Thursday, May 30, 2019

Movie; Goosebumbs 2; Haunted Halloween Caution; Spoiler Alert

Goosebumps 2; Haunted Halloween

Came out; 2018
Time; 1 hour 30 minutes
Watched on; Netflix

Rating; PG for scary creature action and images, some thematic elements, rude humor and language

IMDB Rating; 5.6/10

Rotten Tomatoes;
Reviews Counted; 92
Fresh; 48%
Audience Score; 40% Liked it

Caution; Spoiler Alert

Two young friends find a magic book that brings a ventriloquist's dummy to life

Wendi McLendon-Covey as Kathy
Madison Iseman as Sarah
Jeremy Ray Taylor as Sonny
Caleel Harris as Sam
Ken Jeong as Mr. Chu
Chris Parnell as Walter

Teenager Sarah Quinn (Madison Iseman) lives with her mother Kathy (Wendi McLendon-Covey) and younger brother Sonny (Jeremy Ray Taylor) in Wardenclyffe, New York. Sarah is attempting to get into Columbia University by writing an essay about fear. Kathy agrees to watch Sonny's friend Sam Carter (Caleel Harris) while his father goes out of town. Sonny and Sam are attempting to start a garbage cleanup business, and are called after school to clean up an abandoned house. Inside, they find a locked manuscript and open it, causing Slappy the Dummy to appear. They unknowingly bring him to life by speaking magic words found in his pocket. The book is later stolen by a bully named Tommy Madigan (Payton Wich). At home, Sonny is working on his science project, a miniature version of Nikola Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower. Slappy then reveals he's alive to Sonny and Sam, and gets their trust by using his magic to do the boy's chores and homework

This wasn't as good as the first one. The first one was really good. This did have some fun things go on.

They did play it off as a sequel, with Walter coming to life. He was both nice and mean.

