Friday, February 3, 2017

Wax; January Melting

I have started putting wax in all my warmers! I generally change out all the upstairs one every other day and the downstairs one daily. It’s still a little hard for me to keep track of what’s melting BUT this is a challenge for me so I’m all over it.

Here's what we've got!
A small scentsy warmer in the shape of a space ship in my son's room.
A purple glade warmer in my son's room.
A green glade warmer in my living room.
A white glade warmer in my office
A purple glade warmer in my family room
A beige glade warmer in my bedroom.

YouTube Video;

I generally only burn candles in my living room and office, but I seem to go through them!

Vendor; Kushner Kreations
Spikes Secret Stash Candle in the scent Butterscotch Crème Brulee.
This candle burned clean and perfectly. It smelled amazing and I would definitely purchase this again.

Vendor; Kushner Kreations
Spikes Secret Stash Candle in the scent Cotton Candy/VBN.
This was the slowest burning candle ever, this is not a complaint! It smelled so good in my small office and these 8 ounce candles are the perfect size!

Living Room;
Vendor; Willow Moon Candles
Scent; Like a Fart in the Wind.
I have had this candle for awhile, due to it’s name I kept it in my bathroom without burning it. I figured it was about time as my husband and kids kept moving it. It was an odor-eliminating candle. It smelled amazing actually and worked very well. I would most definitely purchase this candle again in a larger version (this one was 8 ounces). It burned clean and even.

Vendor; New Moon Candles
Scent; Christmas Sugar Cookies candle in a coffee mug.
This candle smelled really good, it was a very strong sugar cookie, which is hard to get. I got candle nose when it was almost gone and I did notice that the wick was a little off center. This was a living room candle and I wasn’t able to burn it all the way down due to the wick, but the burning of the rest of the candle was amazing.

Vendor; Kushner Kreations
Spikes Secret Stash Candle in the scent French Vanilla.
As with the one from my office this candle burned clean and perfectly. It was a little candle (8 ounces) but packed a good punch!

Vendor; Sweet Sensations Wax Melts & More
Scent; Vanilla Bean Noel.
As most of you are aware VBN is my favorite scent anywhere, well this vendor makes the best strongest VBN that I’ve ever had! This candle performed very well at first, then the wick went wonky. It was crooked and off center. I wasn’t able to fix it, I contacted the vendor to let her know and she did offer to replace it, I told her no, well I was able to get the wick fixed as it must have bent during the pouring process. It was so very good and yummy!

Vendor; Skye’s Soy Candles.
Scent; Apple Cinnamon
I purchased this clam shell in a de-stash. I used this one cube at a time in different rooms in my house. It was an older clamshell but it was very strong scented still.

Vendor; ScentSationals
Scent; Strawberries & Cream.
I received this in a RAOK. I melted this in different rooms in my house and the scent was amazing! I was actually surprised since it’s a “cheap” clam shell/wax, but I would definitely purchase this again.

Vendor; Skye’s Soy Candles;
Scent; Lemon Bundt Cake
All of these were purchased from a de-stash.
Normally I’m not thrilled with Lemon scents, but this was good. It was a strong scent but the lemon was secondary to the cake. It was melted in several rooms of my house and even though it was older, it performed very well.

Vendor; Sweet Sensations Wax Melts & More;
Scent: We’re All Mad Here
These were Alice in Wonderland tarts purchased during a special that she had. It all came in an Alice in Wonderland package. I melted this in two different times in my bedroom and it was amazing! The scent lasted two nights (with being shut off during the day). Unsure of the scent description but it was very good!

Vendor; Waxidents
Scent; Marshmallow Cake VBN.
This was one of mine that had been returned in a undeliverable package and it was too “old” to sell or giveaway. I frequently melt/burn my own product to test it and make sure it really does smell good. This was amazing! Toasted marshmallow, birthday cake and vanilla bean noel all mixed together. It was super strong and lasted all day in my office.

Vendor; Kushner Kreations
Scent; Fishy Fishy
This was a car tart that my youngest son received for Christmas. It was cut up and melted over time. This smelled just like Swedish fish and it’s amazing. It preformed very well and I have purchased this in the past and will continue to do so going forward.

