Monday, March 27, 2023

Chronic Pain Thoughts; Volumn 5


Dear Reader,

I have a vacation planned very soon and the closer it gets the more nervous I get. I'm worried that my fibro or my back is going ruin the entire thing.

I feel like absolute shit when I wake up every day. My stomach hurts, my joints hurt and no matter how much sleep I get, I am fatigued and plain out of it.

To make matters worse I think I'm in perimenopause.

Doctor's either don't care of don't feel the need to treat because appointments are often a month out, pain is dismissed and I'm so sick and God damned tired of hearing “Make sure you get a good night sleep”.

We've all been dismissed; we've all been pushed to the side and not listened to. All I want is enjoy the vacation I've saved for with my family.

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