Thursday, May 18, 2023

Chronic Pain Thoughts: Volume 9

 Dear Reader,

Today I find myself in pain and frustrated. I am sick of not being listened to, being dismissed and not given the care I feel I deserve as a human.

I have had anti-inflammatory medications for as long as I can remember. Recently I was told that the one I was taking was no longer working because I had been taking it for too long. I was switched from diclofenac to Celebrex.

After a few weeks on Celebrex, I started having stomach issues. I contacted both doctors in my care team, Pain & Spine and Orthopedics. I was told that Celebrex doesn't have “stomach upset” and that diclofenac does. This is not true, Celebrex comes with a warning from the pharmacy. I was called in a medication that I've tried before, that doesn't work, I told them it doesn't work, and they called it in anyway. I'm not going to pick up and pay for a medication that doesn't work for me!

Why are we treated with such disrespect? Why are we treated like we don't matter?

I am sick of physical therapy; I've tried this more times that I can count. I am sick of injections in my back & neck that don't work. If anything, those injections cause more pain than relief! I am sick of not being listened to and what choice do we have?!

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