Monday, December 3, 2018

Movie; Emelie (2016); Caution Spoiler Alert


Came out; 2016
Time; 1 Hour 22 minutes
Watched on; Netflix

Rating; Not Rated

IMDB Rating; 5.4/10

Rotten Tomatoes Score; 88%
Average Rating; 6.5/10
Reviews Counted; 33
Fresh; 29
Rotten; 4
Audience Score; 41% Liked it

Caution; Spoiler Alert

A couple's replacement babysitter turns out to be more than they bargained for when she subjects their kids to a series of twisted activities

Carly Adams as Sally Thompson
Thomas Bair as Christopher Thompson
Sarah Bolger as Emelie
Joshua Rush as Jacob Thompson
Susan Pourfar as Joyce Thompson
Chris Beetem as Dan Thompson
Dante Hoagland as Howie
Elizabeth Stillwell as Maggie

A couple's replacement babysitter comes highly recommended. After the parents leave, the children begin to suspect that she is not the person she claims to be when she subjects them to a series of twisted activities.

The movie starts out with a girl walking down the street, a car pulls up, asks for directions then a man comes up behind the standing girl. They then ask if she's Anna, the man then grabs the girl and gets into the car.
We then go to a girl sitting on her front stoop, she wipes blood off her shoe, then a mini van pulls up to pick her up. It's clear that she is going to be babysitting.
Once the parents leave is when the movie picks up, you get a creepy vibe from the girl, who calls herself Anna from the first meeting.

She has the oldest child get her a tampon, while she is going to the bathroom. She plays the parents sex tape (which you never see but very graphic noise), feeds the daughters hamster to the snake, lets the kids paint on the walls and even steels from the parents.

The “regular” babysitter shows up to check on the kids, things go weird when they girl runs out to hug her, and hands her a note. She finds herself locked in a closet after having her head slammed into her steering wheel.

It becomes clear that the intent is to steal the youngest child and make him her own. She drugs all the kids to sleep then tries to leave the house. The oldest child having made himself throw up stops the plan.

All in all this movie was just ok, there were tons of gaps where you wish a back story or a continued story would have happened.

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