Vendor; Sweet Sensations Wax Melts & More
Scent; Betsey Ross’s Kitchen.
This was a huge chunky bundt cake that I cut up and have been melting for some time. It smells amazing. I melted the remaining in my youngest son’s room and it was amazing!

Vendor; Waxidents
Scent; Satsuma
I love this scent. It’s so clean smelling (to me anyway). This was a tart that I cut up and melted bits at a time. This was melted in my bathroom and it performed pretty well.

Vendor; Waxidents
Scent; Pink Sugar Birthday Cake.
This was palm wax and it was an experimental chunk that I had made. It was so pretty and I hated to actually melt it, but I did! It didn’t perform as well as I’d hoped, but I did melt it in my bedroom, so I will keep trying and testing!

Vendor; New Moon Candles
Scent; Vanilla Butterscotch Brulee.
This was a scent shot that I melted in two sittings and it was amazing! For those that know me, know that I love Vanilla scents, and bakery so this was perfect! This vendor doesn’t get enough credit, it’s amazing! I melted this in my office and the scent went down the hall.

Vendor; Waxidents
Scent; Monkey Farts
This was a sample that I had that had gotten too old to give out, so I melted it myself. The scent was lighter than I’d like but it was melted in a huge room.

Vendor; Sweet Sensations Wax Melts & More
Scent; Vanilla Bean Noel
I hoarded this, it had a few tarts in it, this vendor makes the very best VBN out there. It is so crazy strong! I melted this in my bedroom.

Vendor; Sweet Sensations Wax Melts & More
Scent; Christmas Cutout Cookies.
Oh this was yummy. It had VBN in it. This vendor makes amazing wax/scents that last forever!

Vendor; Rose Girls
Scent; Berry Crème Brulee Noel.
This was a bag of chunks that I’ve had for a bit. I cut each chunk in half and it lasted for awhile. This scent is simply amazing!

Vendor; Kushner Kreations
Scent; Cranberry Marmalade
This was not my kind of scent, I typically don’t like the cranberry scents. It was very strong though and filled a very large room

Vendor; Waxidents
Scent; Cherry Red Lipstick
I received this back in a non delivered order, it had gotten a little beat up so I decided to melt it. Amazing! Another vendor that’s really good is Midnight Magic Designs owned by Gwen Vasquez, she makes this also!

Vendor; Scarlet Raine
Scent; Rainy Day at Sea
I don’t remember if this is one I received in a De-stash or if I received it with a purchase, I know that I wouldn’t have necessarily purchased this scent before, but it’s really good. I melted pieces over time in different rooms and it performed very well.

Vendor; Wicked Wax of the East
Scent; Twilight in the Woods.
I received this tart in her Halloween tart special. It smelled amazing! It was a pumpkin that I cut up and melted over time and it performed very well in each room.

Vendor; Simply Soy
Scent Mango Peach Salsa
I had received this in a de-stash. It was an older clam shell but it preformed wonderfully! It wasn’t my scent and not one that I would have purchased.

Vendor; Waxidents
Scent Birthday Cake Chocolate Chip Cookies
This was a test blend that I made. It performed very well and I really like it, but it’s very sweet.

Vendor; Skyes Soy Candles
Scent Pumpkin Patchouli
This is an older clam shell I received in a De-Stash. It was older but preformed great!

Vendor; Simply Soy
Scent; Lemon Drop
This was an older clam shell that I melted over time. It fell apart when removing it from the packaging however it smelled amazing!

Vendor; Bonjour Wax Company
Scent; Oh, Bite Me
This was a clam shell that I melted over time. It was palm wax. It smelled amazing on cold but didn’t perform well on warm. The scent was barley there.

Vendor; Skye’s Soy Candles
Scent; Marble Cake
This was a clam that was melted over time. I purchased this from a de-stash. It smelled so good. It was very bakery which I love.

Vendor; Skye’s Soy Candles
Scent; Pink Grapefruit Surprise
Clam shell that I received in a de-stash and it was amazing! It was older but performed very well.

Vendor; KISS My Wax
Scent; Wonderberry Sugar Cookie Candy
This vendor isn’t open anymore and I received this in a swap box. I melted it in my living room and it was an amazing scent!

Vendor; Kushner Kreations
Scent; Bobbie’s Blend
This was a tart my youngest daughter melted in her room. It was a flower that I cut in 4. All 4 slices were amazing! It was such a strong and tropical scent.

