Monday, March 27, 2017

Movie; Star Trek Beyong (2016) Caution; Spoiler Alert

Star Trek Beyond

 Star Trek Beyond Poster

Came out; 2013
Time; 2 Hour 2 Minutes

Watched on; Amazon

Rating; PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi action and violence

IMDB Rating; 7.1/10

Rotten Tomatoes Score;
Tomatoemeter: 84%
Average Rating: 6.9/10
Reviews Counted: 256
Fresh; 216
Rotten:  40
81% Liked it

Caution; Spoiler Alert

Synopsis; The USS Enterprise crew explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space, where they encounter a new ruthless enemy who puts them and everything the Federation stands for to the test.

Chris Pine as Kirk
Zachary Quinto as Spock
Zoe Saldana as Uhura
Karl Urban as Bones
Simon Pegg as Scotty
John Cho as Sulu
Anton Yelchin as Chekov
Idris Elba as Krall
Sofia Boutella as Jaylah
Deep Roy as Keenser

After stopping off at Starbase Yorktown, a remote outpost on the fringes of Federation space, the USS Enterprise, halfway into their five-year mission, is destroyed by an unstoppable wave of unknown aliens. With the crew stranded on an unknown planet and with no apparent means of rescue, they find themselves fighting against a ruthless enemy with a well-earned hatred of the Federation and everything it stands for. Only a rebellious alien warrior can help them reunite and leave the planet to stop this deadly menace from beginning a possible galactic war.


This movie started out strong and stayed strong. I personally like these movies, I grew up watching Star Trek; The Next Generation, so I am familiar with the “crew”.

This cast works very well together and I’m glad to see them together for another movie.

Lots of action, I didn’t even realize this was a 2 hour movie until I came to write this!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Wax; Chloe and Me; Loaves

Vendor; Chloe and Me
Order; Loaves

Owner; Staci Culp

YouTube Reveals;

What I received;
3 gymnastics themed loafs in the scent Summertime
One loaf, with hot air balloon in the scent Blackberry Jam Butter Cookies VBN

I feel like Staci stays up all night thinking of ideas and things she can make with wax. From Pizza Slice wax tarts to over the top loaves and even her candles. She mixes scents like a master and her wax is perfect!

We were trying to think of something to give to Drew Ann's gymnastics coaches and with her talent, I knew Staci would be the go-to person for these. Of course when ordering something for others I had to order myself. I gave her full range and I love this balloon loaf, it's simple enough to where I don't have to hoard it and not feel bad about cutting it up!

Movie; Ghostbusters (2016) Caution; Spoiler Alert


Ghostbusters Poster

Came out; 2016
Time; 1 Hour 56 Minutes
Watched on; Amazon

Rating; PG13 for supernatural action and some crude humor

IMDB Rating; 5.4/10
Rotten Tomatoes Score;
Tomatoemeter: 73%
Average Rating: 6.5/10
Reviews Counted: 311
Fresh; 226
Rotten: 85
53% Liked it
Caution; Spoiler Alert

Synopsis; Following a ghost invasion of Manhatten, paranormal enthusiast Erin Gilbert and Abby Yates, nuclear engineer Jillian Holzmann and a subway worker Patty Tolan band together to stop the otherwordly threat.

Kristen Wigg as Erin Gilbert
Melissa McCarthy as Abby Yates
Kate McKinnon as Jillian Holzmann
Leslie Jones as Patty Tolan
Chris Hemsworth as Kevin
Neil Casey as Rowan North

Cameos of the original living cast;
Annie Potts as Desk Clerk
Dan Aykroyd as Cabbie
Sigourney Weaver as Rebecca Gorin
Bill Murray as Martin Heiss
Also Michael McDonald and Ozzy Osbourne

Same as synopsis
This movie wasn't bad in the beginning. Personally I like Kristin Wigg and Melissa McCarthy and together they are pretty funny and work off each other well.

The beginning of the movie is there to set up the rest of the movie, which was fine. It made total sense for this, it was the middle to end of the movie where so much could have been cut out. It just seemed too long.

Creepy dude releasing ghosts, turns himself into a ghost, makes a big ghost, the ladies with all their gadgets save the day.

