Friday, April 28, 2017

Movie; Rings (2017) Caution; Spoiler Alert


Rings Poster

Came out; 2017
Time; 1 Hour 42 Minutes

Watched on; Amazon

Rating; PG-13 for violence/terror, thematic elements, some sexuality and brief drug material

IMDB Rating; 4.5/10

Rotten Tomatoes Score;
Tomatoemeter: 6%
Average Rating: 3.2/10
Reviews Counted: 95
Fresh; 6
Rotten:  89
27% Liked it

Caution; Spoiler Alert

A young woman finds herself on the receiving end of a terrifying curse that threatens to take her life in seven days.

Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz as Julia
Alex Roe as Holt
Johnny Galecki as Gabriel
Vincent D’Onofrio as Burke
Aimee Teegarden as Skye
Bonnie Moran as Samara

Julia becomes worried about her boyfriend, Holt, when he explores the dark urban legend of a mysterious video said to kill the watcher in seven days after viewing. She sacrifices herself to save her boyfriend and in doing so makes a horrifying discovery; there is a “movie within the movie” that no one has ever seen before.

There is nothing I like more than a good horror movie. The original US version The Ring, was super freaky. I loved it. I know that was a remake of a Japanese movie, but they did a great job at the creep factor.

This one started out kind of strong. I was really hoping for a lot with all the CGI effects that they can do now. But I was a little disappointed. It wasn’t very creepy.

I love Vincent D’Onofrio as an actor, I think he does great in creepy and comedic rolls. I have watched every episode of Law & Order Criminal Intent because of him.

Ok, so, the actual movie. The movie plays like a sequel. If you haven’t watched the original you might now know the back story, because there isn’t much in this one.

Holt is getting ready to go to college and Julia is staying wherever she is. He goes and the video chat and talk on the phone what seems like every day. One of the times a girl appears on the video chat (she called Julia). She warns Julia that Holt is in trouble and that “she’s” coming. This freaks Julia out and she tried to reach Holt, when she can’t, she gets ready to go to him.

Once she gets to his dorm, everything seems fine. She finds his cell phone and checks his schedule. She finds where he is supposed to be and goes to that class room (how she found it in a huge college is beyond me). She speaks to some of the classmates she saw on a video chat, they tell her she shouldn’t be there and leave. She talks to the professor who is acting strange. She follows him to an elevator and when she gets off at the floor, she realizes something is going on that is very strange. She speaks to the girl that called her, who takes her to her apartment.

Once at the apartment she sees a text from Holt on Skye’s phone, in which she answers that it’s Julia. He tells her “not to watch”. Julia ends up locking herself into another room of the house and Samara comes and kills Skye. Julia escapes and starts to learn about what is going on. She ends up watching the video to save her boyfriend.

Cut to a little bit into the movie and Hold and Julia end up traveling to a different town, Julia is convinced that Samara is trying to tell her something and she is going to find her. Here is when then meet Vincent D’Onofrio’s character. Who of course is a little creepy. The more questions they ask, the more they start to understand what is going on.

They figure out that The Priest held a kidnapped girl, forced her to have a baby, who she named Samara. He had removed Samara’s body from her cript and put her in his wall. Julia gets her out, Samara kills the priest. The movie ends when you realize that Samara has put herself into Julia.

All in all, it was ok. It was a different spin on the movie, but it just lacked creepy.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Wax; Chloe and Me; Wonderland Box

Vendor; Chloe and Me
Order; Wonderland Box

Owner; Staci Culp

YouTube Reveals;

What I received;
3 bags of cupcakes
1.     Cotton Candy Rice Krispie
2.     Blueberry Strawberry Fizzy Pops
3.     Blue Raspberry Watermelon Jolly Rancher

2 bags of donuts
1.     Candy Bag
2.     Lollipop

Wonderland Box
·        Top hat in Pineapple Fizz
·        Key tart in Volcano Fizz
·        Bottle tart in Jolly Rancher Fizz
·        Clock tarts in Cherry Bomb Fizz
·        Candy tarts in All Fizz
·        Alice tart in Tangerine Fizz
·        Card tart in Gummy Bears
·        Cupcake in Fizzy Pop & Jelly Beans

She sent along invitations for a tea party complete with a key and tea!

