Friday, April 26, 2024

Small Business Review: The Heel Shoe Fitters

 This is my experience with a local small business shoe store.

My husband and I were on a mission to find some shoes. We ended up at The Heel Shoe Fitters in Green Bay. I thought they could measure his feet and we would walk out with a good fitting pair of shoes for him.

We didn't know what to expect when we walked in. We started at their outlet, the lady that was working there wasn't very friendly but did greet us when we entered. We went over to the main store. They have you check in and you're basically assigned a salesperson. They are very trained on feet and knowledgeable. They ask all the right questions and will bring you as many pair of shoes to try on that they have.

Our sale lady, Hannah was amazing. She matched our stupid humor; she brought out so many pairs of shoes for my husband to try on. He found a pair of tennis shoes that fit perfectly and were the correct size for his feet. We also purchased two pairs of shoes for me and a pair of slippers for my daughter. In total we spent over $800 on an impromptu trip to the shoe store.

The problem started with the work boots my husband purchased. He tried them on in the store and they fit. He did stand up and walk around the store. He decided to wait until it wasn't so muddy out to actually wear them. He put them on in the living room, walked into the garage to start packing his truck and decided that they weren't going to work as they hurt his feet. He immediately took them off and put them back in the box.

We threw away the receipt which is a problem we know we have. I contact customer service online regarding their return policy and they answered exactly as the new receipt that I have states:

“Items must be returned within 30 days for the date of purchase. Items must be in unworn* and like-new condition with original packaging and tags* for a full refund.

Items returned more than 30 days from the date of purchase are up to the manager discretion and may not be accepted. Return policy exceptions are subject to restocking fee and in-store credit only.

Defects will be handled on a case-by-case basis per manufacturer.

*Worn items ARE NOT eligible for refund

*Items returned without original packaging and tags will be subject to a 20% restocking fee.”

All of this is pretty basic, my main concern was that we didn't have the receipt and the tags were cut off in the store. The customer service rep assured me that they have the receipt on file and that the tags being off was fine. Perfect, he wore these for maybe 10 minutes, and they weren't worn.

The problem arose when he went to the store. They stated that the boots were in worn condition and were subject to the re-stocking fee. To say we were upset would be an understatement. I reached out to customer service yet again and was met with the owner of the store. He stood by the boots were in worn condition due to a light dusting on the bottom.

I have attached the pictures of what he sent, as you can see, these are brand new boots, and you can tell by looking at the tread that they weren't worn at all.

The definition of the word “Worn”: Damaged and shabby as a result of much use

The definition of the word “Tried on”; To put on (a garment) in order to test the fit or to use or test experimentally.

According to this these boots were in in tried on status, yet according to the store employee and owner these were worn. The owner tried to guilt trip me into understanding that they can't put them back on the shelf and that they are losing money. Although I understand this completely, it's not my concern.

According to their return policy we should have been given a full refund no questions asked; however we weren't. We were argued with and treated extremely poorly. In a world where customer service matters the back end failed. So much so that a store we originally raved about we will never go to again. We will tell people of our terrible experience each and every time someone mentions their name.

Customers have a reasonable expectation that if we follow the return policy we will be treated fairly and given a refund or store credit. We are not responsible for deciphering the verbiage of a return policy.

This store will treat you great while you are there spending money but terrible if there is a problem after.

I did speak with the owner, and we were given a full refund. He did admit to me that if we would have whipped off the bottom and then returned them, they wouldn't have asked questions. This is strange to me because these still look brand new and simply tried on, no more so than they did in the store. 

The Heel Shoe Fitters is located at 930 Waube Lane Green Bay, WI

You can shop online at and they apparently also have an amazon store.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Movie; On the Line (2022) Caution Spoiler Alert

 On the Line

Came out; 2022

Time; 1 hr 44 min

Watched: Prime

Rated: R for language throughout and some violent content

IMDB Rating; 5.4/10

Caution; Spoiler Alert


Mel Gibson as Elvis

William Moseley as Dylan

Alia Seror-O'Neill as Mary

Paul Spera as Gary

Nadia Fares as Sam

Enrique Arce as Tony

Yoli Fuller as Steven

Story Line.

A host takes a call, where an unknown person threatens to kill the showman's entire family on air. To save loved ones, the radio host will have to play a survival game and the only way to win is to find out the identity of the criminal.


This movie had tons of potential. It was really good, until the end.