I did like the cameos from the original. Most times I'm ok with remakes, although I feel it's what film makers do when they don't have any original thoughts. This movie was simply ok.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Movie; Clinical (2017) Caution; Spoiler Alert


Clinical Poster

Came out; 2017
Time; 1 Hour 44 Minutes

Watched on; Netflix

Rating; None listed

IMDB Rating; 5.1/10

Rotten Tomatoes Score;
Tomatoemeter: N/A
Average Rating: N/A
Reviews Counted: N/A
Fresh; N/A
Rotten:  N/A
24% Liked it

Caution; Spoiler Alert

Synopsis; A psychiatrist tries to put her life back together after a violent attack by seeking to repair the life of a new patient, but he has his own terrifying history

Vinessa Shaw as Dr. Jane Mathis
Kevin Rahm as Alex
India Eisley as Nora
Aaron Stanford as Miles
Nestor Serrano as Dr. Saul

Same as synopsis


This movie starts out really strong. A doctor in her office calling in prescriptions, checking on patients when a noise is heard in her office. She goes to investigate and finds one of her patients cutting herself, she is then attacked by the patient, the screen goes dark and we then cut to her seeing her own therapist.

After seeing patients in her home, she receives a phone call from an un-known number, of course she answers it and it’s a man on the other end asking for her help. Of course, being a doctor, she can’t help but help him.

It’s very clear that the patient, Alex, is hiding something. At first he seems like he has really experienced a trama in his life and he wants help to go through.

From here the movie gets rather boring, she starts to see Nora, her patient from the beginning of the movie, we find out then that the girl survived her injuries and was recently released from the hospital due to non-payment of the bill.

Things start to happen, a security system is installed. Then Nora comes in for the attack, Jane then wakes up in a hospital strapped to a bed. She then finds out that she actually killed her boyfriend and that Nora was already dead. Her friend comes to visit her, then is attacked when she gets into her car. Jane then puts it all together and escapes the hospital, only to also be attacked.

When she wakes up, she is in her house, strapped to a chair. Alex then comes in and everything is explained to her. She escapes and the movie ends.

This sums up one hour and forty four minutes of movie. It was so dull and slow in the middle it was almost hard to watch.

Netflix comes up with some amazing serious, but their movies have all been ok.

Wax; Wicked Wax of the East; Rainbow Loaf

Vendor; Wicked Wax of the East
Order; Rainbow Loaf

Owner; Randi Cox

YouTube Reveals;

What I received;
A Rainbow little rubber duckie
A Rainbow St. Patrick’s Day loaf in the scent Rainbow

Extra “Love” received; A mystery tart

I love this vendor. She seems a little pricey at times, but her specials are amazing. My daughter collects this little ducks and I thought this would be perfect and I would get a great smelling loaf!
I truly wasn’t expecting this loaf to look so amazing. I figured the entire thing would be rainbow themed, which it is, but it’s way more than I would have imagined.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Bath & Body; Cosmic Cleanse Unicorn; Mystery Box

Vendor; Cosmic Cleanse Unicorns
Order; Mystery Box

Owner; Heidi Fitzsimmons

YouTube Reveals;

What I received;
Miracle Budder in the scent; Fizz Fairy
Tube of something in the scent Suicide Squad Goals; Unsure what this product is
Cosmic Cleanse Loofah Pouf in the scent On the Rocks
Tin of possible temple balm in the scent Cosmic Dreams
Tin of Miracle lotion bar in the scent the melting duck

I have heard so many amazing things about this company and her products. The shipping was super quick and the price seems reasonable. I purchased a mystery box, so it would really be up in the air as to what I would get.

My only feeling so far is that some of the labels are hard to read and there are two products that I have no clue what they are! It would have been nice to have a business card and possibly some other information about the company and/or products.