This order took a bit, but it’s so worth it. It took some time because she not only had to get all these boxes together but I ordered cupcakes and donuts which were on pre-order. I was totally ok with that because look at the awesomeness of this box!
Staci is very creative when it comes to putting things like this together, she is always posting to her group page the items she makes for specific auctions, her loaves are over the top (and smell good too).
She is always very clear on turn around time and almost everything is made after the order is placed. She also takes part in several auction, all of which are listed on her facebook group page. She does also make candles which burn perfectly!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Wax; Kushner Kreations; April 2017 Order

Vendor; Kushner Kreations
Order; April 2017

Owner; April Kushner

YouTube Reveals;

What I received;
Northern Lights Jewelry Candle
Spikes Secret Stash candle in “Spikes Tea Party”
Soap in Oatmeal, Milk & Honey

Extra Love Received; Tarts in Watermelon Majito & Ultimate Cinnamon Bun

I placed this order on a Sunday, Easter Sunday to be exact. She is so super quick that I received it the next Wednesday. I swear this woman has wings!
Her scents are amazing and long lasting , her TAT is quick and she has fun prizes. I truly love this vendor! 

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Movie; Logan (2017) Caution; Spoiler Alert


Logan Poster

Came out; 2017
Time; 2 Hour 21 Minutes

Watched on; Theatre

Rating; R for strong brutal violence and language throughout

IMDB Rating; 8.5/10

Rotten Tomatoes Score;
Tomatoemeter: 92%
Average Rating: 7.9/10
Reviews Counted: 284
Fresh; 262
Rotten:  22
92% Liked it

Caution; Spoiler Alert

In the near future, a weary Logan cares for an ailing Professor X somewhere on the Mexican boarder. However, Logan’s attempts to hide from the world and his legacy are upended when a young mutant arrives, pursued by dark forces.

Hugh Jackman as Logan
Patrick Stewart as Charles
Dafne Keen as Laura
Boyd Holbrook as Pierce
Stephen Merchant as Caliban
Elizabeth Rodriguez as Gabriela

In 2029 the mutant population has shrunk significantly and the X-Men have disbanded. Logan, whose power to self-heal is dwindling, has surrendered himself to alcohol and now earns a living as a chauffeur. He takes care of the ailing old Professor X whom he keeps hidden away. One day, a female stranger asks Logan to drive a girl named Laura to the Canadian border. At first he refuses, but the Professor has been waiting for a long time for her to appear. Laura possesses an extraordinary fighting prowess and is in many ways like Wolverine. She is pursued by sinister figures working for a powerful corporation; this is because her DNA contains the secret that connects her to Logan. A relentless pursuit begins - In this third cinematic outing featuring the Marvel comic book character Wolverine we see the superheroes beset by everyday problems. They are ageing, ailing and struggling to survive financially

My husband wanted to see this movie very badly. We finally got to. We’ve seen them all and so far they’ve all been pretty good.

First off, I’m sorry, but this movie was way too long. I get it, I really do. I get the need to get everything in one movie vs. doing another, but anything over 2 hours for me is just too much.

Logan is a limo driver in this movie, he is living with another mutant and together they are taking care of a sick Professor X, who is confined to a water tower. While working a woman calls to Logan begging for help. He tells her that he won’t help her, to go away. Later we learn that she was seeking his help as she is in the care of a young mutant who has the same mutation as Logan, turns out, yep, it’s his daughter. She herself is pretty badass, taking down bad guys like a pro. He finds the woman dead and ends up with Laura, the young mutant at his house, Professor X has been communication telepathically with her. He knows.

The bad guys come and take Caliban as he is a tracker, Logan, Laura and Professor X get away. They go on a journey to help Laura reach a safe place, where the other escaped mutant kids went. Of course along the way, things happen, the bad guys catch up to them a few times, people end up dead, including Professor X. When they finally reach the place with the other children, Laura seems happy but Logan is dying.

The last epic fight is in the woods with Logan trying to save the children, he dies and the movie ends.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Wax; Fire It Up Candles; Winnings

Vendor; Fire it Up
Order; Jewelry Tart Winnings

Owner; Judi Cox

YouTube Reveals;

What I received;
6 Scent Shots
1.     Tutti Fruity
2.     Pecan Pie
3.     Cactus Sear Salt
4.     Egyptian Musk
5.     Cotton Candy
6.     Lemon Squares

2 full sized tarts
1.     Volcano
2.     Raspberry Sorbet

Large Butterfly Jewelry Tart in Amaretto Sour

To me this is an extremely underrated vendor. She doesn’t get enough credit for her candles and tarts! They are amazing and throw like crazy!

