Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Movie; Ghostbusters; Afterlife (2021) Caution; Spoiler Alert


Ghostbusters; Afterlife

Came out; 2021

Time; 2 hour 4 minutes

Watched: Theater

Rating; PG-13 for supernatural action and some suggestive references

IMDB Rating; 7.6/10

Caution; Spoiler Alert


Carrie Coon as Callie

Paul Rudd as Grooberson

Finn Wolfhard as Trevor

Mckenna Grace as Phoebe

Logan Kim as Podcast

Celeste O'Connor as Lucky

Billy Murry as Peter Venkman

Dan Aykroyd as Ray Stantz

Ernie Hudson as Winston Zeddemore

Annie Potts as Janine Melnitz

Sigourney Weaver as Dana Barrett Venkman

Bob Gunton as The Ghost Farmer

J.K. Simmons as Ivo Shandor

Story Line;

When a single mom and her two kids arrive in a small town, they begin to discover their connection to the original Ghostbusters and the secret legacy their grandfather left behind


My brother saw this and said it was good. Sometimes I trust his judgement and sometimes I don't. This was one that was good. I remember seeing Ghostbusters 2 in the theatres when I was a kid, I also remember loving the cartoon!

I wasn't a huge fan of the all-girl version, that one is just ok, so going into this I wasn't sure what to expect, I was not disappointed at all!

I loved how this movie played into all the previous ones, kept true to characters in all of them, including Phoebe. I happen to like Paul Rudd and his acting, so he was a glee to see (a pun thrown in there lol)

The story line with Ivo and the New York connection was perfect!

Would recommend, will watch again, loved every second of it!

CAUTION; Major Spoiler Alert

Plot Summary;

A proton blast shoots out the top of a mine shaft and into a swirling vortex of clouds under a midnight sky. Then an old pickup truck comes hauling out of the mine shaft and down a desolate rural road. The driver is a bearded elderly man obscured in the darkness of his trucks cabin. He looks down at the passenger seat and touches a ghost trap that's holding a spirit. His truck is being chased by an unseen creature that is eventually able to sideswipe the vehicle and send it crashing into a cornfield. The man stumbles out into an open field in front of an old farm house. He gets to the porch and turns around and holds up the trap baiting the unseen spirit in the corn field. The old man is Egon Spengler and he readies a foot peddle switch as invisible steps are seen advancing in the dirt across the field. When it is in position, Egon stomps the peddle and several electric towers begin to active. But they short out before powering on the device they were intended for and Egon quickly goes inside and shuts the door. He hides the trap in a compartment under the wood floor and then sits in a chair with his PKE meter. As fog fills the room, his PKE begins to light up and it's arms extend reminiscent of when a ghost is present. Egon is attacked in his chair and the PKE meter falls to the floor and turns off. A spirit orb is seen leaving the house from outside. Back in the house, the PKE meter activates again eluding to a new ghost nearby.

We meet Carrie and her kids Trevor and Phoebe as they are getting evicted from their apartment. Carrie gets notice that her father has passed away in his farmhouse in Oklahoma and takes the kids with her to collect anything of value including the home. They find a dilapidated house full of clutter. As they're looking around, Janine (the Ghostbusters receptionist) walks in and tells them that Carrie's Dad (Egon) had a lot of debt and a valueless farm. The ground begins to shake in what appears to be tremors from an earthquake and the family huddled under a table. Phoebe spots the PKE meter under the chair her grandfather was in when he died.

Carrie takes Trevor and Phoebe into town to eat after she admits to them that they will be staying there for a while until she can figure out what to do. They find that it's a very small southern town where everyone knew of the mysterious man they all called "the dirt farmer" since there was no evidence he ever grew any crops. Trevor applies to work at the burger joint because he is smitten with the girl who works there named Lucky.

