Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Movie; Truth or Dare (2017) Caution; Spoiler Alert

Truth or Dare

Came out; 2017
Time; 1 hour 30 minutes
Watched on; Netflix

Rating; TV 14
IMDB Rating; 5.1/10

Rotten Tomatoes; No scored
Reviews Counted;
Audience Score;% Liked it

Caution; Spoiler Alert

Eight college friends head to a "Haunted Rental" for Halloween. But when they replay the game that made the house infamous, they awaken an evil spirit intent on stealing their souls

Cassandra Scerbo as Alex Colshis
Brytni Sarpy as Maddie Sotarez
Mason Dye as Tyler Pemhardt
Alexxis Lemire as Jessie Havnell
Ricardo Hoyos as Luke Wyler
Luke Baines as Carter Boyle
Harvey Guillen as Hold Thorne
Christina Masterson as Addison Troy
Healther Langenkamp as Donna Boone-Adult
Taylor Lyons as Donna Boone-Young

Eight college friends head to a "Haunted Rental" in a remote town for Halloween weekend. There, they play the game rumored to have caused the deaths of seven teenagers decades earlier, Truth or Dare. What starts out as vodka induced fun, quickly turns serious when the dares become sickeningly dangerous and the truths threaten to tear the group apart. When players attempt to refuse the increasingly challenging tasks, they're met with deadly consequences, quickly discovering: you must do the dare, or the dare does you. As the death toll mounts, the remaining players must race against the clock to outrun, outsmart and outlast the simple game of Truth or Dare

Not a strong opening. There wasn't anything really explained, just people at a house, one on the roof and one telling the person to jump, when he doesn't, he is basically thrown off and dies. After the girl dumps the bucket on her head it cuts to kids in a car

It truly isn't until they are all at the house, and inside that anything is explained. The legends and how they found out about the house. Everything seems normal until they start playing Truth or Dare. When the Truth question is asked, the girl lies and then everyone gets text messages saying she is a liar. Here is where it starts.

This movie gets weird, something is telling them and chooseing what they do or answer. It tells them that if you don't do the dare, the dare does you and if you lie you will die. At the end there is only 2 girls left standing. They have to cut off body parts, the one girl gets her ankle cut off, they get in the car to go to the hospital and her GPS says “Kill her”, she runs into a tree and bam, movie is over.

Plot Summary; CAUTION; Major Spoiler Alert

1983 - Donna Boone urges her friend Johnny to jump off a house's roof to satisfy a Truth or Dare condition. Johnny slips and falls to his death before completing the dare.
Donna returns inside the house to find a dare written on a mirror telling her to pour acid on her head. Donna covers her head with a paste made from baking soda before doing the dare.
Present Day - Carter Boyle welcomes his friends Tyler Pemhart, Tyler's girlfriend Alex Colshis, Alex's best friend Maddie Sotarez, Luke Wyler, Luke's girlfriend Jessie Havnell, Holt Thorne, and Addison Troy to a house he found on for a Halloween outing. Carter explains that the property, Charun House, became haunted after seven teens played Truth or Dare in 1983 and all but one survivor died a horrible death.
Carter convinces everyone to play Truth or Dare by writing questions and dares on note cards. During the game, Maddie is forced to admit that she slept with Alex's boyfriend Tyler.
Tyler angrily goes through the remaining cards, which now contain supernaturally written messages, and receives a dare to put his hands on a hot stove. When Tyler quits the game, a chair supernaturally knocks him across the kitchen and he painfully melts his hand on a hot stove.
A ghostly message on the TV tells the group that they have 48 hours to complete three rounds. The friends try to leave, but the doors and windows supernaturally trap everyone inside.
Additional dares force Jessie to eat Tyler's burnt flesh, Holt to electrocute himself on loose wires, and Luke to have his knee smashed with a baseball bat.
When asked if she is a drug addict, Addison lies by saying no. Addison moves to leave the house, but is para-normally pushed off the porch and impaled.
The seven remaining friends regroup at the hospital. Carter tries explaining what happened, but the police disbelieve him.
The next day, Addison's bloody ghost appears to Carter in his dorm room and dares him to hang himself. After receiving live video on their phones of Carter's subsequent strangulation, Alex, Maddie, Tyler, and Holt race to Carter's room. However, they arrive too late to save him. The four friends see a message that Round Two is beginning.
Alex researches the house's haunted history. Alex, Maddie, Tyler, and Holt then go to see disfigured Donna Boone, the sole survivor from the 1983 deaths. Donna confirms the curse by explaining that the house's demon feeds on fear and pain. Donna adds that the friends will have to finish the game inside the house if they wish to survive, but suggests sharing their dares in order to outsmart the demon.
Elsewhere, Luke receives a dare to rob a gas station using a gun that supernaturally appears in his bed. The cashier ends up killing Luke with a shotgun. Jessie phones Alex to report Luke's fate. Alex tells Jessie to meet them back at the house.
Alex, Maddie, Tyler, Holt, and Jessie return to Charun House. Dares force the five friends to drink poison that they throw up using soda and compel Tyler and Maddie to each tear out a tooth with pliers. Tyler shoots himself in the head when the friends are dared to play Russian roulette.
Holt is dared to be run over by a car. Holt confesses to the others that he once paralyzed someone in a hit-and-run accident, but fled the scene and never faced punishment. With Jessie at the wheel, one of the vehicles outside para-normally drags Holt across the pavement before violently running him over.
Alex realizes that they are all being punished for their secret obsessions and sins. Dared to chain herself to a pipe in the cellar, Jessie ends up killed by a huge swarm of cockroaches.
Round Three begins. Maddie receives a phone call instructing the two remaining girls to remove seven living body parts. Alex and Maddie take turns removing an eyelash, hair, fingernail, earlobe, finger, toe, and finally Maddie's foot.
While racing to the hospital, the message "kill her" appears on the dashboard GPS. Maddie implores Alex to do the dare. Alex buckles her seat belt and speeds into a tree. The camera cuts to black. One of the girls is heard gasping after the car crashes.

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