The storyline itself is good, the movie goes from the start and things are a little crazy, until you get to the end and find out it's all a prank, then there's a prank within the prank.

There were also several mistakes that makes it feel like the person doing the editing wasn't paying attention.

CAUTION; Major Spoiler Alert

Los Angeles shock jock Elvis Cooney leaves his wife and daughter to go to work at KLAT during the midnight slot. He is introduced to the new intern, Dylan, on whom he plays a prank at the start of his shift. Elvis runs his radio show with Mary, his switchboard operator. After being on the air for a while, Elvis receives a call from a man named Gary, who claims to be at his house and holding his wife and daughter, Olivia and Adria, hostage. When Elvis threatens to take Gary off the air, Gary says he will kill Elvis's family.

Gary proceeds to explain that Elvis was responsible for a previous switchboard operator, Lauren, taking her own life due to Elvis's attitude and crude jokes towards her. Gary gets Elvis to admit on the air that he has slept with Mary. He then tells him to go up on the roof and jump. Dylan, Mary, and studio worker Steven follow. Dylan tries to trick Gary into believing that Elvis has jumped off the roof, but a drone outside is recording everything. Elvis then hears two gunshots go off and assumes his family is dead.

On his way out of the studio, Gary's voice comes over the speakers and says that his family is still alive and somewhere in the building with him. Elvis then realizes that Gary has been in the studio the whole time and sent him on a wild goose chase so he would have time to kill the security guard at the front, hide in the building, and rig the whole place to explode. Gary says that Elvis has 40 minutes to find him before everyone dies. Elvis and Dylan make their way through the building and try to find Gary, Olivia, and Adria. Along the way, they run into Tony, an old friend of Elvis who has been secretly stealing computers from the building. Gary orders Elvis to kill him, but he lets him go, and they move on.

When they are led to a false hiding place, Gary reveals that he can see them through the security cameras. Elvis leads Dylan, via a route without security cameras, to the control room where they find not Gary but Justin - a host with the time slot that Elvis wants - with a bullet in his head. Gary then reveals that he is now in the recording studio with a restrained Mary and Steven. After successfully earning ten more minutes on the clock, Elvis and Dylan make their way back to the studio via another secret route. When they reach upstairs, they see Tony hanging by the neck in the hallway.

Elvis is able to apprehend Gary with a box cutter, but Gary reveals that he is holding a dead man's switch and that Olivia and Adria are on the terrace with bomb vests strapped to their bodies. Gary then receives a call from Bruce, a member of the LAPD SWAT team, who says he is on the terrace and unable to disarm the devices. Gary then demands a trade: Olivia and Adria go free, and Dylan takes their place.

Forced to comply, Bruce deactivates the vests with Gary's help and brings them down to the studio, reactivating them on Dylan. Gary then shoots Bruce in the head and drops the dead man's switch as everyone looks on in horror only to have nothing happen.

Elvis and Gary then burst out laughing and embracing as everyone thought to be dead re-emerges, alive and well. It is then revealed that the whole situation was a prank played by the whole studio on Dylan, who is shocked and horrified. After Elvis explains everything, he tries to get a reaction from Dylan, who leaves in silence. Elvis and his crew chase him out the door, holding the mic out to him, and Dylan falls backward down the stairs, cracking his head open and seemingly dying on impact.

The next morning, a distraught Elvis exits the studio and swears that he is done with radio. It is then revealed that Dylan, whose real name is Max, is a stunt worker and faked his own death as part of a prank by the whole radio station in order to celebrate Elvis's birthday, which he claimed everyone forgot. Elvis is glad to see Dylan/Max alive, and he jokingly tells his co-workers to watch out, because his revenge prank will be far worse.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Movie: Freelance (2023) Caution; Spoiler Alert


Came out; 2023

Time; 1 hr 48 min

Watched: Hulu

Rated: R for violence and language

IMDB Rating; 5.5/10

Caution; Spoiler Alert


John Cena as Mason Pettits

Alison Brie as Claire Wellington

Juan Pablo Raba as Venegas

Christian Slater as Sebastian Earle

Alice Eve as Jenny Pettits

Marton Csokas as Colonel Jan Koehorst

Story Line.