In the following days Phoebe begins exploring the farm while using the PKE meter. She notices a chess board with an initial move made so she makes a move from her side of the board. Carrie starts Phoebe in summer school and meets her teacher Gary (Paul Rudd) as she drops her off. Gary is just there to collect a paycheck and has the kids watch VHS's of old horror movies (the first one being "Cujo") while he sits in the back doing research on the ongoing tremors in the area. Phoebe impressed him with her knowledge on Seismology and he explains to her that the tremor wave patterns don't match up with typical earthquakes from history. Phoebe also meets a boy in her class who calls himself "Podcast" since he's always recording for his show with his microphone.

Back at the farmhouse, Phoebe sees that another move is made on the chess board and begins playing the ghost as the chess pieces begin moving in front of her. The ghost leads her downstairs by turning on lights until she finds the ghost trap under a floor panel. She takes it to Gary where he explains what it is based on his knowledge of the famed New York siege from 1984. He shows her and Podcast old footage of the Ghostbusters commercial on YouTube. They rig the trap to a school bus battery to get it to open. They succeed and a ghost resembling one of the demon dogs from the original flys away.

Revelations come to fruition as Trevor finds Ecto-1 in the barn under a tarp and Phoebe finds Egon's lab in the basement. They both realize their heritage and begin to take matters into their own hands. Phoebe repairs a proton blaster with help from Egon's invisible ghost and takes it out for a test with Podcast tagging along. Upon firing it, they hear a rustling in a nearby warehouse. They find the metal eating ghost named Muncher. They attempt to wrangle and capture him but fail. Meanwhile, Trevor repairs Ecto-1 and takes it for a joy ride where he comes upon Phoebe and Podcast who tell him what they were doing. The trio take off to capture Muncher in Ecto-1. They chase him thru the city and destroy tons of property with the proton gun. They succeed in capturing it with Egon's RC car mounted ghost trap. All the chaos alerted the police and they are subsequently pulled over and put in the towns holding cell. During their time at the jailhouse, Phoebe uses her "one phone call" option to call the number of the Ghostbusters from the commercial. Ray Stantz answers and explains that the team broke up after they had ostensibly eliminated all the ghosts. He and Egon had a falling out after Egon stole all their equipment claiming Gozer could still bring the end of the world. Pheobe tells him that Egon was killed a week ago before she is abruptly cut off by the sheriff claiming her phone time is up. Carrie and Gary -who were out on a date during all of this- show up and bail them out.

Phoebe confronts her Mom for not telling her who their grandfather really was. Carrie counters with the history she had with her Dad. She wasn't into science like he was and felt like they never bonded and he didn't care about her. That's why he left them and became a recluse on the Oklahoma farm she concluded.

The kids -feeling there's got to be a reason their grandfather would sacrifice everything to live on a farm in the middle of nowhere- find in his lab that his "dirt farm" was actually field of hundreds of ghost traps meant to capture Gozer. They realize that his trap must've failed and set off to investigate the mine shaft once more. By this time Lucky has become close with Trevor thru work and the discovery that she is the sheriff's daughter. So she tags along to the mine with Trevor, Phoebe, and Podcast. They discover the root of all the tremors is the fact that the mine is actually a portal to the evil dead and every time Gozer attempts to raise the hoard of ghosts -along with the twin demon dogs- a series of 4 seismic activated proton guns that Egon rigged up inside turn on. They automatically cross beams and suppress the constant attempts of the ghosts trying to escape. This was the source of the recurrent tremors everyone in town was experiencing and holding Gozer back was the insurmountable task Egon had taken on alone since no one else believes him.

That same night, Gary goes to Walmart to pick up some ice cream after his unusual date with Carrie. He discovers several mini StayPuft marshmallow men roaming the store causing chaos like a bunch of gremlins. He comes upon the demon dog he released earlier and gets chased out to his car and attacked just like the scene from Cujo. Back at the farmhouse, Carrie finds the hidden lab and is finds that her Dad Egon had a memory board of all her life on the wall. Just as she realizes that he truly cared about her, the other demon dog finds her in the lab and possesses her.

