Monday, September 14, 2015

Movie; Devil Seed (The Devil in Me) (2012) Caution; Spoiler Alert

Devil Seed (The Devil in Me)

 The Devil in Me (2012) Poster

Came out; 2012
Time; 108 Minutes

Watched on; Netflix

Rating; None Listed

IMDB Rating; 4.1
Rotten Tomatoes Score; No score yet

Caution; Spoiler Alert

Synopsis; This movie is about Alex, a returning college student who moves in with her girlfriends after the holidays. They go out and have quite a few drinks and on the way home Alex and her friend Jessica go to a psychic where Alex has an episode and freaks out her friend and the psychic. The next day Alex doesn't have any memory of what happened and her friends think there's something going on with her. Over time, she starts having things happen to her, scratches, visions and ultimately rape from some being. Her friends start to worry about her even more and things take a turn for the worst when she loses control. What is inside her, and will they all live?

Michelle Argyris as Alex Froshiber
Shantelle Canzanese as Jessica Martin
Vanessa Broze as Breanne Whitaker
Kevin Jake Walker as Brian Wolski

Tired and Boring. This movie really didn’t “take off” until the middle. There is no explanation as to what happened to her and why. It, like many movies was much longer than it needed to be. The back and side stories need to be there to understand the plot, however this was just odd since all the back story involved around the “priest” who doesn’t even show up until the end of the movie.

There were no good jump scenes, nothing good at all really. It seems to have been left open since at the end a couple is adopting her baby. 

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