She doesn’t have a huge scent list, but the scents she does have are simply amazing. I would highly recommend this vendor

RAOK; From Randi

Random Act Of Kindness
RAOK from Randi

YouTube Reveals

What I Received;
The coolest dinosaur necklace. The dinosaur is made from Lapis Lazuli stone.

I normally am the one sending out RAOK’s to people. I was very surprised to receive one and appreciate everything.

I was shocked to receive this package. When I opened the box, there is the coolest, most unique dinosaur necklace! I can’t thank Randi enough for thinking of me!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Random Thoughts

Since I'm currently on a wax ban, only watch movies one or two days a week and it takes me a month to get through a book, I think I'm going to spread my opinions around.

I'm not sure what my first topic will be, but with how my mind works, nothing is safe. I generally speak my opinion all the time with the people around me, peacefully of course, I'm not the kind of asshole who thinks that my opinions are the only ones that matter. I have 4 kids, a husband, 3 dogs, 3 cats and 2 guinea pigs, I don't leave my house much and don't get much adult interactions.

Hopefully all 11 of you stay around to watch my mind explode!

March Melting; Empties


I have started putting wax in all my warmers! I generally change out all the upstairs one every other day and the downstairs one daily. It’s still a little hard for me to keep track of what’s melting BUT this is a challenge for me so I’m all over it.

Here's what we've got!
A small scentsy warmer in the shape of a space ship in my son's room.
A purple glade warmer in my son's room.
A green glade warmer in my living room.
A white glade warmer in my office
A purple glade warmer in my family room
A beige glade warmer in my bedroom.

I generally only burn candles in my living room and office, but I seem to go through them!


Vendor; Kushner Kreations
Scent; Cotton Candy/VBN
This was a spikes secret stash candle and it was so good! I think I have 3 of this scent because it’s so good.

Living Room;

Vendor; Chloe and Me
Scent; Unsure
This was a candle that I won in an auction. She does themed auctions and the label on this one is “Mrs. Lovett’s Meat Pies”. It was so good. It lasted forever! Slowest clean burning candle.

Vendor; Kushner Kreations
Scent; The Night Before Grinchmas
This was one of her candles that she had that sold out quickly. I am so glad I snatched one, the scent on this was amazing!


Vendor; Wicked Wax of the East

Scent; Cherry Crumb Pie
This was a Halloween tart that I accidently hoarded! It still preformed amazing and smelled very good

Scent; Bite Me
This was another Halloween tart. Very strong bite me scent and it just smelled amazing!

Scent; Frangelico Streusel
This was a little tart that I received as a free sample from a previous order. Whatever it is it’s freakin’ fantastic!

Vendor; Creative Enchantment

Scent; Red Hot Cinnamon
This was melted in my son’s room, he cleared out his nose really good! It was strong and very true, but not my scent.

Scent; Pomegranate Night
This isn’t a scent that I would have personally picked for myself. It was actually very good and filled my entire room!

Scent; Vanilla Sandlewood
This was a snow flake tart that I cut up. I melted it in a few different rooms and it was so strong and amazing

Scent; Aurora Borealis
I’ve had this scent before, it’s not one that I get a strong scent from. I don’t know if it’s just my nose, but it’s so super light that I can’t describe the scent.

Scent; Plum Berry
I have had this for awhile, it was pieces from a jewelry tart. It was amazing! I melted it for 2 nights in a row and I bet I could have gotten 3 out of it!

Vendor; Kushner Kreations

Scent; Beach Day
This was a tart that I bought for my daughter, who is obsessed. This is not a scent that I like, but we cut the butterfly up and melted it, it preformed very well of course and wasn’t actually too strong!

Scent; Pink Champagne Sugar Cookie
This was a scoopable from around Christmas. I don’t care much for scoopable but I love these jars and it was on sale. This scent was amazing and strong

Scent; Kody’s Winter Relief
I love this, we all kept getting sick so I ordered some clams in this. I used the last of it when my daughter was sick (on spring break L). I closed her door and also used the pillow spray. It cleared her out good.

Scent; Hansel & Gretals House
Ok, so I know I got this as a sample, but have no idea when. I put this in my family room and it was so good and strong!