Ex-special forces operative Mason Pettits (John Cena) is stuck in a dead-end desk job when he reluctantly takes on a freelance gig to provide private security for washed-up journalist Claire Wellington (Alison Brie) as she interviews the ruthless - but impeccably dressed - dictator, Juan Venegas (Juan Pablo Raba). When a military coup breaks out just as she's about to get the scoop of a lifetime, the unlikely trio must figure out how to survive the jungle AND each other in order to make it out alive. From Pierre Morel, the dynamic


I'm not sure why this movie got such bad ratings. It was fun and a bit different than your average good guy/action movie.

I love that although John Cena's character had problems in his relationship, he didn't take the chance to jump into bed with Alison Brie's character, that was great writing!

This was pretty much all action from the start, the story line all fit together and it was a great mix between action and comedy.

There weren't many twists in this one, it was all pretty straight forward but the twists that were in the movie were really good.

Watch the credit for the gag reel!!

CAUTION; Major Spoiler Alert

Mason Pettits is a former U.S. Army Special Forces operator, who was injured and medically discharged after a failed mission to assassinate Juan Venegas, the dictator of the South American country of Paldonia. After being discharged, Pettits works as a lawyer, a job he despises. One day, Mason is approached by his former team member, Sebastian Earle, who offers him a highly paid private security job where he has to protect disgraced journalist Claire Wellington as she goes to Paldonia to interview Venegas. The mission upsets his wife Jenny, who doesn't want their daughter Casey to live without a father, should something happen.

After arriving in Paldonia and meeting Venegas, they are ambushed by a militant group that tries to kill Venegas, destroying their vehicles in the process. Mason fights off the assailants and they escape into the jungle. Venegas deduces that their attackers were his own soldiers, and that the assassination attempt is actually a coup orchestrated by his nephew Jorge, who is working with a South African mercenary named Colonel Jan Koehorst to kill him. Mason tries to leave Venegas behind while bringing Claire with him, but the two are ambushed by mercenaries. Mason, with a little help from Venegas, fights them off, and the group arrives at a village where Venegas is highly respected.

Claire successfully films her interview with Venegas. While Mason bonds further with Claire, he is unable to start a relationship with her despite her advances, remembering his family back home. The next day, Venegas hints at a real purpose for Mason's job - Mason calls Sebastian, who informs him that he was actually hired to kill Venegas. Jan and his men subsequently arrive at the village and chase the group; Mason and Venegas manage to escape while Claire is captured.

While on the way to Paldonia's capital, Venegas reveals that he wasn't responsible for killing Mason's friends during their mission. Later, the two stage a trade with Claire, while Venegas reveals that the revolution against his regime is actually controlled opposition. The next day, during said trade, Venegas brings in revolutionary protestors to distract Jan as he, Mason, and Claire run to the presidental palace. There, Venegas convinces Jorge to help him lead the country better, but the latter is killed when General Martínez, another conspirator, tries to shoot Venegas.

Jan and his men arrive at the palace, and a shootout ensues between them and Venegas' palace guards, during which Mason fights Jan alone. Jan reveals that he was responsible for killing Mason's crew. Claire, who films the battle, helps Mason defeat Jan. Afterwards, Sebastian and his team arrive and fight Jan's militants.

Sometime later, Claire has regained fame for her footage in Paldonia, Venegas resigns from being dictator, and Mason reunites with his family before being gifted $5 million by Venegas. Now with a newfound purpose on his life, Mason decides to spend more time with his family.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Wax: Tonshi Mountain Studio: Mystery Box


Vendor; Tonshi Mountain Studios



Owner; Angela Quick & Suzanne Nelson

Scent Sachet

Scent: Lilac

Thoughts: Such a strong scent, I love it!

Scent: Palo Santo

Thoughts: I love this scent so much!


Scent: Un-Cranberr-Able-Chill

Scent Description: Ripened Raspberry + Strawberry Leaf + Cranberry + Black Cherry + Peppermint.

Thoughts: I am always worried about mint scents, I just don't like them, but this one has such a great mix of berry scents with a mint background. It smells really nice on cold.

Scent: Comfy Cozy Sweater

Scent Description: Earl Grey, Apple Tea, Balsam Cedar, Exotic Out Wood & Fireside

Thoughts: This doesn't smell like I expected, and that's not a bad thing. I get the Earl Grey and Apple as dominant. This is a different scent.

Scent: Strawberry Lemonade

Scent Description: A tart lemonade blended with sweet strawberries.

