Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Chronic Pain Thoughts: Volume 3 (2/28/23)

 Dear Reader,

I'm frustrated, mad and just plain tired.

I've never felt good, for as long as I can remember. Weather it's my stomach, my head, not feeling like I got a good night sleep. Then there's the pain. Either there all the time or something annoying like my ankle hurts for an hour because I scratched my itch.

I dealt with all of it until I couldn't anymore. I trusted doctors to help me, but like so many I was turned away, told to sleep well or go swimming. I was given medications and I took it all without looking them up or learning more about them. Chasing relief is hard, more so when no one will listen.

I am on my 4th bead drop of Cymbalta 20mg. I want off this medication more than anything but it's impossible. Your brain, your body gets addicted to it. I'm not a depressed person, I never have been. I've had anxiety but nothing like I've been feeling. All I want to do is sleep, I'm totally emotionally blunted, and I have zero drive for anything.

I have one good friend, who also has chronic illnesses but yet is obsessed with telling me how lazy I am. I have a tear in my back that causes me great pain and my body is not doing great with this taper. I am aware that this maybe a toxic friendship, but what do you do when you have no one else to vent to!

We all deal with something and although we all know that we should help ourselves sometimes we just can't and it's heartbreaking.

I follow this facebook page; Chronic Pain Info and I see a lot of what I go through.

I encourage everyone reading this to do a deep dive into your medications, into yourself and be yourself no matter what. You are not alone in what you are feeling and those who judge us think they are perfect.

My fatigue is unreal and the more I do, the more tired I am. I am not alone.

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