Everything smells amazing and I will enjoy using it all

Scents Descriptions;
Fizz Fairy- Snow Fairy x Fizzy
Suicide Squad Goals- Serendipity, Strawberry, Raspberry, Guava, & Blonde Moment
On the Rocks- Honeydew, Lime Margarita & Fizzy
The Melting Duck- Pistachio Pudding Cake x Sugar Milk

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Movie; The 5th Wave (2016) Caution; Spoiler Alert

The 5th Wave

The 5th Wave Poster

Came out; 2016
Time; 1 Hour 52 Minutes

Watched on; Amazon

Rating; PG-13 for violence and destruction, some sci-fi thematic elements, language and brief teen partying

IMDB Rating; 5.2/10

Rotten Tomatoes Score;
Tomatoemeter: 16%
Average Rating: 4.2/10
Reviews Counted: 126
Fresh; 20
Rotten:  106
38% Liked it

Caution; Spoiler Alert

Synopsis; Four waves of increasingly deadly alien attacks have left most of Earth decimated. Cassie is on the run, desperately trying to save her younger brother

Chloe Grace Moretz as Cassie Sullivan
Gabriela Lopez as Lizbeth
Nick Robinson as Ben Parish/Zombie
Ron Livingston as Oliver Sullivan
Maggie Siff as Lisa Sullivan
Zackary Arthus as Sam Sullivan
Tony Revolori as Dumbo
Live Schreiber as Colonel Vosch
Maria Bello as Sergeant Reznik
Alex Roe as Evan Walker

Four waves of increasingly deadly attacks have left most of Earth in ruin. Against a backdrop of fear and distrust, Cassie is on the run, desperately trying to save her younger brother. As she prepares for the inevitable and lethal fifth wave, Cassie teams up with a young man who may become her final hope-if she can only trust him

So, the movie starts off with people just doing their daily lives. It turns quickly to the “alien” ships above and then goes into explaining what is happening and what each wave is and the destruction is causes.

The mother of the family dies and then the family sets off to a camp. Pretty soon the army shows up (who mysteriously have running cars when no one else does) and they gather everyone and explain that they will be taking the kids to safety first then the adults. Once the kids are all on the buses and gone (with the exception of Cassie who got off to get her brothers bear), all the adults are gathered in what appears to be a barn. The are now being told that the adults will not be joining their kids. Things get crazy, someone starts shooting and pretty soon all adults and some army are dead. Cassie sees the entire thing.

This is where the movie gets a little boring. It just shows Cassie running, sleeping, writing in her journal (truly most of this could have been skipped) She comes upon a highway where dead bodies and cars are everywhere. All of a sudden gun shots ring out, Cassie is shot in the leg. She tries to run but passes out.

When she wakes up she is in a house with her wounds wrapped up. She discovers her gun is missing and then meets Evan.

Once they decide to go and get her brother it again is in the woods, sleeping, running. Nothing that we really NEEDED to see.

Once they reach the army base however things are different, Cassie gets in, kills Sergeant Reznik and sets out to find her brother. The movie ends shortly after this when the Sergeant tells them that they are all aliens and that the need their bodies. Evan comes in and blows up the army base.

All in all, this movie was really just Ok. It could have been better and it could have been worse. I like Chloe Grace Moretz, but I feel that she couldn’t even make this movie any better than it was.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Wax; February Melting

I have started putting wax in all my warmers! I generally change out all the upstairs one every other day and the downstairs one daily. It’s still a little hard for me to keep track of what’s melting BUT this is a challenge for me so I’m all over it.

Here's what we've got!
A small scentsy warmer in the shape of a space ship in my son's room.
A purple glade warmer in my son's room.
A green glade warmer in my living room.
A white glade warmer in my office
A purple glade warmer in my family room
A beige glade warmer in my bedroom.

I generally only burn candles in my living room and office, but I seem to go through them!


Vendor; Kushner Kreations
Scent; Butterscotch Brulee
This was an 8 ounce Spikes Secret Stash candle, I love this scent! It had an amazing scent and was very strong. Very slow burning candle and very yummy.

Living Room;

Vendor; Kushner Kreations
Scent; Jason’s Revenge
This was an 8 ounce tin candle that I purchased after Halloween. It smelled really good but wasn’t very strong, which is totally ok!

Vendor; Scarlet Raine
Scent; Scarlets Bakery
This was a whipped candle. It was beautiful and smelled amazing. The scent wasn’t as strong as they previously have been. It burned very quickly, I was a little disappointed with it.

Vendor; Kushner Kreations
Scent; Cotton Candy Milkshake Lavender Milk
I have nothing bad to say about this scent or candle. This was an amazing scent and a very slow burning candle! I loved it and I hope that one day she makes this scent again!

Vendor; Mainstays
Scent; Island Party
I received this candle in a swap that I did. It was a 3 wick candle from Walmart. It smelled amazing on cold, but had nothing while burning. The candle itself burned perfectly.

