Friday, January 5, 2018

Book; Estate of Horror (2014)

Estate of Horror; The True Story of Haunting, Hatred and a Horrific Family Secret!

Author; Anita Jo Intenzo
Came out; January 29, 2014
Read on; Paperback
Rating; Per Amazon 3.7/5

Caution; Spoiler Alert

With a single phone call, author Anita Jo Intenzo’s life changes in ways she could never imagine. After the news of the sudden and untimely death of Paul Jaeger, a writer and anthropologist and her dear friend of thirty years, the author find herself as executrix of his estate. Charged with the sale of his house, the author and her son begin the task of cleaning it. When she enters the home for the first time in many years, she is dismayed to find that her friend had become an extreme hoarder and soon realizes that fulfilling the responsibility of the sale will be a far more difficult task. It will take ten months and thousands of hours to sort through endless paper mounds, boxes and artifacts to find specific items in the will. It is a treasure hunt with surprising and distressing finds. But the hoarding will be the easiest thing to face as the situation in the home takes a disturbing turn to the paranormal. At first, the author and her son, and the friends who join them there to help, find the activity playful and fun. They are frequent witnesses to poltergeist activity, shadow figures, scratching and inhuman sounds, but confront all this with a rational curiosity, colorful language and amusement. They are more curious than frightened. It is as if her friend has stayed with her even after death, as he once promised her long ago. But the atmosphere becomes terrifying and the situation grows more dangerous with the discovery of dark family secrets and a connection to World War II and Nazi Germany. Anita and Chris soon encounter the surprising presence of powerful supernatural forces that become a constant distraction and danger. Nothing in her past has prepared her for this, even her expertise as an art restorer of items with a long history and spiritual connection. Anita knows she needs help to find answers, so she turns to local ghost investigation groups. What is revealed by them after spending time in the house is terrifying and shocking, and even out of this world. Estate of Horror is an incredible true story of how the author bravely faces these extraordinary obstacles, all the while navigating with uncertainty a journey into the unknown that toys with her sanity, challenges the very core of her spiritual belief system and tests the limits of her loyalty and friendship almost beyond human endurance.

I truthfully heard about this book by looking for True Haunting Books. I placed it on my amazon wish list and had forgotten about it until I received it as a Christmas Gift!
I was very intregued by it. Once I started reading it I just couldn't put it down! It was very well written and I felt like I was there with them!

I only wish some pictures would have been included in the book since she talked about all the pictures and videos she took!

The book starts out with Anita finding out that her friend Paul had passed away. She knew she was the executer of the will and of the house, but she didn't know what she was in for.

Walking into the house she not only finds out that her dear friend was a hoarder but that the house is haunted as well! What Anita and Chris go through while cleaning out the house to sell sounds scary and daunting!

I highly recommend this book if you like True Hauntings, she has written a sequel which I have ordered :)

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