Plot Summary; CAUTION; Major Spoiler Alert
In the town of Wardenclyffe, high school senior Sarah Quinn (Madison Iseman) is struggling to write a paper to send to Columbia University so she can get in. Her boyfriend Tyler Mitchell (Bryce Cass) sneaks in through her window to hang out, but they are heard by Sarah's mother Kathy (Wendi McClendon-Covey) and brother Sonny (Jeremy Ray Taylor), and Kathy makes Tyler go home.
The next day, Sonny's best friend Sam Carter (Caleel Harris) is dropped off to stay for the weekend. Kathy stops at a store on the way to taking the kids to school, and she appears to be having a connection with the store's manager Walter (Chris Parnell).
At school, Sam puts up flyers for his and Sonny's unofficial business of picking up other people's junk. They are picked on by bully Tommy Madigan (Peyton Wich) and his two goony friends. When Sam sticks up for him and Sonny, Tommy threatens to torment them.
Kathy orders Sarah to look after the boys because she is working late, but Sarah plans to leave the boys to go out with Tyler. At the same time, Sam gets a call from someone asking to pick up some stuff from a house. He and Sonny go to the house, which looks old and abandoned. The boys pick up a bunch of random junk until Sonny finds a stuffed cat and pries it off the fireplace, which opens a secret compartment containing a chest. Inside is a locked book. The boys open it, and when they turn their backs, they don't see that Slappy the dummy (Mick Wingert) has appeared. Sonny finds a note in his shirt pocket, and he reads the incantation that brings Slappy to life.
As the boys leave the house, Tommy and his friends find them and try to harass them. Sam refuses to give up his stuff, so Tommy swipes Slappy from their hands. The dummy uses his powers to pull down Tommy's pants repeatedly. The boys get their stuff and ride away on their bikes before the bullies pursue them. Slappy makes a hose come out and clothesline the bullies.
Later that night, Sonny is working on a presentation on Nikola Tesla for his science class, which he practices using Slappy and other dolls. Slappy then speaks to Sonny, who slowly realizes the dummy is alive. Sonny shows Sam, and Slappy demonstrates his powers on Sonny's toys to show that he can bring things to life, but he wants them to keep it a secret for now.
Sarah goes to meet Tyler at the show that he invited her to, only to see him kissing another girl. She goes home upset and complains to Sonny about it, which Slappy overhears.
At school, Slappy sneaks into Sarah's backpack, so she stuffs him in the locker. He overhears as Tyler talks to Sarah, and she is still mad at him. Slappy finds Tyler in the gym as he is setting up decorations, and Slappy scares Tyler by causing the ladder he is standing on to collapse, injuring the boy. He is wheeled into an ambulance raving about Slappy, which Sarah overhears. Meanwhile, in Sonny's class, he presents his Tesla Tower project to an impressed class, until it goes out of control and shoots electric bolts that wreck the science lab.
Sarah confronts Sonny about Slappy, and he admits to her that the dummy is alive. They go home to find Kathy playing with Slappy. When she leaves the room, Slappy speaks to the kids, which freaks Sarah out. Sonny reads the incantation again to make Slappy inanimate again, but it doesn't work. The three try to talk in private in Sarah's room, but Slappy appears there as well. Sarah grabs an aluminum bat and knocks Slappy out. They put him in a suitcase and drive to a nearby lake to dump him there, but he reappears on the windshield as Sarah drives them home. She speeds up and hits the brakes hard to throw Slappy off, but Sonny fears they have just made things worse.
The kids go home to read up on the events of the first movie in Madison, DE where creatures from the books of R.L. Stine (Jack Black) terrorized the town, including Slappy. They try to get in touch with Stine but find a different number and leave a message, which Stine hears on his machine. Knowing something bad is going to happen, he makes his way toward Wardenclyffe. They then figure they need to get the book back, but Tommy took it, so they need to get it from him.
Slappy walks into town and goes to Walter's store where he finds a bunch of Halloween decorations, including the Abonimable Snowman and Werewolf of Fever Swamp. Using his powers and the incantation, Slappy brings the scariest decorations to life and throws a mask onto Walter to turn him into a monstrous henchman. The creatures head off into town to wreak havoc.
The kids find Tommy and his buddies TP-ing someone's house when they go to ask him for the book. He refuses to give it back until Sarah forcefully demands that he give back the book. Before anything else happens, three witches swoop down and take the bullies into the air.
The kids then go to Tommy's house while his grandma is asleep to try and find the book. Sarah stays outside to keep watch while the boys sneak inside. As this happens, Slappy and Walter make it to the actual Tesla Tower in town so that Slappy can get it running again and animate every last Halloween decoration in town. Sonny finds the book, but he and Sam are attacked by gummy bears that grow large and try to absorb the boys. Sonny opens the book, which sucks the gummy bears inside. Realizing the book's power, the kids head out into the night to stop the other monstrosities. Sarah looks at the book and sees that it is unfinished, but it ends on Slappy wanting a family, specifically a mother. They rush home after Sonny tells Sarah that Kathy called and she is on her way home to check on them.
Near their home, the kids find other townsfolk being terrorized by the monsters. Kathy has been strung up by a spider web from a giant spider made of balloons. Sarah opens the book to pull more of the monsters inside, but a ghost flies by and takes the book away from her, and the spider takes Kathy away as well. The monsters start to close in on the kids until they get pulled into the home of their holiday-obsessed neighbor Mr. Chu (Ken Jeong). He gets excited when the kids tell him that the monsters are from "Goosebumps" stories, but they make it clear how urgent it is that they get the book. Mr. Chu helps the kids sneak out by dressing them up to look like monsters.
Stine arrives in town in the middle of the chaos and recognizes this from his very first book, "Haunted Halloween". He also notices a familiar red balloon floating over a sewer and brags that he came up with that first.
The kids make it to the Tesla Tower to find that Slappy has turned Kathy into a dummy. Sarah goes after Slappy to get the book from him while the boys fend off the monsters that are closing in on the tower. Sarah reaches the top and fight Slappy, who loses the book in the struggle. Sarah tries to bargain with Slappy to turn her mom back to normal if he wants the book back. Slappy agrees, and Sarah tosses him the book, only it's a copy of "Frankenstein" that she took from Mr. Chu's place. She kicks Slappy into the electrical coils, which launches him into the sky. She opens the book and sucks all of the monsters all over town inside the book, and Kathy and Walter turn back to normal, but they have no memory of their mutations.
Stine arrives just as the group is leaving the building, and he sees that the kids fixed the problem themselves, but they give him back "Haunted Halloween". Before he goes back home, Sarah asks Stine for tips on being a better writer, and he gives her some helpful advice. Tommy also falls from the sky and thinks he just had a crazy dream, but he hugs Sonny and is happy to see him.
Some time later, Sarah finishes her essay and submits it. Later, she gets an email from Columbia stating that she has gotten in.
Back in Stine's home, he puts "Haunted Halloween" away along with his other manuscripts. That's when Slappy appears behind him, not having been sucked into the book. He reveals that he wrote a book of his own, with Stine as the main character. Slappy opens the book and pulls Stine inside as the dummy laughs maniacally

