description; Black Amber Lavender & Vanilla Sandalwood

Thoughts; This was nice, of course stronger on the black amber lavender but it was a good strong blend

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Gilded Cage

Scent Description; Gold Sugar + Nag Champa + Whild Cherries

Thoughts; All I got was Nag Champa, I think this would have been a great blend with just a tough of Nag Champa as it's such a strong scent

Hit or Miss; Both

Scent; Triple Darkness

Scent Description; Black Sugar + Blackberry + Black Chamomile

Thoughts; This was nice, I very much liked thed blend

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; L3 Waxy Wonders



Owner; Jennifer Westing

Scent; Today is October 3rd

Scent Description; Palo Santo Sugar Cookie Royale Toasted Marshamllow

Thoughts; Loved this, such a great smokey creamy scent

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Horcrux Bum Bum

Thoughts; This was nice, it again was lighter but it was a nice light

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Orange Chiffon Cake

Thoughts; This wasn't a scent I could smell based on the orange, however I'm told it smelled really good

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Camping Cookie Therapy

Scent Description; Toasted Marshamllow + Graham Cracker + Cookie Therapy and a hint of hot cocoa

Thoughts; This was sooo good! I loved this

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Aquaman Salt Water Mermaid

Thoughts; This smelled really good

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; So-Fetch

Scent Description; Strawberry Pound Cake Today is October 3rd

Thoughts; This was nice, the strawberry pound cake was a stand out with the palo santo in the background

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Get in Loser

Scent Description; Bakery Bomb Pretzel Today is October 3rd

Thoughts; OMG this was perfect, this was so nice

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Easter Cookie Therapy

Scent Description; Peeps Cookie Therapy Rice Crispy Treats and a Hint of Sugared Lilacs

Thoughts; I was worried about this one, however this was nice, it was mostly just a sweet scent

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Light House Salt Water Mermaid

Thoughts; I found this scent to be a little light, however it was super nice and clean!

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Bad Breakup Cookie Therapy

Scent Description; Who needed then anyways Cookie Therapy Danish Butter Cookie Lemon Cream

Thoughts; I got no lemon which was great but this scent was amazing

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Lego Tastic Salt Water Mermaid

Thoughts; This was nice, it smelled really good

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Souls Inspiration



Owner; Michele Helinski

Scent; Dock of the Bay

Scent Description; Salty Sea Air + Sandalwood + Patchouli + Exotic Flowers

Thoughts; I was hoping the salty sea air wasn't dominant, it was, this was a decent scent to me but it wasn't my favorite

Hit or Miss; Both

Scent; Day Dreamin'

Scent Description; Salty Sea Air + Exotic Flowers

Thoughts; I was so hoping this would be heavier on the exotic flowers but it wasn't

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; It Takes Two

Scent Description; Sweet Strawberry Cheesecake + Rice Krispe Treats

Thoughts; This was nice, it was a nice fruity bakery type scent

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Business Meeting

Scent Description; Strong Coffee + Cupcakes at Tiffany's

Thoughts; This was amazing, it was such a great scent

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Seas The Day

Scent Description; Gain Laundry Type + Black Raspberry Vanilla + Hint of Coconut

Thoughts; This was really nice, it was a clean fruity scent

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Jammies

Thoughts; This was light, but it was a nice light

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Honolulu Sun Type

Thoughts; This was nice, it was rather strong

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Meet me by the Sea

Scent Description; Love Spell + Sea Salt + Ozone + Musk

Thoughts; The love spell was dominant on this and it wasn't a scent for me, however it was a medium scent

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Baja Cactus Blossom Type

Thoughts; This was nice, it was a nice light scent

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Cherry Sunsets

Scent Description; Red Cherry + Juicy Peaches + Yellow Cake

Thoughts; This was amzing! Not too much cherry and the perfect amount of white cake

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Coffee House

Scent Description; Freshly Brewed Coffee

Thoughts; This was perfect, it was nice strong coffee

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Cinnamon Buns

Thoughts; This was super strong and smelled just like the real thing

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Watermelon Breeze

Scent Description; Juicy Watermelon + Salty Sea Air + Exotic Flowers

Thoughts; I've had this scent before and I really like it

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Sweet Lila

Scent Description; Juicy Peaches + Sweet Cream + Blackberry Jam Butter Cookies

Thoughts; The Peaches was dominant but this was strong and so good

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Chillin' in the Cabana

Scent Description; Lavender + Vanilla + Coconut Cream Pie

Thoughts; This one was light, but it was a creamy nice scent that flowed

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Kushner Kreations



Owner; April Kushner

Scent; Spearmint

Thoughts; Not my scent

Hit or Miss; Both

Scent; Blueberry

Thoughts; This was your typical blueberry but it was really nice and strong

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Vineyard

Thoughts; This is a scent that isn't often found but it's a good one

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Out of the Washer

Thoughts; This was a very strong great smelling washing maching scent and it was so good

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Butterbeer

Thoughts; This was good I liked this one

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Empire Alchemy



Owner; Anna Knaus

Scent; Maple Bread

Scent Description; Glazed Maple Fresh Baked Bread

Thoughts; This wasn't the strongest scent but it was nice, the maple really stuck out

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Coconut Cream Latte

Thoughts; This is a single oil which when I ordered the way it's written I thought it was a blend

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Wax House Melts



Owner; Jessica Buzzard

Scent; Mommy Dearest

Scent Description; Lavender Martini + Bedtime Bath + Stress Relief

Thoughts; This was ok, it was a decent scent but not sure how I feel about the lavender martini

Hit or Miss; Unsure

Scent; Blueberry Cheesecake

Thoughts; This was strong and smelled perfect

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Wicked Wax of the East

Web; None Currently


Owner; Randi Cox

Scent; Strawberry Crunch

Thoughts; I don't like the glass jar, but the scent was fantastic, such a great strawberry sugar type scent

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Good Morning Glory Wax Co



Owner; Jacqueline Hughes

Scent; Volcano Type

Thoughts; This was a sample from my first purchase, it was decent but not the strongest

Hit or Miss; Both

Scent; Marshmallow Peeps Cake

Thoughts; This was really light and I really didn't much out of it

Hit or Miss; Miss

Scent; Strawberry Dream

Thoughts; This smelled really good, it was a nice creamy strawberry scent

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Tonshi Mountain Studios



Owner; Angela Quick & Suzanne Nelson


Scent; Black Cherry Bomb

Thoughts; OMG this was awesome!

Hit or Miss; Hit

Bath & Body

Vendor; Boughie Body

What; Sugar Scrub

Scent; Spiced Vanilla Tobacco

Thoughts; This is a local hair salon who also makes body products on the side, this was a more abrsive scrub but it did have that buttery feel to it also

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Cosmic Cleanse



Owner; Heidi Fitzsimmons

What; Sugar Scrub

Scent; Suicide Squad Goals

Scent Description; Strawberry Raspberry Guava + Blonde Moment + Serendipity

Thoughts; I love this so much, the scrub, the scent everything

Hit or Miss; Hit