Thoughts: These are super cute and smell delicious

Scent: Sweet Potato Spice

Scent Description: Sweet Potato Clove + Cinnamon + Nutmeg + Brown Sugar

Thoughts: This is interesting, a new scent to me and it's different

Scent: Let Them Eat Cake

Scent Description: Cake, Lemon, Raspberry Buttercream, Caramelized Sugar

Thoughts: This must be a blend vs the oil but this smells really good!

Scent: Pop goes the Dragon Lemonade

Scent Description: Fizzy Pop + Dragon's Blood + Lemon Grass

Thoughts: This is a great blend, it's different and the dragon's blood is really strong!

Scent: Bomb Pop

Scent Description: Lime + Blue Raspberry + Cherry

Thoughts: This scent is very true to what you'd expect from the bomb pop scent, it's nice and strong and smells so good

Scent: Coconut Key Lime Pie

Scent Description: Key Lime, coconut cream pie, green cover aloe, Beachwood vetiver and coco mango.

Thoughts: This was different, not my favorite as the key line is strong

Scent: Lavender Peppermint

Scent Description: Herbal Lavender with a mellow peppermint.

Thoughts: The peppermint is thankfully mellow! This is going to smell really good when it's warming.

Scent: Strawberry Macaroon

Scent Description: Butter Frosting, Red Berries, Strawberry, Rhubarb, Caramel, Vanilla Cream & Sweet Sugar

Thoughts: This is an amazing scent! It smells delicious.

Scent: Negroni Sbagliato with Prosecco in it

Scent Description: Fizzy Pop, Vineyard Grapes, Blood Orange & Juniper Berry

Thoughts: This smells amazing, it doesn't smell like I'd expect it

Scent: Rhaegal

Scent Description: Blackberry Sage Tea + Pomegranate + Vanilla Pound Cake

Thoughts: This smells nice! The blackberry sage is dominant and it's ok!

Scent: Fear the Clicker

Scent Description: Cedarwood + Amber + Palo Santo + Sumac.

Thoughts: Wow!! This is my favorite so far (besides the dragon's blood)

Scent: Meraxes

Scent Description: Macintosh Apple Sangria, Nutmeg & Ginger

Thoughts: This was interesting and not what I expected

Scent: Viserion

Scent Description: Barnwood, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Outwood, Amber & Oakmoss

Thoughts: This is the perfect wood type scent; it smells so good on cold

Scent: Arrax

Scent Description: Angel Food Cake + Strawberry Pound Cake + Italian Lemon

Thoughts: The cake comes out really good with the lemon in the background

Scent: Vhagar

Scent Description: Salty Sea Air + Fresh Cut Grass + Strawberry + Kiwi + White Musk + Carnation + Lily of the Valley + Hyacinth.

Thoughts: This smells amazing! I was worried about the fresh cut grass but it's such a nice floral scent.

Scent: Sweet Tooth

Scent Description: Froot Loops, Sugar & Marshmallow

Thoughts: Love!!!

Scent: Velvet Sugar Petals

Scent Description: Garden Rose Petals, Violet Blossom, Baked Cake & Vanilla Glaze

Thoughts: Another perfect floral scent

Overall Order Thoughts:

A few items from my January incense order were forgotten and when the vendor reached out, I also purchased a mystery box. I love every single thing!

The wax from this vendor preforms very well in my home and the scents are always different than what you could normally get. 

Monday, April 8, 2024

Movie: Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (2024) Caution Spoiler Alert

 Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire

Came out; 2024

Time; 1 hr 55 min

Watched: Theatre

Rated: PG-13 for supernatural action/violence, language and suggestive references

IMDB Rating; 6.5/10

Caution; Spoiler Alert


Paul Rudd as Gary Grooberson

Carrie Coon as Callie Spengler

Finn Wolfhard as Trevor Spengler

Mckenna Grace as Phoebe Spengler

Kumail Nanjiani as Nadeem Razmaadi

Patton Oswalt as Dr. Hubert Wartzki

Celeste O'Connor as Lucky

Logan Kim as Podcast

Emily Alyn Lind as Melody

Bill Murray as Peter Venkman

Dan Aykroyd as Ray Stantz

Ernie Hudson as Winston Zeddemore

Annie Potts as Janine Melnitz

William Atherton as Mayor Walter Peck

Story Line;

The Spengler family returns to where it all started – the iconic New York City firehouse – to team up with the original Ghostbusters, who’ve developed a top-secret research lab to take busting ghosts to the next level. But when the discovery of an ancient artifact unleashes an evil force, Ghostbusters new and old must join forces to protect their home and save the world from a second Ice Age


I love these movies, I am extremely happy with the way they've re-written these last 2. The cast is great and has super good chemistry and they've kept to the old school comedy + action writing.