The kids come home to reveal their discovery to Carrie but find her possessed before she jumps out the window and runs off towards the mine shaft. She finds Gary -who has already allowed the ghosts to start escaping by damaging the auto-proton guns that were keeping them at bay. The two "merge energies" in the mine. The kids retrieve Ecto-1 from the police impound with Lucky's help. Phoebe and Podcast are able to get the RC ghost trap and proton blaster out from the weapon holding cell by reaching in and releasing Muncher who immediately eats away the bars and escapes.

They arrive at the mine and witness Carrie and Gary transforming into the demon dog forms with Gozer sitting between them. Phoebe steps out from hiding to talk to and distract Gozer while Podcast controls the RC trap and captures the demon dog possessing Carrie. This releases her from dog form as she passes out. The kids escape in Ecto-1 with Carrie as the Gary -still possessed in dog form- chases after them.

They make their way to the farmhouse and attempt the same trap as Egon. Carrie and Phoebe stand on the porch holding the ghost trap with the demon dog that Gozer needs to become fully resurrected. Gozer appears out of the corn field and Phoebe tries to turn on the traps but they fail again just as they had the first time with Egon. Just as Gozer is about to kill Phoebe, she is hit with a proton blast from behind. It's Ray Stantz who had just arrived with Peter Venkman and Winston Zeddemore! The 3 original ghostbusters cross the beams and fire at Gozer. She appears subdued but then begins uncrossing the beams and blasts the Ghostbusters back causing them all to fall down. Gozer approaches them as Peter jokingly complains about the inherent troubles in their relationship. Just as she reaches them she is again captured by a sole proton beam. This time it's Phoebe who's aim is being guided by the ghost of Egon. This is the first time his image is revealed to the audience.

The other 3 ghostbusters jump up and join the battle by firing their beams as well. With the combined force of 4 beams once again, Gozer is suppressed but not captured. Trevor emerges from Ecto-1 and fired his proton beam at the electrical towers. The burst of energy fires them up and activates all the traps under the dirt field. Gozer and the demon dogs are destroyed.

The three living ghostbusters stare in amazement at the sight of the ghost form of their fallen comrade. They watch as he says goodbye to fixes Phoebe's glasses -identical to his- and gives Carrie a hug. His form fades and dissipates into the night sky. Lucky and Gary break free of the frozen dog carcasses and Winston says he's going to fix up Ecto-1. Overhead shot of Ecto-1 driving with emergency lights on back in New York City.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Book; Touch & Go Caution; Spoiler Alert


Touch & Go

Author; Lisa Gardner

Published February 5, 2013

Rating per Barnes and Noble; 4.2

This book goes hand in hand with Love You More (Detective D.D. Warren Series #5) read my blog post here; Nette's Thoughts: Book; Love You More (Detective D. D. Warren Series #5) Caution; Spoiler Alert (

Caution Spoiler Alerts


This is my family: Vanished without a trace. . .

Justin and Libby Denbe have the kind of life you’d find in the pages of a glossy magazine. A beautiful fifteen-year-old daughter. A gorgeous brownstone on a tree-lined street in Boston’s Back Bay neighborhood. A great marriage, admired by all. A perfect life.

This is what I know: Pain has a flavor. . .

When investigator Tessa Leoni arrives at the crime scene in the foyer of the Denbes’ home, she finds scuff marks on the floor and a million tiny pieces of bright green Taser confetti. The family appears to have been abducted, with only a pile of their cell phones and electronic devices remaining. No witnesses, no ransom demands, no motive. Just a perfect little family, gone.

This is what I fear: The worst is yet to come. . .

Tessa knows better than anyone that flawless fronts can hide the darkest secrets. Now she must race against the clock to uncover the Denbes’ innermost dealings, a complex tangle of friendships and betrayal, big business and small sacrifices. Who would want to kidnap such a perfect little family? And how far would such a person be willing to go?

This is the truth: Love, safety, family. . . it’s all touch and go.


This book starts off like it's going to be slow, it doesn't stay that way. As soon as Libby and Justin walk into their front door the book goes crazy.