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Wax; Empties 5/15-5/28/2019

Wax Empties 5/15-5/28


I use the following warmers;
20 watt glade warmer in my office
20 watt glade warmer in my family room
20 watt glade warmer in my kitchen
20 watt glade warmer in my son's room
20 watt Scentsy Stargazer warmer in my bedroom (Light Bulb)
25 watt Happy Wax warmer in my living room
15 watt Happy Wax warmer in the laundry room bathroom
15 watt Happy Wax warmer in the main bathroom

The opinions I put here are my opinions/experiences only. I fully urge each and everyone of you to form your own opinions/experiences on vendors for yourself by placing an order and getting a de-stash. Candles have many aspects to them and if I say I had a hard time burning one candle that doesn't mean the rest from the same vendor will be like that.


Brand; Bath & Body Works

Scent; Blue Ocean Waves
Scent Description; Ocean Breeze, Citrus Sea Spray, Creamy Sandalwood
Thoughts; I bought this candle because my husband said he really liked the scent. It burned perfectly and I had zero issues at all with this
Hit or Miss; Hit


Vendor; Super Tarts
Owner; Brandy Tarts

Scent; Smallville
Scent Description; Country Berry hotcakes, Cornbread & Cotton Candy
Thoughts; This was so nice! I loved this. It was a creamy berry candy type scent
Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Dean
Scent Description; Berry Produce, Cornbread & Wildberry Mousse
Thoughts; This was so nice! It was a great berry scent
Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Aunty Em
Scent Description; Crunch berries and sugar milk
Thoughts; I love this one
Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Flying Monkey
Scent Description; Shampure Aveda, rain drops, cotton candy frosting
Thoughts; This was ok
Hit or Miss; Unsure

Scent; Scarecrow
Scent Description; Patchouli, sugar dusted wildberry mousse and sweet rain
Thoughts; Loved this. This was very nice
Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Tin Man
Scent Description; Pink Sugar, Lavender Cream and Stainless Steel
Thoughts; This was really nice.
Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Cowardly
Scent Description; Biolage, cotton candy, vanilla bean, sparkling champagne & mixed melons
Thoughts; I don't know if it was the melons in this that threw me off but I just didn't like it
Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Lollipop Guild
Scent Description; Sweet lollipops and fresh cut grass
Thoughts; I was hoping this was more lollipops and less fresh cut grass, that wasn't the case
Hit or Miss; Miss

Scent; Ruby Slippers
Scent Description; Strawberries & Cream, sugar milk and pound cake
Thoughts; I loved this one! This was really good
Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Yellow Brick Road
Scent Description; French Baguette, Whipped Cream and Lemon Éclair
Thoughts; This was pretty light, but the lemon wasn't dominant which was nice
Hit or Miss; Unsure

