Monday, April 15, 2024

Movie: Freelance (2023) Caution; Spoiler Alert


Came out; 2023

Time; 1 hr 48 min

Watched: Hulu

Rated: R for violence and language

IMDB Rating; 5.5/10

Caution; Spoiler Alert


John Cena as Mason Pettits

Alison Brie as Claire Wellington

Juan Pablo Raba as Venegas

Christian Slater as Sebastian Earle

Alice Eve as Jenny Pettits

Marton Csokas as Colonel Jan Koehorst

Story Line.

Ex-special forces operative Mason Pettits (John Cena) is stuck in a dead-end desk job when he reluctantly takes on a freelance gig to provide private security for washed-up journalist Claire Wellington (Alison Brie) as she interviews the ruthless - but impeccably dressed - dictator, Juan Venegas (Juan Pablo Raba). When a military coup breaks out just as she's about to get the scoop of a lifetime, the unlikely trio must figure out how to survive the jungle AND each other in order to make it out alive. From Pierre Morel, the dynamic


I'm not sure why this movie got such bad ratings. It was fun and a bit different than your average good guy/action movie.

I love that although John Cena's character had problems in his relationship, he didn't take the chance to jump into bed with Alison Brie's character, that was great writing!

This was pretty much all action from the start, the story line all fit together and it was a great mix between action and comedy.

There weren't many twists in this one, it was all pretty straight forward but the twists that were in the movie were really good.

Watch the credit for the gag reel!!

CAUTION; Major Spoiler Alert

Mason Pettits is a former U.S. Army Special Forces operator, who was injured and medically discharged after a failed mission to assassinate Juan Venegas, the dictator of the South American country of Paldonia. After being discharged, Pettits works as a lawyer, a job he despises. One day, Mason is approached by his former team member, Sebastian Earle, who offers him a highly paid private security job where he has to protect disgraced journalist Claire Wellington as she goes to Paldonia to interview Venegas. The mission upsets his wife Jenny, who doesn't want their daughter Casey to live without a father, should something happen.

After arriving in Paldonia and meeting Venegas, they are ambushed by a militant group that tries to kill Venegas, destroying their vehicles in the process. Mason fights off the assailants and they escape into the jungle. Venegas deduces that their attackers were his own soldiers, and that the assassination attempt is actually a coup orchestrated by his nephew Jorge, who is working with a South African mercenary named Colonel Jan Koehorst to kill him. Mason tries to leave Venegas behind while bringing Claire with him, but the two are ambushed by mercenaries. Mason, with a little help from Venegas, fights them off, and the group arrives at a village where Venegas is highly respected.

Claire successfully films her interview with Venegas. While Mason bonds further with Claire, he is unable to start a relationship with her despite her advances, remembering his family back home. The next day, Venegas hints at a real purpose for Mason's job - Mason calls Sebastian, who informs him that he was actually hired to kill Venegas. Jan and his men subsequently arrive at the village and chase the group; Mason and Venegas manage to escape while Claire is captured.

While on the way to Paldonia's capital, Venegas reveals that he wasn't responsible for killing Mason's friends during their mission. Later, the two stage a trade with Claire, while Venegas reveals that the revolution against his regime is actually controlled opposition. The next day, during said trade, Venegas brings in revolutionary protestors to distract Jan as he, Mason, and Claire run to the presidental palace. There, Venegas convinces Jorge to help him lead the country better, but the latter is killed when General Martínez, another conspirator, tries to shoot Venegas.

Jan and his men arrive at the palace, and a shootout ensues between them and Venegas' palace guards, during which Mason fights Jan alone. Jan reveals that he was responsible for killing Mason's crew. Claire, who films the battle, helps Mason defeat Jan. Afterwards, Sebastian and his team arrive and fight Jan's militants.

Sometime later, Claire has regained fame for her footage in Paldonia, Venegas resigns from being dictator, and Mason reunites with his family before being gifted $5 million by Venegas. Now with a newfound purpose on his life, Mason decides to spend more time with his family.

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