Friday, April 28, 2017

Movie; Rings (2017) Caution; Spoiler Alert


Rings Poster

Came out; 2017
Time; 1 Hour 42 Minutes

Watched on; Amazon

Rating; PG-13 for violence/terror, thematic elements, some sexuality and brief drug material

IMDB Rating; 4.5/10

Rotten Tomatoes Score;
Tomatoemeter: 6%
Average Rating: 3.2/10
Reviews Counted: 95
Fresh; 6
Rotten:  89
27% Liked it

Caution; Spoiler Alert

A young woman finds herself on the receiving end of a terrifying curse that threatens to take her life in seven days.

Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz as Julia
Alex Roe as Holt
Johnny Galecki as Gabriel
Vincent D’Onofrio as Burke
Aimee Teegarden as Skye
Bonnie Moran as Samara

Julia becomes worried about her boyfriend, Holt, when he explores the dark urban legend of a mysterious video said to kill the watcher in seven days after viewing. She sacrifices herself to save her boyfriend and in doing so makes a horrifying discovery; there is a “movie within the movie” that no one has ever seen before.

There is nothing I like more than a good horror movie. The original US version The Ring, was super freaky. I loved it. I know that was a remake of a Japanese movie, but they did a great job at the creep factor.

This one started out kind of strong. I was really hoping for a lot with all the CGI effects that they can do now. But I was a little disappointed. It wasn’t very creepy.

I love Vincent D’Onofrio as an actor, I think he does great in creepy and comedic rolls. I have watched every episode of Law & Order Criminal Intent because of him.

Ok, so, the actual movie. The movie plays like a sequel. If you haven’t watched the original you might now know the back story, because there isn’t much in this one.

Holt is getting ready to go to college and Julia is staying wherever she is. He goes and the video chat and talk on the phone what seems like every day. One of the times a girl appears on the video chat (she called Julia). She warns Julia that Holt is in trouble and that “she’s” coming. This freaks Julia out and she tried to reach Holt, when she can’t, she gets ready to go to him.

Once she gets to his dorm, everything seems fine. She finds his cell phone and checks his schedule. She finds where he is supposed to be and goes to that class room (how she found it in a huge college is beyond me). She speaks to some of the classmates she saw on a video chat, they tell her she shouldn’t be there and leave. She talks to the professor who is acting strange. She follows him to an elevator and when she gets off at the floor, she realizes something is going on that is very strange. She speaks to the girl that called her, who takes her to her apartment.

Once at the apartment she sees a text from Holt on Skye’s phone, in which she answers that it’s Julia. He tells her “not to watch”. Julia ends up locking herself into another room of the house and Samara comes and kills Skye. Julia escapes and starts to learn about what is going on. She ends up watching the video to save her boyfriend.

Cut to a little bit into the movie and Hold and Julia end up traveling to a different town, Julia is convinced that Samara is trying to tell her something and she is going to find her. Here is when then meet Vincent D’Onofrio’s character. Who of course is a little creepy. The more questions they ask, the more they start to understand what is going on.

They figure out that The Priest held a kidnapped girl, forced her to have a baby, who she named Samara. He had removed Samara’s body from her cript and put her in his wall. Julia gets her out, Samara kills the priest. The movie ends when you realize that Samara has put herself into Julia.

All in all, it was ok. It was a different spin on the movie, but it just lacked creepy.

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