Scent; Wicked Witch
Scent Description; Cool Water and Green Tea
Thoughts; This was not my scent, I did not like it at all
Hit or Miss; Miss

Scent; There's no Place Like Home
Scent Description; Blackberry jam, vanilla buttercream, twinkies and butter cookies
Thoughts; This was so good! I loved this one
Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Bernadette
Scent Description; Sugar Milk, Blueberry & Poundcake
Thoughts; This was melted in my son's room and I'm normally not a blueberry person but this one was so good!
Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; L3 Waxy Wonders
Owner; Jennifer Westing

Scent; Satsuma, Lollipops & Lucky Charms
Scent Description; A blend of the scents
Thoughts; I think I would have loved this without the Lucky Charms.
Hit or Miss; Miss

Scent; Enchanged Rose
Scent Description; Rose Jam Type + Vanilla Lace
Thoughts; The Rose Jam was dominant which is to be expected, I wish the vanilla lace would have stuck out a bit more
Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Mistletoe Cotton Candy Frosting Cotton Candy
Scent Description; A blend of the scents
Thoughts; This was really light. I was hoping for a candy holiday type smell
Hit or Miss; Miss

Vendor; Vintage Chic Scents
Owner; Kirby Welsh

Scent; Young Hearts Run Free
Scent Description; Wildberry Mousse + Coconut Cream Pie
Thoughts; This was just ok. I could get a throw in one warmer but not the other
Hit or Miss; Miss

Scent; Eating Junk & Watching Rubbish
Scent Description; Mexican Fried Ice Cream Blend
Thoughts; So good on cold, but just nothing while warming
Hit or Miss; Miss

Vendor; Sweet Sage Scents
Owner; Michelle Moon

Scent; Lavender Cream, Marshmallow, Zucchini Bread & Vanilla Bean Noel
Scent Description; A blend of the scents
Thoughts; I melted this in my son's room based on the zucchini
Hit or Miss; Hit for him

Scent; Cookie Monster
Scent Description; Sugar Cookie, Vanilla Sugar Waffle Cone, Vanilla Bean Noel
Thoughts; When I first received this, I thought it to be very light on cold, however warm it was so good and strong! It was a creamy vanilla cookie scent
Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Apricot, Cornbread & Marshmallow
Scent Description; A blend of the scents
Thoughts; This wasn't my scent.
Hit or Miss; Miss

Vendor; Rose Girls
Owner; Jenny Oaks

Scent; Love is a many splendored thing
Scent Description; Pretty sure it's; Pink Sands, Honeydew & Whipped cream vs. Fresh Picked Strawberries & Sugar Cookie Dough
Thoughts; This was really strong but it had a cucumber background note to it.
Hit or Miss; Miss

Scent; Meet Me Where the Sky Touches The Sea
Scent Description; No description Found
Thoughts; This was so nice!
Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; Christmas Wish & Did Somebody Say Frosting
Scent Description; Pine, Cotton Candy Frosting, Marshmallow Smoothie, VBN, Birthday Cake & Cream Cheese Frosting
Thoughts; This was a strange mix to my nose. I just didn't like it
Hit or Miss; Miss

Scent; Snickerdoodle Cotton Candy Frosting
Scent Description; A blend of the scents
Thoughts; I think I used a warmer that was too large and didn't get the full effect from this
Hit or Miss; Miss but I think it was my fault

Vendor; Penn's Woods Candle Company
Owner; Lauren Baciulis

Scent; Butter Brickle Huckleberry Harvest
Scent Description; A blend of the scents
Thoughts; There was nothing to this one while warming
Hit or Miss; Miss

Scent; Marci
Scent Description; Cherry Crumb Pie, Sugar Cookies & Whipped Cream
Thoughts; This was a nice tart bakery scent
Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Ava's Country Cupboard
Owner; Lindsey Ziter

