Friday, July 24, 2020

Wax; Ella After; First Order

Vendor; Ella After
Owner; Sarah Russell

What I purchased;

3 pie slices

Drama Llama; Unicorn Sprinkles + Cake Batter + Waffle Cone

Seriously Salty; Salted Caramel + Rich Cream + Coffee Crisp

Burn Book; Campfire + Vanilla Crunch Crullers + Palo Santo

Extra “Love” received
NES “Sneak Peak”
Coconut Leaves


I ordered because I was intrigued by this vendor, she came out hot after being a youtuber who purchased tons of personal wax. To be clear, there isn't anything wrong with that, but coming out hot with your own business like that has it's own curiosity. There is nothing wrong with confidence but it seems like there isn't any testing anymore when it comes to new vendors, they just decide they are going to do it and do it.

This vendor also seems to air everything, which there is nothing wrong with open and honest communication but when it comes to drama there is not a lack of it here.

When I ordered this there was a video that she made and I didn't put the correlation together that it was related to that.

The pour dates on these are the end of June, I ordered July 1st and they didn't ship until July 9th. I received them July 23rd, but they did ship from Canada. I just don't understand why RTS takes so long to ship with some of these vendors. It should honestly take 1-2 business days to ship.

These could have easily shipped in a padded envelope vs a box, it would have saved both the vendor and myself on shipping.

The samples just have handwritten labels, no vendor markings and you guys already should know how I feel about that. Drives me crazy.

Everything smells good on cold and we will see how it goes on warm.

I know it feels I went hard on this vendor, but I am starting to understand that even though I am a vendor myself I am also a consumer and have a right to my opinion.

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