The family is kidnapped, tasered and drugged. They wake up in the back of a van, dazed and very confused. They are led into a prison where their fate depends on each other.

This was so good and even at the end, who was responsible for the kidnapping! Who wanted the family out of the way? This was so crazy. I could truly feel for both Libby and her daughter. Read it to find out who had the family kidnapped and why, I won't give the spoiler alert on that because it's really too good to be true. You won't believe it either!

Monday, December 6, 2021

Wax; Emptied 11/1-11/30/2021

 Wax Empties: 11/1-11/30


Where to find me;

Instagram @ Waxidents


All wax I have purchased or it has been sent to me in swaps that I do. I try and remember and disclose that information. I am never sent anything for free from the vendors

These are my opinions and mine only. This is not meant to influence your purchase just to share with you my experiences with vendors

I will never, won't ever and have never bashed another vendor. Sharing my experiences both good and bad is not bashing.

I do not believe in Ass wax. If the wax is going to throw it's going to throw. No wax should need more than 2 weeks from pour date to fully cure.

Yes, I am a vendor. I have been purchasing wax and candles for as long as I can remember. I do love to share my experiences. I enjoy wax and candles and will continue to make my own and purchase but I will never review my own here

I have a tendency to yawn when I get talking. Not sure why I just do! I'm sorry in advance

Things that drive me crazy.

No vendor or scent name on labels. This is basically advertising and why wouldn't you do it? Plus, if I get or send to someone else and they or me want more, how do they know who to buy it from?

All over prices. I have been noticing vendors lately have 2 ounces of one shape for a certain price, then the same ounces of a different shape for a different price. This is a huge turn off for me

Restocks that only have certain quantities and the sell out right away. I have no tolerance for that and just won't order

Vendors who take a single scent and make it sound like a blend. I feel like this is duping your customers and shouldn't be done. People who do empty videos, who are also vendors, that review their own product.

Vendors who get involved in other people's drama.

I use the following warmers;

20-watt Happy Wax warmer in my office

20-watt glade warmer in my family room; Currently no warmer here

20-watt Happy Wax warmer in my kitchen

20-watt glade warmer in my son's room

20-watt Scentsy Stargazer warmer in my bedroom (Light Bulb)

25-watt Happy Wax warmer in my living room

15-watt scentsy warmer in the laundry room bathroom

15-watt scentsy warmer in the main bathroom

The opinions I put here are my opinions/experiences only. I fully urge each and every one of you to form your own opinions/experiences on vendors for yourself by placing an order and getting a DE-stash. Candles have many aspects to them and if I say I had a hard time burning one candle that doesn't mean the rest from the same vendor will be like that.


Vendor; Bath & Body Works

Scent; Salted Butterscotch

Scent Description; Warm Brown Sugar, Sweet Cream, Pinch of Sea Salt & Melted Butter

Thoughts: The candle burned nicely, it did smell like butterscotch and was an overall great candle

Scent; Whipped Coffee

Scent Description: Shot of espresso, whipped sweet cream, sugar crystals

Thoughts: This smelled so good, it was the perfect coffee scent however about halfway down it stopped burning correctly and mostly had tiny wicks

Hit or Miss; Both

Scent; Cookies & Cream Milkshake

Scent Description; Chocolate Cookie Crumble, Vanilla Bean Ice Cream, Chocolate Drizzle

Thoughts: This was a Vanilla Chocolate Chip Cookie. It was super strong and super creamy

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Pink Lilac & Vanilla

Thoughts: This one didn't burn totally good, but it was a strong scented candle

Hit or Miss; Both

Vendor; Kushner Kreations



Owner; April Kushner

Scent; Drunk Vampire

Thoughts; This was such a great fruity scent!

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Fudge Nut Brownies

Thoughts: OMG This smelled just like a fresh baking brownie

Hit or Miss; Hit

Retail; Charmed Aroma



Gnome Candle

Scent Description; Notes of bright cranberry, raspberry nectar, sparkling orange and velvet peach

Thoughts; This candle burned great; I didn't care much for the scent however I really just wanted the container

Hit or Miss; Both

Mickey Mouse.

