Vendor; Destination Wax
Owner; Rebecca Harris
Scent: Moonspice Cookies
Scent Description; Sugar Cookie, Coffee and Celtic Moonspice
Thoughts; My favorite scent!
Scent: Lavender Pink Sugar
Scent Description: Lavender + Pink Sugar Blender
Thoughts: This pink sugar is different however I love this blend
Scent: Lavender; Manuka Honey
Scent Description: Lavender and bergamot blended with New Zeeland Manuka honey
Thoughts: This is interesting, and the scent description caught my eye
Piney Woods
All Scent Shots
Scent: Frasier Fir
Scent Description; Siberian fir, cedarwood and sandalwood
Scent; Mistletoe
Scent Description: Fir, spruce & Siberian pine sweetened with a bit of berries and green apple
Scent; Sugared Spruce
Scent Description; A sweet and fresh blend of blue spruce, sweet berries, balsam cedar and sugared vanilla
Scent: Vanilla Balsam
Scent Description: Balsam fir and cedar softened by mellow vanilla
Scent; Fresh Balsam
Scent Description; Balsam fir, cedar and eucalyptus
Scent; Snowy Pine
Scent Description; Fir balsam, cypress and fresh apple
Scent; Christmas Tree
Scent Description; Bright, fresh balsam fir
Scent; Rocky Mountain Pine
Scent Description; Balsam fir, Colorado white fir, blue spruce, red cedar and berries
Scent; Blue Spruce
Scent Description; Colorado blue spruce and cedarwood
Scent; Cranberry Balsam
Scent Description; Fir balsam, spiced cranberries, apples, oranges and grapefruit
Scent; Christmas in Jamaica
Scent Description; Balsam fir, orange, grapefruit, pineapple and cranberry
Scent; Pinecones
Scent Description; Fresh balsam, spruce, cedar and pinecone wreath
Large Bar
Castile + HSO Blend Soap
Scent; Lavender; Fresh
Scent Description; Lightly floral lavender with a fresh soap note
Thoughts: My husband loves this soap; he says it makes him feel clean
What; HSO Soap
Scent; Irish Sea Moss
Scent Description; Refreshing blend of sea moss, ozone and light florals
Thoughts: This is a new one, it's a smaller soap so it's perfect for a trial!
Extra “Love” Received
Scent; Autumn Campfire
Scent Description; Dried autumn, leaves crackling in an outdoor campfire
Thoughts: This is interesting, I haven't smelled anything like this before
Scent; Marshmallow Fluff
Scent Description; Sweet, Creamy marshmallow fluff
Thoughts: Wow, not what I expected this scent to smell like by itself, very nice and creamy
Scent; Honeydew Melon
Scent Description; Sweet honeydew melon
Thoughts: This is not my favorite scent, it's too much melon for me
Scent; Gingerbread
Scent Description: Traditional gingerbread made with cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, molasses and a little brown sugar
Thoughts: This is a true to description scent
This took a while to get to me, but I was aware of the TAT when I ordered.
My husband loves the Castile soap and I love Moonspice Cookie so it's really a win win.
I got a few extra's so I can send some to my friend Jennifer as I usually do.