Vendor; Kushner Kreations
Scent; Freddy’s Nightmare
This was an 8 ounce tin candle that I wish I would have bought all of them! This scent is truly amazing and even my husband loved it. As with Kushner Kreations it preformed very well.

Dylan Bedroom;
Vendor; Kushner Kreations
Scent; Blueberry Crunch Cake
I purchased this candle for my son as a Christmas gift. He loves blueberry and was begging me for a candle. This was amazing, it was the perfect amount of blueberry and cake mixed! It’s burned perfectly with zero issues!

Vendor; Creative Enchantment
Scent; Lovely Lemon
I personally don’t care much for the lemon scents, I melted this in my son’s room and it actually smelled very lightly lemon, which was fantastic!

Vendor; Wax House Melts
Scent; The Kingdom Wakes to Rainbows
I melted this in chunks over several nights. It was a pretty light scent but it was very nice

Vendor; Wicked Wax of the East
Scent; Fruitcake
I melted this sample in my family room warmer and it was pretty amazing! It filled up the entire room with a fruity fragrance!

Vendor; Whispering Meadows
Scent; 3 Wishes Tea
I melted this in my family room and it filled the entire room! I normally don’t like the tea scents, but this was really good.

Vendor; Scarlet Raine
Scent; Red Lipstick
This was a little bear, it was super cute and very strong!

Vendor; House of Usher Wax Musem
Scent; Carbonite Wax Tart
I was sent this scent shot in a RAOK or swap. I have never tried this vendor, I’ve only heard ramblings of them here and there. It was pretty good and the scent shot lasted a bit.

Vendor; Baciulis Creations now Penn Woods
Scent; Honeysuckle
I received this from an order. It was amazing!

Vendor; Wicked Wax of the East
Scent; Eggnog
I received this as a sample from an order I purchased from an auction. This isn’t a scent that I would have chosen and it was very strong

Vendor; Scarlet Raine
Scent; Rainy Day at Sea
I had purchased a flash sale item that she had, where you received several different scents. I have had this scent in a clam shell before and it was different than these little lips.

Vendor; Sweet Sensations Wax Melts & More
Scent; Lemon Strawberry Sugar Cookies
This was melted in my youngest son’s room. I normally don’t like lemon scents, however this was more strawberry and sugar cookies, it was really good and smelled very sweet!

Vendor; Sweet Smells N Trinkets
Scent; Devil Wears Prada
I received this in a de-stash. I wouldn’t normally purchase from this vendor. This scent was very nice and preformed very well in my warmers. It was melted over time

Vendor; Wicky Wicky Wax
Scent; We Belong
I received this in a de-stash. As I don’t know the scent description I’m not sure what it should have smelled like, I did smell some patchouli and possibly something else. It wasn’t very strong or over powering.

Vendor; Scarlet Raine
Scent; Kettle Corn & Candy Corn
This was a chunky tart that I purchased when she first started doing them. I chose the bakery option vs. fruity. The blends were super confusing but they certainly threw like champs and blended well together.

Vendor; Creative Enchantment
Scent; Lemon Lavender
I am not a lemon fan, so I gave this to my son to melt. He loved it and it smelled amazing! It was more lavender than lemon!

Vendor; Sweet Sensations Wax Melts & More
Scent; Hawaiian Splash
I had this one for a bit, I melted it in 4’s even though it was only two small tarts, but it was super amazing and very strong!

Vendor; Sweet Sensations Wax Melts & More
Scent; Blueberry Sugar Cookie
My youngest daughter melted this in her room. It was one little fortune cookie and it was OMG amazing! Super strong

Vendor; Skye’s Soy Candles
Scent; Orange Cream Cupcake
This was an older clam shell purchased from a de-stash. The smell was amazing! Not so much cupcake but lots of orange! It preformed very well.

Vendor; Skye’s Soy Candles
Scent; Orange Juice Cake
Not this one was a perfect combination of cake and orange! It was very good and preformed very well.

Vendor; Granny’s Kountry Candles
Scent; Spun Lemon Sugar
I have never heard of this vendor, I received this in a de-stash. I am also not much of a lemon fan, however this was a great combo of lemon and sugar. It preformed very well and was actually pretty strong.

