Monday, June 19, 2023

Books: I'm Glad My Mom Died (Jeanette McCurdy) Caution: Spoiler Alert

 I'm Glad My Mom Died

Author; Jennette McCurdy


In the memoir, McCurdy discusses her childhood as a successful child actress, her brief foray into a country music career and the troubled and controlling relationship she had with her mother, Debra, who died from cancer in 2013. She describes a strained relationship with a producer described pseudonymously as "The Creator", who BuzzFeed News and other sources inferred to be Dan Schneider.

The book is divided into two sections, "Before" and "After", which describe the events of her life before and after the death of her mother.


My kids were obsessed with ICarly. I've watched every episode and own them all still on DVD. My favorite episode is when the take Socko's RV and go camping. That's how much I was “forced” into it by my kids.

Both Sam and Spencer were my favorites. The antics were the best and that show was funny. But you never know what is going on behind the scenes. The same goes with all those “famous” people we watch and admire. Things aren't always what they appear.

This book was so very well written and raw. You felt the emotions while reading it and I found myself not wanting to put it down.

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