Scent; All that Glitters
Scent Description; Pomegranate, Whipped Cream & Cotton Candy Frosting
Thoughts; This was so good! Nice and strong
Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Creative Enchantment
Owner; Anna Williams

Scent; Blueberry Basil
Scent Description; A surprisingly refreshing blend of herbal basil and sweet true blueberries
Thoughts; My daughter found this in her room during our remodle, This is from 2017 and it threw very well
Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; The Unicorn Spa
Owner; Christy Reese

Scent; A nose full of Hypocrisy
Scent Description; Creamy Zucchini Bread, buttercream sugar cookies, and heavy whipped cream
Thoughts; I did not order this and I'm pretty sure it was an extra sent in one of my orders. I made this mistake of melting this without smelling it on cold. It threw like a beast and I hated it, zucchini is not my scent at all
Hit or Miss; Miss only because of scent

Scent; Pinkie Cream Pie
Scent Description; Unsure
Thoughts; This had pink sugar in it and it was pretty good
Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Wicked Wax of the East
Owner; Randi Cox

Scent; Very Wicked Birthday
Scent Description; Unsure
Thoughts; Very strong birthday cake scent

Vendor; Sassy Girl Aroma
Owner; Julie Gebczyk

Scent; Fantasyland
Scent Description; Unsure
Thoughts; Lemon was all that I smelled. It wasn't very strong while warm
Hit or Miss; Miss

Vendor; Scentisible Magic
Web; Unsure

Scent; Sangria Punch Sample
Scent Description; Unsure
Thoughts; This was actually pretty good
Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Happy Wax
Facebook; Unsure
Owner; Unsure

Scent; Lavender Chamomile
Scent Description; A soothing, delicate blend of essential oils including cedarwood, chamomile, eucalyptus, lavender, and orange
Thoughts; Weird, not long lasting.
Hit or Miss; Miss

Vendor; The Bathing Garden
Owner; Unsure

Scent; Winter Mint Cake
Scent Description; Unsure
Thoughts; This was strong peppermint on cold, I melted it in my husbands bathroom but it was really nice!
Hit or Miss; Hit

Scent; It's Always Tea Time
Scent Description; Black Tea, Honey Lemon & Cardamom
Thoughts; This was decent. It smelled just like a cup of tea
Hit or Miss; Unsure

Vendor; Savannah Blue
Owner; Amy Christensen

Scent; Dasher
Scent Description; Red Velvet Cake, Pralines & Cream, Buttermilk Pancakes
Thoughts; This was a good scent on cold, it was decent while warming however the scent didn't travel far
Hit or Miss; Unsure

Scent; St. Nick's Coffee
Scent Description; Caramel Cookie Cappuccino Latte
Thoughts; There was just nothing to this. I was pretty upset as this sounded amazing
Hit or Miss; Miss

Scent; Love Notes
Scent Description; Passion Flower & Acai Berry + Juicy Fruit
Thoughts; This should have been super strong, or at least a fruity floral scent. It just wasn't
Hit or miss; Miss

Vendor; Candy Panda
Owner; Yuli Orozco

Scent; American Dream
Scent Description; Sweet strawberry cream
Thoughts; Very nice for about 2 hours
Hit or Miss; Miss

Vendor; Destination Wax
Owner; Rebecca Harris

Scent; Thai Sticky Rice
Scent Description; Pan toasted basmati rice baked in coconut milk and brown sugar
Thoughts; I really didn't much from this scent, by the scent description it sounds like something I would like, but I just didn't
Hit or Miss; Miss

Vendor; Gio & Turner
Owner; Unsure

Scent; Fallidays
Scent Description; Spiced Cider, Citrus Peel, Pomegranate & Plums
Thoughts; I just didn't like this scent at all!
Hit or Miss; Miss