Vendor; Kushner Kreations
Scent; Misbehavin
This was a sample that I received in one of my last orders. My daughter stole this and melted it in her room, it was pretty amazing!

Vendor; Whispering Meadows
Scent; Frosted Winter Berry
This scent was so amazing and strong!

Vendor; Whispering Meadows
Scent; Taffy Blue Raspberry
Holy cow amazing! This was a scent shot, I melted it in halves. It lasted pretty much all day and preformed very well

Vendor; Essential Home
Scent; Lemon Sugar Cookie
This was a clam shell I received in a de-stash. It’s a K-Mart brand and it actually performed pretty well!

Vendor; Kushner Kreations
Scent; Bobbie’s Blend
I purchased this tart for my daughter because she loves this scent. It is amazing and as usual performed very well!

Vendor; Creative Enchantment
Scent; Sweet Winterberry
I love this scent, although I find it a little light it’s a very sweet scent.

Vendor; Nancy’s Wax Creations
Scent; Sherri P
Unsure what exactly this scent was or what type of wax it was made from, it smelled pretty good and had a faint vanilla scent. The scent didn’t last long and was light but otherwise performed well.

Vendor; Skye’s Soy Candles
Scent; Toffee Apple Crunch
This was an older clam shell from a de-stash. This was an amazing scent and performed very well

Vendor; Syke’s Soy Candles
Scent; Lemon Poppyseed
This was an older clam shell from a de-stash. This was an amazing scent and performed very well

Vendor; Willow Moon Candle Company
Scent; Porch Rocker
This performed very well and the scent was amazing!

Vendor; Scarlet Raine
Scent; Gingerbread Cotton Candy Waffle Cone
This scent was amazing and I normally don’t like gingerbread scents. This was a chunk that I had cut up and have been melting over time. It preformed very well.

Vendor; Gem Delights Candles
Scent; Raspberry Bliss
I received this from a giveaway winning. It smelled very good cold and preformed very well while warm.

Vendor; Whispering Meadows
Scent; Pink Vanilla Pound Cake
Love this scent! It preformed very well and scented my entire living room

Vendor; Sweet Sensations Wax Melts & More
Scent; Rainbow Kissed Peaches
This was melted in my son’s room. If you like peach scents, you’ll love this one! It was a very true scent and preformed very well

Vendor; Sweet Sensations Wax Melts & More
Scent; Rainbow Mango Tango
This was melted in my son’s room. If you like fruit scents, you’ll love this one! It was a very true scent and preformed very well

Vendor; Wax House Melts
Scent; The Kingdom Sleeps
This was a giant cupcake that was cut up and melted in my daughters room. This was absolutely amazing! It preformed very well and again, the scent was amazing!

Vendor; Scarlet Raine
Scent; Caramallow Cookies
Ok, one of my favorite scents. I just love it. My only issue with this one was that it smelled burnt. I don’t think it’s my warmer because nothing else smells like that, but it was an older tart

Vendor; Scarlet Raine
Scent; Citrus Trio-Twist
I melted this in my family room. It had a faint citrus scent on cold and I worried it wouldn’t have any scent while melting, it was barley there.

I will update this to add where you can order from these vendors!

Skyes Soy Candles;
Facebook; Unknown

Kushner Kreations
Owner; April Kushner

Sweet Sensations Wax Melts & More
Web; None
Owner; Katie Gingrich

Scarlet Raine
Facebook; Scarlet Raine
Owner; Tiffany Thibodeau

Willow Moon Candles
Facebook; Unsure
Owner; Unsure

Wicked Wax of the East
Owner; Randi Cox

Whispering Meadows
Owner; Erin Sahlberg

Creative Enchantment
Owner; Anna Williams

Wicky Wicky Wax
Facebook; Unknown
Owner; Cricket Kincaid

Wax House Melts
Owner; Jessica Buzzard-Hutchinson

House of Usher Wax Museum
Facebook; House of Usher Wax Museum
Owner; Unknown

Penn’s Woods Candle Company
Formally known as Baciulis Creations
Facebook; Penn’s Wood Candle Company
Owner; Lauren Baciulis

Nancy’s Wax Creations and Primitives
Facebook; Nancys wax creations and primitives
Owner; Nancy

Gem Delights
Facebook; Unknown

Owner; Brianna Pagel