There were a few plot holes in this one but I loved every second of it. Like, why couldn't we just put the ball back where it was originally? Would that have helped?! I get that they wouldn't have had a story line but come on

I didn't mind the girl ghostbusters but these last two keep in the nostalgia of the first ones. The introduction of the Fire Master was great, they modernized the ghostbusters and I love every second of it!

If we could get more Janine and maybe a Lewis cameo that would make it perfect!

CAUTION; Major Spoiler Alert

The film begins in New York 1904, with a bunch of Adventurers running into a hotel room and notices a bunch of frozen people in a hotel room, before one of the adventurers spots an orb, which opens and closes and plays back a recording of the scene.

Back in modern day, the Spenglers chase down an ice dragon and capture it in a drone, before Gary drives the car into a bunch of bicycles and Walter Peck, who is now the mayor benches Phoebe from the ghostbusters, until she is 18 and accuses the others for damaging the city. Gary places the captured ghost in the compartment.

To get over her disappointment, Phoebe goes out and plays chess with a young ghost named Melody, who died in a fire with her family. Phoebe and Melody become friends. Meanwhile, Trevor notices slime on his bedroom ceiling and he goes up to the attic to try and capture the ghost, but he sees a pile of sweet wrappers, before Slimer reveals itself and covers him in slime.

Ray and Podcast get local people to donate haunted objects for inspection and a man named Nadeem sells Ray the orb for $50. Phoebe and Podcast go down to the basement of Rays shop, where a group of mini "Pufts" move around, before Podcast hammers one. When Ray tests the PKE, the orb unleashes a bunch of ice and releases the ghosts from the compartment, at the firehouse, into the atmosphere. Winston and a group of other investigators analyse the compartment and they are taken to a private lab, where Trevor reconciles with his girlfriend. Winston puts the orb with a bunch of other objects for further inspection. Phoebe discovers other ghosts being kept captive for research and the group are shown a machine where they safely dispose of the ghost.

Phoebe, Ray and podcast go to the local library, where Nadeem is tested and is confirmed to be the fire guard. The trio are told that the orb is possessed by a horned king who wants revenge on the human race for dismantling his body. Once the orb is tested, it causes the other ghosts in captivity to become agitated. Just outside the library, Phoebe and the gang destroy the lion statue, which is now possessed and ultimately gets arrested.

The mayor arrests Phoebe, but she is later set free and the Spenglers spend one last night at the firehouse. Gary and Phoebes mother fire her from the ghostbusters. Later, Gary goes to talk to Phoebe but she has gone back to hang out with Melody. Phoebe then develops the idea to turn herself into a ghost for 2 minutes, but when she does, Melody captures her in a hope to see her family again, hands her over to the orb, releasing the ghostly king, before Phoebe goes back to her normal self. Gary and come to see Phoebe and tell her she is not in trouble, but rather they were worried about her. The Spenglers head back to the firehouse, where the other ghostbusters and Nadeem are. Nadeem practices his power, while the rest of the gang keep an eye out for the demon ghost.

The ghost king arrives on land, covering the entire city in ice and arrives at the firehouse. The group prepare to fight and Nadeem reveals himself as the fire guard, but he used up all the fluid in training. The ghost freezes everyone, except Phoebe who tries using her weapon to try and capture the king, but the ghost is too strong and freezes Phoebe. All looks lost, until Melody comes in, lighting her signature match, passing it to Nadeem and he uses it to control the flame and burning the demon to a crisp. Everyone is freed from the ice and all the spectres, working for the king are freed into the atmosphere.

Despite the gang doing a great job, the mayor still refuses to congratulate the ghostbusters, but the public force him to change his mind. The Ice dragon and Slimer are set free and Trevor drives the car with the family, going after the ghosts.