Vendor; Sweet Sensations Wax melts & More

Scent; Rainbow Ripened Peaches
I have to say, that I normally wouldn’t go for a scent like this, however I put some pieces in several warmers and it smells amazing!

Scent; Sweet Lemon Crème Brulee
I have so much lemon as the one de-stash I purchased was really nothing but lemon clam shells, but this one had the bakery note of the Crème Brulee and it was so good!

Scent; Blueberry Sugar Cookie
This is amazing, I am pretty sure she adds VBN to it, but its magical!

Scent; It’s All Good
This is a new scent of hers and it’s very good!

Scent; Welcome to Hollywood
I melted in this scent twice because there were two in the bag. I love it, it will never get old!

Scent; Red, White & Blonde
This was a scent shot that I cut up, it was really good. I also have a loaf in this and I will be hoarding it for a bit.

Scent; Very Berry Flapjacks
Ok, so I love bakery, most food and berry scents. This scent was perfect and I loved it. It was more berry than bakery, but totally fine with me!

Scent; LOL
So I wasn’t sure at first what I thought of this one. I think it may have to grow on me. It was strong, just not sure how I feel about it.

Scent; Miami Vice
I liked this one, it was really good.

Scent; Sweet Strawberry Lava
This was an older bag of a tart that I had cut up. It was still amazing and very strawberry smelling

Vendor; New Moon Candles

Scent; Sugared Peach Pie
This was from a sample that I had purchased. It was very light on cold and I couldn’t smell it at all when it was melting. This vendor is amazing so I’m sure it’s the scent itself

Scent; Snowman Smores
So, the first scent I melted had nothing and this one was amazing! Which is why I am lead to believe it was the scent itself and NOT the vendor. This was an amazing smell!

Scent; Salted Caramel Apple
I melted this in my family room. It filled the entire room for a whole day. The Caramel was more dominate but the apple was there as a back note, it was amazing

Scent; Cherry Marshmallow
This one was very yummy. Loved that it was the perfect cherry marshmallow mix. Sadly it either didn’t last too long or I went nose blind.

Vendor; Bonjour Wax Company

Scent; Messages! Treat Yo’ Self!
I really have no idea what this scent is, but it had zero scent to it on cold and I thought I’d try it, warm it had a strange black licorice sort of scent.

Scent; Dark Arts
Again, I have no idea what the scent was. It had a faint scent on cold but nothing on warm.

Vendor; Waxy Lady

Scent; Green Apple VBN
So, I’m not much of a fruity person, however this was more VBN than apple. I had never had this vendor before but this scent filled a huge room!

Vendor; Skye’s Soy Candles
Scent; Orange Juice Cake
This is an amazing scent! This clam preformed perfectly!

Vendor; Whispering Meadows
Scent; Marshmallow Fireside
This was melted in my family room and the scent filled the entire room. I have never actually smelled this scent before, but it was really good!

Scent; Volcano
I truly didn’t care for this scent. It has nothing to do with the vendor at all, the scent itself was really strong and melted great

Vendor; Smelly Jelly Candles
Scent; Lemon Chiffon
This was an older clam shell. The scent wasn’t very strong.

Vendor; FAT Wax
Fun Fact; For all things is what FAT stands for
Scent; Pistachio Dream Cake
I received this as a sample to a supply order and this is amazing!

Vendor; Scarlet Raine

Scent; Scarlet’s Lemon Pound Cake
I am not a huge fan of lemon scents, but this one was pretty good. It seemed to have more cake than lemon

Scent; Bora Bora. This is a great scent, it smells very beach like!

Scent; Hot Orange Danish Cheesecake. This was part of her first chunk package. Not one of my favorites based on the orange part, but it was super strong.

Vendor; Nancy’s Wax Creations

Scent; Strawberry Pudding Banana Shortcake
This didn’t have a strong warm scent, but it was there. The Banana was the strongest

Vendor; Wax House Melts

Scent; Apple Butter Funnel Cake

This was sent to me with a small RAOK I received, this wouldn’t have been a scent I would have picked out due to the apple butter. I gave this to my daughter and boy was it strong!

Vendor; Chloe and Me

Scent; Jelly Bean Slushie This was divided up between my two little kids room. It was so amazing! Very sugary and sweet

I will update this to add where you can order from these vendors!

