Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Chronic Pain Thoughts: Volume 8

 Dear Reader,

I took a vacation. The first time since dealing with chronic pain. It wasn't easy and I was on the verge of tears several times, but I did my best to enjoy it. Every night when we got back, I had to lay down. My back and legs were killing me.

What's the point you ask, I'll tell you. I pushed through when I shouldn't have. I went above my limit and regretted it every day. I wish I would have broke down and rented a scooter sooner. I didn't because I felt ashamed. I felt ashamed because I have a toxic friend, I try to distance myself from this person and try to just brush off her rude comments, but it's hard. My family encouraged me, knew how much pain I was in, but my friend and her “Come on” comment got to me.

Don't be like me. Don't listen to toxic words. Don't allow yourself to go above what you can normally handle. Listen to your body!

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