Scent Description; Captivating, fruity scent featuring notes of juicy pear, orchard apple, and a hint of honey blossom

Thoughts: This smelled really good however it didn't burn that great.

Hit or Miss; Both


Vendor; Teddy Bee's



Owner; Tiffany Denise Smith

Scent; Sweetie Pie

Scent Description; Sweet Strawberries, Vanilla Frosted Cookies and Strawberry Frosted Cookies

Thoughts: This smelled like strawberries through and through with a background of vanilla cookies

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Lavender Honey Dew

Scent Description; Lavender, Vanilla Coconut Milk, Honey Dew Melon & Fresh Linen

Thoughts: This was lighter than I'm used to this vendor being, however it was a fresh sweet scent

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Dark Desires

Scent Description; Cashmere Cream, Blackberries, Vanilla Orchid & Cotton Candy Musk

Thoughts: This smelled pretty good, it wasn't very strong

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Khaleesi

Scent Description; Palo Santo + Tonka Bean + Oud Wood + Warm Vanilla Sugar and Fireside

Thoughts: This was nice but wasn't very strong

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; The Melting Co

Web; Home | TheMeltingCo.


Owner; Unsure

Scent; Bunny Hop

Scent Description; Fluffy Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

Thoughts; This smelled like you would expect but the cream cheese frosting was stronger in this one, which I liked better than stronger carrot cake

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; The Glitterati Wax Company


Owner; Janine Jenzano

Scent; Santal & Coconut + Livin' La Vida Juicy

Thoughts; This was light, but it was really nice. It had a smokey fruity scent

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Blueberry Lemon Donut

Thoughts; This was a single scent and it smelled just like it should have

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Lemon Lavender Shortbread

Thoughts; This isn't my favorite since the lemon is dominant and I'd prefer the lavender

Hit or Miss; Both

Scent; Strawberry Slush

Thoughts; This was really good. I'm always afraid that it's going to smell like a fake strawberry, but it just didn't

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Swanky



Owner; Jeannie Jeffrey

Scent; Pixie Cream

Scent Description; Cotton Candy Cookies Cake Candy Crush Marshmallow Bubble Gum Blonde Moment

Thoughts; I got this in a de-stash and there was a lot going on. I was afraid the bubble gum would be dominant however this was actually a very nice scent

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Buttery Toast & Jam Strawberry Sweet Cake

Thoughts; This was so good! It was a strawberry bread type scent that was unique

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Shimmering Sands

Thoughts; I couldn't find the scent description on this one. I hate trying to find them. This was nice, it was lighter

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Flowerbomb + Vanilla Lace + Let them Eat Cake

Thoughts; I had high hopes for this one but there wasn't a scent to it while warm

Hit or Miss; Miss

Scent; Secret Romance

Thoughts; This was very nice, it was a medium scent

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Sage & Chamomile

Thoughts; This was a sample scent and it was pretty good

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Mahogany Teakwood Coconut Milk Vanilla Lace

Thoughts; OMG This was amazing! It was strong and sweet and so good

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; In the Clouds

Thoughts; This was a sweet manly scent

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Beaches

Thoughts; I don't know how I feel about this one, it was rather light

Hit or Miss; Unsure

Scent; Buttery Toast and Jam Cream Cake Sugar Cane

Thoughts; Yum, this was a lick the air scent

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vender; Purrfect Scents

Web Site;


Owner; Silver McElroy

Scent; Indulge Your Scentz

Scent Description; Sweet Melon, apple blossom and white woods

Thoughts; This was very sweet. It was a nice strong musky fruity scent

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Waxie Sisters

Scent Description; This is “Best Friends” fragrance oil. Boysenberries, elderberries, Strawberries, guava & Pomegranate with soft vanilla

Thoughts; I like this scent, I'm unsure why it was re-named as I feel like that duping customers BUT it performed well