Skyes Soy Candles;
Facebook; Unknown

Kushner Kreations
Owner; April Kushner

Sweet Sensations Wax Melts & More
Web; None
Owner; Katie Gingrich

Scarlet Raine
Facebook; Scarlet Raine
Owner; Tiffany Thibodeau

Wicked Wax of the East
Owner; Randi Cox

Whispering Meadows
Owner; Erin Sahlberg

Creative Enchantment
Owner; Anna Williams

Wax House Melts
Owner; Jessica Buzzard-Hutchinson

Nancy’s Wax Creations and Primitives
Facebook; Nancys wax creations and primitives
Owner; Nancy

Vendor; Chloe and Me
Owner; Staci Culp

Vendor; New Moon Candles
Owner; Nicole Roberts

Vendor; Bonjour Wax Company
Facebook; Unsure
Owner; Unsure

Vendor; Love for all things Wax (PHAT Wax)
Owner; Shell Chandler-Zaiontz

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Movie; The Devil's Dolls (2016) Caution; Spoiler Alert

The Devil’s Dolls

The Devil's Dolls Poster

Came out; 2016
Time; 1 Hour 25 Minutes

Watched on; Netflix

Rating; Not Rated

IMDB Rating; 3.9/10

Rotten Tomatoes Score;
Tomatoemeter: N/A
Average Rating: N/A
Reviews Counted: N/A
Fresh; N/A
Rotten:  N/A
16% Liked it

Caution; Spoiler Alert

Synopsis; In the aftermath of the hunt for a serial killer, an ancient curse consumes a city, causing a series of brutal murders and pitting a detective against the clock to save his daughter’s life.

Christopher Wiehl as Matt
Kym Jackson as Darcy
Tina Lifford as Della
Samantha Smith as Amy
Yohance Myles as Ethan
Kennedy Brice as Becca
R. Brandon Johnson as Todd

Same as synopsis

This movie really wasn’t bad. There wasn’t any jump scares really, but it was creepy.

The beginning of the movie starts out with a girl waking up hanging by her wrists, she somehow gets free and runs away. She is chased by a killer. She is rescued at the last minute by police.

Cut to the police officer in charge of hunting down this killer.

The daughter in the movie ends up taking a box from evidence with the worry dolls in them, she turns them into necklaces/bracelets and sells some. Each person that ends up with one either ends up dead or almost dying.

Like I said, it’s not a jump scare type of movie, but it was pretty decent!

Movie; The Bye Bye Man (2017) Caution; Spoiler Alert

The Bye Bye Man

The Bye Bye Man Poster

Came out; 2017
Time; 1 Hour 36 Minutes

Watched on; Amazon

Rating; PG-13 for terror, horror violence, bloody images, sexual content, thematic elements, partial nudity, some language and teen drinking

IMDB Rating; 3.9/10

Rotten Tomatoes Score;
Tomatoemeter: 23%
Average Rating: 3.6/10
Reviews Counted: 62
Fresh; 14
Rotten:  48
26% Liked it

Caution; Spoiler Alert

Synopsis; Three friends stumble upon the horrific origins of a mysterious figure they discover is the root cause of the evil behind unspeakable acts

Douglas Smith as Elliot
Lucien Laviscount as John
Cressida Bonas as Sasha
Doug Jones as The Bye Bye Man
Michael Trucco as Virgil
Jenna Kanell as Kim
Erica Tremblay as Alice

When three college students move into an old house off campus, they unwittingly unleash a supernatural entity known as The Bye Bye Man, who comes to prey upon them once they discover his name. The friends must try to save each other, all the while keeping The Bye Bye Man’s existence a secret to save others from the same deadly fate.

This movie again starts off rather strong.

A man is yelling at a woman about “Who did you tell”, he then returns from his car with a shot gun, kills her and the other man in the house. After this, it cuts to “now” where a group of 3 friends are going into a house that they just rented. Now, of course said house is old and creepy AND in the middle of the woods.

When they discover the furniture in the basement is when things really start. First a party (where there is a child there which I won’t even go there), then a medium starts “cleansing” the house. She finds out about The Bye Bye Man, whom the name was read previous to the party.

That’s it, they all figure it out, start seeing things and die.

I knew it got bad reviews, like really bad, but that won’t stop me from watching or at least trying to watch.

I’ve been very disappointed with today’s horror movies.