Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sensei; Master of Scents; August 2015 Anniversary Bonsai Bag

Vendor; Sensei; Master of Scents
Order placed; Bonsai Bag August 2015

Website; www.scensei.net
Owner; Elizabeth Jewel

YouTube Reveals

What I Received;
·        Festive Fruits
o      Blueberry Parfait Chunks w/ Summer Strawberry Jam Over Pour
·        Fiesta
o      Sweet Serendipity Chunks w/ Tropical Cocktail Over Pour
·        Cheesecake Jubilee
o      Whipped Wildberry Mousse Chunks w/ Cheesecake BOMB Over Pour
·        Party Favors
o      Rainbow Sugar Cone Chunks w/ Cotton Candy Spin Over Pour
·        Bag of unmarked samples

This was my first purchase with Sensei. I have seen other videos of Bonsai bags before, but this being their anniversary bag I thought I’d give them a try.

The do smell really good and are very “pretty” to look at. I couldn’t find on the web site or on the label if these are 100% soy or Parasoy. I find it a little odd that this information cannot be easily found.

I am glad I got to try Sensei, but I don’t know if I would make another purchase.

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