Friday, April 7, 2023

Chronic Pain Thoughts: Volume 6


Dear Reader,

I feel like I'm caught in a catch 22. I am in constant pain and have a hard time getting over this hump.

We all know exercise is good, but what do you do when it causes more pain along with fatigue symptoms? My answer is generally take something and sit down. I have lost all motivation, what's the point when it causes more pain?!

I feel stuck, as I'm sure some of you do as well. Between Pain doctors, specialists and my PCP no one has answers or offers any help. We are all treated like drug addicts when all we want is relief.

I want to be more active, I want to walk my dogs, but if I do I suffer consequences that I don't want to suffer. One day of activities equals two days of not being able to move and it has nothing to do with being out of shape!

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