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Dragonberry

Scent Description; Dragons Blood sweetened by Strawberry

Thoughts; This said was a scoopable however it didn't seem like it. It smelled really good

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Secret Garden

Scent Description; Jasmine, honey, rose, ylang, orange blossom, vanilla & tonka

Thoughts; This smelled really nice but I can't help but think it's a single oil

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Purrfect Scents

Scent Description; Strawberry Shortcake, VBN and Pink Sugar

Thoughts; This was great, I love these types of scents

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; MK's Body Sweets and Scented Treats



Owner; Mary Karol

Scent; Strawberry Moscato

Thoughts: This was a nice scent; I was a little worried it would smell like wine but it didn't

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Kushner Kreations



Owner; April Kushner

Scent; Just Baked

Thoughts: This was an incredible fresh baked bread scent

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Boardwalk Taffy

Thoughts; This smelled super good, just like the BWW Dup

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Pumpkin Spiced Latte

Thoughts; This was super strong and smelled more like the inside of a pumpkin. I am not a pumpkin spice latte fan anyway

Hit or Miss; Miss for my scent taste

Scent; Flannel Hoodie

Thoughts; This packaging was super hard to open, but worth the scent! This was so nice!

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Salt Mountain



Owner; Amanda Dixon

Scent; Bomb Pop

Scent Description; Cherry Slushie + Blue Raspberry Slushie + Fizzy Pop

Thoughts; I wish there was less fizzy pop in this, it would have been perfect

Hit or Miss Hit

Scent; Summer Linen

Scent Description; Fresh Cotton + White Peach + Lavender + Coconut

Thoughts; OMG This was amazing! I loved this

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Catching Rays

Scent Description; Bum Bum Creamy Coconut Banana Suntan Lotion

Thoughts; This was interesting and a scent I took a chance on it, it wasn't my favorite but it did smell like summer

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Rose Girls



Owner; Jenny Oaks

Scent; Americana Smoothie

Thoughts; This is one of my favorites!

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Zen Clothes on the Line

Scent Description; Zen + Swedish Dream Salt + Clothes on the Line

Thoughts: This was so nice, it wasn't very strong, but it left a clean scent in the air

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Espresso Donuts at Tiffany's

Thoughts: This smelled so good! It was amazing

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Lavender Coconut Milk + Clothes on the Line

Thoughts: Ohhh this was so nice!

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent: Raspberry Mocha Rice Krispe Treats

Thoughts: This wasn't my favorite, it didn't throw very strongly

Hit or Miss, Miss

Scent; Sugar Cookie Latte

Thoughts: I love this scent, it's so good

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Grape Blonde Moment

Scent Description: Grape Raspberry Strawberry Iced Champagne

Thoughts: This smelled really good

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Kissing by the Clothes on the Line

Thoughts: This smelled so good! It was strong and clean

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Lover

Scent Description; All Nighter + Stainless Steel

Thoughts; This is such a great scent

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Dad Bod

Thoughts; I have no idea what the scent description was but this was a really good scent!

Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Jumping on Espresso Clouds

Thoughts; Yummy! This was an air lick able scent!

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Tonshi Mountain Studios



Owner; Angela Quick & Suzanne Nelson

Scent; Beachside Carnival

Scent Description; Fresh Ice Cream Scoop Bread and handfuls of crunch caramel corn with a hint of salty sea air

Thoughts: This was really good!

Hit or Miss; Hit

Bath & Body

Retail; Bath & Body Works

Item; Foaming Hand Soap

Scent; Iced Cinnamon Role

Scent Description; Cinnamon Rolls, Fresh Orange & Sugar Glaze

Thoughts: This smelled exactly like a cinnamon roll, the soap itself is great

Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Kushner Kreations



Owner; April Kushner

Item; Shower Slushie

Scent; Strawberry Champagne Punch

Thoughts; I love this scrub so much! It makes your body feel so smooth after

Hit or Miss; Hit