Movie: Argylle (2024) Caution: Spoiler Alert


Came out; 2024

Time; 2 hr 19 min

Watched: Amazon

Rated: PG-13 for strong violence and action and some strong language

IMDB Rating; 5.7/10

Caution; Spoiler Alert


Henry Cavill as Argylle

Bryce Dallas Howard as Elly Conway

Sam Rockwell as Aidan Wilde

Bryan Cranston as Director Ritter

Dua Lipa as Lagrange

Ariana DeBose as Keira

John Cena as Wyatt

Catherine O'Hara as Ruth

Story Line;

Elly Conway, an introverted spy novelist who seldom leaves her home, is drawn into the real world of espionage when the plots of her books get a little too close to the activities of a sinister underground syndicate. When Aiden, a spy, shows up to save her (he says) from being kidnapped or killed (or both), Elly and her beloved cat Alfie are plunged into a covert world where nothing, and no one, is what it seems


This movie was really cute! I didn't see the twist coming. I love Sam Rockwell he is such a funny actor.

I can see why this movie got such low rantings, the back and forth between the book readings (What Elly is seeing in her head) vs what's really happening. I can also see where people didn't like the twist.

CAUTION; Major Spoiler Alert

The film opens in Greece, where suave British spy Aubrey Argylle (Henry Cavill) prepares to move in on his target, a terrorist named LaGrange (Dua Lipa). After a brief dance together, LaGrange has her assassins draw their guns on Argylle. He then contacts his partner Keira (Ariana DeBose), who uses her tech to find a way for Argylle to get out. LaGrange then corners Argylle and Keira outside and fires at them, hitting Keira in the chest. As Argylle tries to save her, he contacts his other associate, Wyatt (John Cena), to catch LaGrange before she can escape. Wyatt catches her, and he and Argylle interrogate LaGrange to learn who her employer is. It turns out she is working for Fowler (Richard E. Grant), the director who also employed Argylle and Wyatt. LaGrange poisons herself before she can be brought in, and Argylle now wonders who he can really trust.

The scene shifts to a book reading by Elly Conway (Bryce Dallas Howard), author of the "Argylle" book series that the character originates from, as the entire scene was from the last chapter of the fourth book in the series. After answering some questions, she later goes to her private cabin with her pet cat Alfie so that she can begin to write the fifth book. She spends the evening writing the whole thing, thinking she has completed it before going to bed.

In the morning, Elly is contacted by her mother Ruth (Catherine O'Hara), who spent all night reading the manuscript Elly sent her. Ruth says the book is good, but she doesn't like the ending, calling it a "copout". Elly then starts trying to write another new chapter to try and give the book better closure. She envisions several scenarios to give Argylle a better ending, but she finds herself drawing a blank.

Elly decides to take a train with Alfie to visit Ruth in Chicago when she suggests to help Elly finish the book. On the train, she is approached by a man named Aiden Wilde (Sam Rockwell). He pretends to be a fan of Elly's before informing her there are people on the train who are targeting her. Moments later, a "fan" comes by with a knife disguised as a pen, forcing Aiden to jump into action and start fighting assassins while Elly tries to hide, though she visualizes Argylle himself in Aiden's place. One of the assassins is a man named Carlos (Tomas Paredes), whom Elly recognizes from the book reading as a supposed fan. Aiden then takes Elly to the end of the train where he blasts the doors off and parachutes with her (and Alfie) out of the train, where she passes out midair.

When Elly wakes up, Aiden has cut his hair and reveals he took her to a cabin. He informs her that the assassins come from a sinister organization called The Division, led by Director Ritter (Bryan Cranston). They believe that Elly's books predict certain events in their line of work, and they have already read her manuscript for Book Five and are waiting on her to write the final chapter. Ritter is shown executing his Deputy Director (Rob Delaney) for failing to apprehend Elly and reacquiring a Master File that can expose all agents of The Division. Furthermore, the character of Wyatt is based off of Aiden, while Keira was a real person who apparently really did die.

Aiden brings Elly (and Alfie) along with him to find an informant named Bakunin (Stanley Morgan), who was going to deliver the Master File to him. Hoping to get an idea of where to find Bakunin, Aiden convinces Elly to start writing the next chapter, which Ritter and his men listen in on because some fans record Elly on their phones.

The duo are led to an apartment supposedly belonging to Bakunin. They find nothing but an opening under the floorboards, where Aiden finds a book with information written by Bakunin. Soon, Division assassins start making their way toward the building, leading to Elly and Aiden hiding under the floorboards. After a while, Aiden springs out from underneath to start killing the assassins. Before more start coming, the two make their way to the roof and jump off onto a dumpster below.

