Thursday, July 13, 2023

Chronic Pain Thoughts: Volume 10

 Dear Reader,

I started this page to be able to reflect my feelings into words regarding my chronic pain. I wanted to share everything I've been through and share my frustrations. For the past few months, I've been just too sick, barley making it through my day and trying to figure out what is going on with my body.

On June 25 I woke up with the worst right-side pain I've ever felt. I was in the emergency room by 9 am and in surgery for gallbladder removal by 12noon. It was 95% blocked and my bile duct was 100% blocked. I had 2 procedures in 2 days. I quickly developed pancreatitis and it was severe.

My care team was amazing, and I truly had no idea what was going on, I was in pain and what felt like hours to me was in reality only 1, before I knew it there was an NG tube from my nose to stomach and my entire system had shut down. I was in the ICU for 5 days. It was the single most terrifying thing in my life and extremely painful.

I am thankfully on the mend now and am trying to recover. I am traumatized, bruised and a bit broken. I'm still in pain and am trying to get moving every day to heal. Recovery from anything is hard and adding chronic pain to that is even harder.

To all of you who fight through it every day, keep it up. Please always feel free to share stories or ask for advice.

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