Vendor; Bohemienne Life
Owner; Unknown

Scent; Lavien Rose, Peoney, Mandarin & Musk
Scent Description; A blend of the scents
Thoughts; This was pretty good. It was a musky floral scent
Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Pink Mermaid Wax Melts
Owner; Unsure

Scent; Mint Spice
Scent Description; None Found
Thoughts; There was nothing to this. I got no scent on cold or warm
Hit or Miss; Miss

Vendor; Swanky
Owner; Unsure

Scent; Dryer Sheets
Scent Description; None Found
Thoughts; This literally smelled just like a dryer sheet
Hit or Miss; Miss for scent

Vendor; Mimi's Tarts
Owner; Carmine Unger

Scent; Blueberry Brown Sugar Birthday Cake
Scent Description; a blend of the scents
Thoughts; This just didn't have much of a throw. It was very light
Hit or Miss; Miss

Vendor; Ramble On Wax
*Unsure if this vendor is open

Scent; Breakfast at Erica's
Scent Description; Pumpkin BB Walnut, Waffle Cone, Maple Syrup
Thoughts; Nothing. There wasn't any scent.
Hit or Miss; Miss

Vendor; Little Olivertree Co
Owner; Jenn Schaetzle

Scent; Pink Sugar Bomb
Scent Description; Pink Chiffon, Salt Water Taffy & Pink Cotton Candy
Thoughts; I was hoping that this would be awesome! It just wasn't. It was super light and barley there
Hit or Miss; Miss

Vendor; Beezy Tarts
Owner; John

Scent; Cherries In The Snow
Scent Description; bright, juicy cherries with sweet almonds and an icy freshness
Thoughts; This was really nice! It was a nice cherry
Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Semo Wax Melts
Owner; Traci Woodall

Scent; Cruise Ship
Scent Description; Ocean Mist and Raspberry Jam
Thoughts; This was nice, for about an hour, then I either went nose blind or it faded
Hit or Miss; Unsure

Vendor; Closet Full of Wax
Owner; Unsure

Scent; Vanilla Blossoms
Scent Description; French vanilla, fresh air notes and summer flowers.  Vanilla blossom fragrance begins with top notes of dewy fresh air, coconut cream, and ripe pineapple;  followed by middle notes of ylang ylang, star jasmine, and Moroccan roses;  sitting on base notes of French vanilla, Egyptian musk, and exotic sandalwood. 
Thoughts; I didn't expect this to be strong, however there was nothing there.
Hit or Miss; Miss

Vendor; Jamiannes Wax Creations
Now Ghoul Girls Wax Creations
Owner; Jami Gibbs

Scent; Sandman
Scent Description; Coconut, Lavender, Shaving Cream
Thoughts; This was ok. It wasn't super strong but it was a nice medium
Hit or Miss; Unsure

Vendor; Yummer's Delight
Facebook; Unsure
Owner; Unsure

Scent; Don't Feed the Llama
Scent Description;
Thoughts; This smelled pretty good. My son melted it in his room
Hit or Miss; Hit

Bath & Body

Vendor; Kushner Kreations
Owner; April Kushner

Product; Shower Slushie
Scent; Captain Crunch Berries
Scent Description; Blend of strawberry, grape, buttercream, fresh bakery notes and wild berries. Background notes of powdery raspberry, vanilla sugar, plum, tonka bean and warm maple
Thoughts; I love this and I don't mind smelling like a snack at all. This is such a nice scrub, it isn't super abrisive and it leaves my skin so smooth! Plus it smells good
Hit or Miss; Hit

Vendor; Penn's Woods Candle Company
Owner; Lauren Baciulis

Product; Lip Balm
Scent/Flavor; Cinnamon Apple

Vendor; Cosmic Cleanse
Owner; Heidi Fitzsimmons

Product; Sugar Scrub
Scent; Snowcone for a Unicorn
Scent Description; Unsure
Thoughts; I loved this, it made my skin feel nice and soft. I could have done without the glitter
Hit or Miss; Hit