Aiden brings Elly to his place in London for safety. He goes into the bathroom and talks to his employer with the shower running, and Elly overhears Aiden saying that she "needs a bullet in her head". Fearing for her life, she grabs Alfie and contacts Ruth so that she can go to Chicago herself (with Alfie). Upon arriving, Elly rejoins Ruth before her father arrives...and it turns out to be RITTER. He starts going through Elly's stuff before Aiden arrives, telling Elly that these two are not her parents. After Ritter drops the dad act, Ruth (whose real name is Margaret Vogler) pulls a gun (and a British accent) on Elly. Aiden shoots her and knocks Ritter out before getting a horrified Elly out, unfortunately leaving Alfie behind.

Aiden escorts Elly to meet his employer, Alfred "Alfie" Solomon (Samuel L. Jackson). Here, Elly learns "the real Agent Argylle" is none other than...ELLY HERSELF! Her books were not predictions, but rather memories of her past life as a spy. Her real name is Rachel Kylle (Agent R. Kylle), and she lost her memory after a mission gone wrong. Ritter and Vogler got to Rachel before Aiden could, and they posed as her parents, making her believe she was always an aspiring writer so that she can document her thoughts down and eventually bring her down. They were hoping for the latest book to reveal the location of the Master File. Elly is bewildered at the revelation until Aiden engages her in combat, and she is able to utilize her skills from memory to neutralize him.

Solomon tells Elly and Aiden that the Master File is in the possession of a Division associate named Saba Al-Badr/The Keeper (Sofia Boutella). The pair travel to Arabia, where Elly must become Rachel once again. While waiting to speak to Saba at her compound, Aiden starts dancing with Elly, saying that they used to be romantically involved. Saba sees Elly alone and talks to her, where she acts well enough as Rachel for Saba to give her the Master File.

The Division manages to track down Elly and Aiden, capturing them and bringing them on board their large ship. Elly had just learned that she herself was an asset of The Division. A flashback reveals that she had killed Bakunin before taking the Master File, and the explosion triggered by his apartment self-destructing led to her memory loss. In order to save herself, Elly shoots Aiden in the chest to make Ritter think she is on their side. She also has to pretend that she doesn't care for Alfie, who is in Ritter's custody. In reality, she shot him in a specific area so that the bullet would go through his chest but missing the heart, with survival being dependent on stopping the bleeding soon enough, something that Elly got from a fan theory on how Keira could have been brought back. Aiden gets free and kills his captors before going to help Elly.

Elly sees one last hallucination of Argylle, telling her that she never needed him to do what he could do, before she takes on Carlos and his goons, who have to stop with the gunfire after crude oil starts to leak out. Elly then remembers one of her memories being ice-skating, so she straps some blades to her shoes and slides across the oil, slicing through the assassins before fighting Carlos, ending with her throwing a knife into his heart. She shoots the rest of the assassins before she and Aiden take out every last villain on the ship as a couple, with plenty of flair. They make it to the ship's control room to send the Master File to Solomon, but Ritter aims his rifle at them. Alfie then lunges toward the villain and begins to claw at his face, giving Aiden a chance to shoot and kill Ritter. Unfortunately, Alfie clawed out his eyes, as a retinal scan was needed to complete the upload, but Aiden finds an alternate way.

The duo begin uploading the file to Solomon, but Vogler shows up with a music box that mind-controls Elly to try and kill Aiden, which also makes her put the upload on hold. Aiden fights Elly reluctantly, nearly dying until a masked assailant hops onto the ship and brains Vogler with a wrench, causing her to drop the music box, which shatters upon hitting the floor and severs Elly's mind control. The assailant is Keira, who survived her gunshot wound the same way Aiden survived his, because it turns out Keira was the one who suggested the theory to Elly. The three (and Alfie) send the rest of the Master File and leave the ship to blow up, killing Vogler and anyone else left alive. Elly and Aiden also finally kiss.

Elly returns to her author role and finishes Book Five, giving Argylle a proper happy ending. She goes back to the book store for another reading, and a fan asks her what happened to the characters after the story. Elly says that, "hypothetically", Solomon received high honors from the CIA for exposing The Division, while Keira went to rise up in the tech field, and Elly and Aiden appear to be together. Before Elly ends things, another fan who looks much like a nerdier version of Elly's image of Argylle stands to ask a question, but also suggesting Elly might have questions for him, leaving her surprised.

During the credits, a flashback to 20 years earlier is shown. A young Argylle (Louis Partridge) enters a pub and seems to be working with the Kingsman agency (they exist in the same universe). Text then appears saying "Argylle: Book One", as a film adaptation of Elly's first novel is said to be coming soon.