Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Book: Frankie Elkin Series (Lisa Gardner)


Before She Disappeared

*Frankie Elkin #1

Author; Lisa Gardner

See all books at


Recovering alcoholic Frankie Elkin spends her life doing what no one else will--searching for missing people the world has stopped looking for. A new case brings her to Mattapan, a Boston neighborhood with a rough reputation. She is searching for Angelique Badeau, a Haitian teenager who vanished from her high school months earlier. Resistance from the Boston PD and the victim's wary family tells Frankie she's on her own--and she soon learns she's asking questions someone doesn't want answered. But Frankie will stop at nothing to discover the truth, even if it means the next person to go missing could be her.


I didn't realize this was a series until I looked it up, I'm going to have to read the next two!

I couldn't put this book down, it was so good. Very detailed while going though the missing person case.

One Step Too Far

*Frankie Elkin #2

Author; Lisa Gardner

See all books at


Timothy O’Day knew the woods. Yet when he disappeared on the first night of a bachelor party camping trip with his best friends in the world, he didn’t leave a trace. What he did leave behind were two heartbroken parents, a crew of guilt-ridden groomsmen, and a pile of clues that don’t add up.

Frankie Elkin doesn’t know the woods, but she knows how to find people. So when she reads that Timothy’s father is organizing one last search, she heads to Wyoming. Despite the rescue team’s reluctance, she joins them. But as they hike into the mountains, it becomes clear that there’s something dangerous at work in the woods . . . or someone who is willing to do anything to stop them from going any farther.

Running out of time and up against the worst man and nature have to offer, Frankie and the search party will discover what evil awaits those who go one step too far . . .


I couldn't put this down, I feel like I read it in 3 days! These books are so very well written.

I'm generally decent at figuring out the “who done it” but this writer is so good that she steers you in the wrong direction all while having the answer right in front of you!

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