Friday, February 10, 2023

Chronic Pain Thoughts: Volume 2 (2/10/23)


Dear Reader,

*Warning. Taking this medication may lead to worse symptoms, getting off of it is impossible.

Years ago, I asked my doctor about Cymbalta (duloxetine). The commercial told me to and also told me it was a great drug for fibromyalgia. My doctor at the time agreed and I was put on a low dose, I was so happy that it seemed to be working. Then it didn't.

Doctors will up your dose to the max amount. They don't listen or even look at the other medications you're taking to see if your symptoms are caused by that.

I was given the information on the below black box warning.

Summary Of FDA Black Box Warnings

Suicidal thoughts or actions in children and adults

Depression and certain other psychiatric disorders are themselves associated with increases in the risk of suicide. Patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), both adult and pediatric, may experience worsening of their depression and/or the emergence of suicidal ideation and behavior (suicidality) or unusual changes in behavior, whether or not they are taking antidepressant medications. This risk may persist until significant remission occurs.

In short-term studies, antidepressants increased the risk of suicidality in children, adolescents, and young adults when compared to placebo. Short-term studies did not show an increase in the risk of suicidality with antidepressants compared to placebo in adults beyond age 24. Adults age 65 and older taking antidepressants have a decreased risk of suicidality. Patients, their families, and caregivers should be alert to the emergence of anxiety, restlessness, irritability, aggressiveness and insomnia. If these symptoms emerge, they should be reported to the patient’s prescriber or health care professional. All patients being treated with antidepressants for any indication should watch for and notify their health care provider for worsening symptoms, suicidality and unusual changes in behavior, especially during the first few months of treatment.

I was not given the information on the long-term effects of taking this medication, I've had multiple doctor's appointments for some of the following, none of them advised me it could be caused by Cymbalta, I had to find the information out on my own when I finally decided enough was enough and took my time to actually research the medications I was taking.

I've also had multiple surgeries because of torn muscles/ligaments that I didn't know how they happened!

Taking Cymbalta may increase your risk of breaking a bone. This is especially true when you first start taking Cymbalta and soon after you stop taking it.Mar 25, 2021

Does Cymbalta affect the memory?

Yes. This is a common side effect.

How can Cymbalta affect the muscles?

It can cause tiny tears in the muscles and cause pain in other ways too.

Does Cymbalta help pain or cause it?

Both. The longer you take it, the more likely you are to suffer from pain.

Can Cymbalta be causing problems with … (add your key word here!) skin, breathing, pain, sleep?

Can it increase (add your key word here), etc.?

Yes! To almost any side effects!

  • Abnormal Dreams

  • Abnormal Liver Function Tests

  • Abnormal Manner of Walking

  • Aggressive Behavior

  • Altered Interest in Having Sexual Intercourse

  • Anxious

  • Bad Breath

  • Behaving with Excessive Cheerfulness and Activity

  • Bleeding Not Related to Menstrual Period

  • Bleeding of the Stomach or Intestines

  • Blood Pressure Drop Upon Standing

  • Blurred Vision

  • Bruise

  • Burning Stomach

  • Cannot Empty Bladder

  • Chills

  • Chronic Trouble Sleeping

  • Collection of Clotted Blood in an Organ, Space or Tissue

  • Contact Dermatitis

  • Cough

  • Diarrhea

  • Difficult or Painful Urination

  • Discharge of Milk in Men or Women when Not Breastfeeding

  • Dizzy

  • Drowsiness

  • Dry Mouth

  • Earache

  • Easily Angered or Annoyed

  • Erythema Multiforme

  • Excess Urination

  • Excessive Sweating

  • Excessive Thirst

  • Extrapyramidal Reaction

  • Extreme Discomfort in Calves when Sitting or Lying Down

  • Fast Heartbeat

  • Feel Like Throwing Up

  • Feeling Faint

  • Feeling Restless

  • Feeling Weak

  • Gas

  • Giant Hives

  • Having a Rapid Heart Action - Supraventricular Tachycardia

  • Having Thoughts of Suicide

  • Head Pain

  • Heart Attack

  • Heart Throbbing or Pounding

  • Hemorrhage

  • Hemorrhage of Blood Under the Skin

  • Hepatitis

  • High Blood Pressure

  • High Blood Sugar

  • High Cholesterol

  • Hives

  • Inability to have an Erection

  • Incomplete or Infrequent Bowel Movements

  • Increased Pressure in Eyes

  • Increased Risk of Bleeding

  • Indigestion

  • Involuntary Quivering

  • Itching

  • Life Threatening Allergic Reaction

  • Liver Failure

  • Lockjaw

  • Loss of Appetite

  • Low Amount of Sodium in the Blood

  • Low Energy

  • Mood Changes

  • Muscle Spasms

  • Needing to Urinate Immediately

  • Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome

  • Nosebleed

  • Not Feeling Well

  • Numbness

  • Orgasm Problems

  • Painful, Red or Swollen Mouth

  • Problem with Ejaculation

  • Rash

  • Redness of Skin

  • Ringing in the Ears

  • Seizures

  • Sensation of Spinning or Whirling (Vertigo)

  • Serotonin Syndrome - Adverse Drug Interaction

  • Sleep Disorder

  • Sluggishness

  • Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

  • Stomach Cramps

  • Stomach Ulcer

  • Suicidal

  • Sun-Sensitive Skin

  • Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion

  • Temporary Redness of Face and Neck

  • Underactive Thyroid

  • Urination During the Night

  • Weight Gain

  • Weight Loss

  • Yawning

  • Yellowing of Skin or Eyes from Bile Flow Problems

I was a zombie for so long that I didn't notice I was emotionally blunted.

Some researchers argue that emotional blunting is not only a simple side effect of antidepressants but also a residual symptom of depression. They believe that emotional blunting is a symptom of depression that is not measured in conventional scales and is often incompletely treated with SSRIs

I have never had depression issues; I've never felt so down I just couldn't care. When I finally decided enough was enough, I contacted my doctor about getting off Cymbalta because it wasn't working. The advice they gave me was horrible and you cannot just stop taking it. This effects your brain in more ways than you realize.

Stopping duloxetine abruptly may result in one or more of the following withdrawal symptoms: irritability, nausea, feeling dizzy, vomiting, nightmares, headache, and/or paresthesias (prickling, tingling sensation on the skin).

A qualitative analysis published in 2020 noted: “It is now suspected that antidepressant withdrawal syndrome is more common and severe than earlier presumed, affecting roughly 30%-50% of those who attempt to stop their treatment.” It reported that some people experience debilitating withdrawal symptoms, pointing to the link between withdrawal and suicide.

Luckily through my research I found a wonderful group that gives you the information and tools you need to get off this medication safely and effetely.

Please, if you are on this medication and want off follow the slow taper guidelines or you will find yourself in a world of hurt!

Adults with depression who want to quit antidepressants should be given support on how to do it safely over time, says NICE | News | News | NICE

Duloxetine (Cymbalta) | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness

Cymbalta Hurts Worse | Facebook

Cymbalta (Duloxetine) Side Effects & Withdrawal Symptoms (

Cymbalta Withdrawal: Symptoms, Timeline & Treatment (

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