Monday, December 31, 2018

Movie; Stephanie (2017) Caution; Spoiler Alert


Came out; 2017
Time; 1 Hour 26 minutes
Watched on; Netflix

Rating; R for some horror violence
IMDB Rating; 5.8/10

Rotten Tomatoes Score; Not Available
Average Rating; 3/5
Reviews Counted; N/A
Fresh; N/A
Rotten; N/A
Audience Score; 40% Liked it

Caution; Spoiler Alert

After a mysterious global crisis, a young girl is left alone to hide from a malevolent power that stalks her home. Her parents eventually return and the struggle begins to save their daughter.

Shree Crooks as Stephanie
Frank Grillo as Dad
Anna Torv as Mom
Jonah Beres as Paul

Same as above

The movie kept you guessing that's for sure. A good horror movie doesn't have to be all jump scares and monsters.

The movie starts out with Stephanie, all alone playing the piano. Soon it's very clear that she is alone. We watch her struggle with hiding from the monster and feeding herself to keeping herself busy.

We learn that there was some sort of Earth event that changed everything and then we find that her brother is dead (in his bed) and her parents are gone.

Suddenly her parents are back and things seem normal for a time. It's then explained that people all over the world are dealing with the same thing that Stephanie was dealing with. Her parents decide to try and get to the bottom of what happened while they were gone. It is then reveled that Stephanie is the monster she has been hiding from.

Things take a turn at this point in the movie and all the parents are trying to do is save their daughter. It's decided after they fail at trying the surgery that their only option is to kill her. Her dad takes her for a walk and tries to get her to drink poision laced hot chocolate, when that doesn't work, he shoots her. It seems at this point the parents are trying to leave when all of a sudden Stephanie shows back up. She tells her parents they shouldn't have come back and then kills them.

The movie ends with Stephanie leaving her house and going out into the world!

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