Vendor; Kushner Kreations
Scent; Strawberry Pretzel
This was a sample I received in an order. I generally don’t like pretzel scents, but this one is amazing! The pretzel isn’t overpowering like most I’ve had are.

Vendor; New Moon Candles
Scent; Butter Rum Pecan
I purchased a sample with my last order and this was one of them. It was very strong and very good but didn’t last very long.

Vendor; Sweet Sensations Wax Melts & More
Scent; Vanilla Bean Noel
I melted this in my bedroom and of course it was amazing! They were little fortune cookies.

Vendor; Simply Soy
Scent; Grandmas Kitchen
This was a clam shell that I received in a de-stash and it performed very well even being as old as it was!

Unknown Vendor
Scent; Caramel Apple
This was a clam shell from the huge de-stash. I melted two cubes of it. It smelled amazing on cold, however the wax was very slimy and sticky. It didn’t perform good at all in any of my warmers.

Vendor; Frankie’s Scents
Scent; Shaving Cream
I purchased this directly from the vendor. Now I had zero issues with all other wax that was purchased. This clam shell was very slimly and weird feeling. It smelled very good on cold but didn’t throw at all on warm in any warmer.

Vendor; Whispering Meadows
Scent; Green Irish Tweed
This was a scent shot that the owner sent to me in a RAOK. It smelled amazing on cold and performed fairly well. It wasn’t very strong, however it was a scent that you could smell. It was very pleasant!

Vendor; Chloe & Me
Scent; Blueberry, Birthday Cake & Fizzy Pop
This was a really cool Star Wars loaf that was given to my son (by me). He finally decided that he wanted it cut up! It smelled amazing on cold and while cutting. He put some in both of his bedroom warmers and it was amazing! He loves Blueberry so this was perfect!

Vendor; The Glitterati Candle Company
Scent; Christmas Tree.
This was from December 2014 and my daughter was insistant on melting this in her room. It still had a faint scent on cold but nothing while melting. I don’t think this was the fault of the vendor at all, it was just “lost and found”.

Vendor; Webby’s Wax
Scent; Birthday Cake
This was given to me as either a RAOK or in a swap. I have never had this vendor’s wax before. It was a bag of bears that were melted in several different spots. This is an amazing birthday cake scent! Very strong and long lasting.

Vendor; New Moon Candles
Scent; Winter Wonderland
I melted this in my office. It was a very good scent but not long lasting. Sadly I love this vendor but maybe I’ll stick with candles when ordering as those are great!

Vendor; Creative Enchantment
Scent; Berries & Cream
I melted this in two different “sittings”. It was the cutest bat tart that I had cut in half. It smells amazing!

Vendor; Whispering Meadows
Scent; VBN Volcano
This was a scent shot that I received in either a RAOK or a swap. It smelled amazing on cold. While melting it was light but there and was truly amazing!

I will update this to add where you can order from these vendors!

Skyes Soy Candles;
Facebook; Unknown

Kushner Kreations
Owner; April Kushner

Sweet Sensations Wax Melts & More
Web; None
Owner; Katie Gingrich

Rose girls
Facebook; Rose girls
Owner; Jenny Oaks

Facebook; Waxidents; An Experimental Candle Company
Owner; Yours truly; Amanda Nettekoven

New Moon Candles
Facebook; Unsure
Owner; Nicole Roberts

Scarlet Raine
Facebook; Scarlet Raine
Owner; Tiffany Thibodeau

Bonjour Wax Company
Facebook; Unsure
Owner; Mandi

Willow Moon Candles
Facebook; Unsure
Owner; Unsure

Wicked Wax of the East
Owner; Randi Cox

Simply Soy
Facebook; Unsure
Owner; Julie and Mattingly

Vendor; Frankie’s Scents
Web; None
Facebook; None
This vendor shut down
Owner; Holly Perry

Vendor; Whispering Meadows
Owner; Erin Sahlberg

Vendor; Chloe and Me
Owner; Staci Culp

Vendor; The Glitterati Candle Company
Web; None
Owner; Janine Jenzano

Vendor; Webby’s Wax
Web; None
Owner; Julie Webb

Vendor; Creative Enchantment
Owner; Anna Williams

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