Thursday, May 2, 2024

Chronic Pain Thoughts: Volumn 26


Dear Reader,

I see this question posed all the time: “Do anti-depressants really work for chronic pain.”

In every pain support group, you find people either swear by them or denounce them. I am of the latter. I've tried Cymbalta, for several years and I never realized it was turning me into a zombie.

My pain was bad, I ended up on the max allowable dose and it was hell on earth to get myself off of it. The pain clinic I was at advised to “just stop”. I joined a support group, and it took me almost a year, counting these little, tiny beads to try and get off the medication.

This article is exactly how I feel. It shows studies and the long-term effects of these medications. I know personally, I get nothing for pain, I am left to deal with it on a daily basis.

Have you tried anti-depressants for chronic pain? Did it work?

Millions of people are prescribed antidepressants for chronic pain. Do they work? (

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