Friday, June 10, 2016

Wax; Whispering Meadows; Marilyn Monroe Sampler

Vendor; Whispering Meadows
Order; Marilyn Monroe Sampler

Website;  None
Owner; Erin Sahlberg

YouTube Reveals;

What I Received;
All scents are Blonde Moment Mixed and I will post her scent descriptions down below;

·        Let’s make love
·        All above Eve
·        Love Happy
·        The Misfits
·        We are not married
·        How to marry a millionaire
·        Loopy Moment
·        Blue Moment

I couldn’t pass up this sampler, all the blends sounded so yummy and the wax from this company is very good. Her blends are unique and fun. It was set to ship at the end of the month and she was ahead of schedule so I received this way earlier than expected!
1.      Blue Moment = Blue Sugar and Blonde Moment
2.      Let’s make love= Rose and Blonde Moment
3.      All about Eve= Red Lipstick and Blonde Moment
4.      The misfits= Cotton Candy Frosting and Blonde Moment
5.      Love happy= Fresh Strawberries and Blonde Moment
6.      We are not married= Grape Lemonade and Blonde Moment
7.      Loopy Moment=Fruit Loops and Blonde Moment
8.      How to marry a millionaire= White Tea & Ginger and Blonde Moment

While writing this up I noticed that I am missing “Some like it hot” which is Sinfully hot and Blonde moment.

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