Sunday, December 20, 2020

Movie; Unhinged (2020) Caution; Spoiler Alert



Came out; 2020

Time; 1 hour 30 minutes

Watched on; On Demand

Rating; R

IMDB Rating; 6/10

Caution; Spoiler Alert


Russell Crowe as Man

Caren Pistorius as Rachel

Gabriel Bateman as Kyle

Jimmi Simpson as Andy

Austin P. McKenzie as Fred

Juliene Joyner as Mary

Stephen Louis Grush as Leo

Anne Leighton as Deborah


After a confrontation with an unstable man at an intersection, a woman becomes the target of his rage


This was amazing from the get go! The movie starts with a murder and a house blowing up and that's even before the credits!

Russell Crowe is crazy and plays a crazy person. Lots of murder in this movie, blood and violence.

Plot Summary; CAUTION; Major Spoiler Alert

None listed but here is mine;

Man kills someone with a baseball bat, then burns down the house and drives away while the house explodes in the background.

Kyle sees the news about the murder and the house fire and the BOLO for the man. His mom is running late, Kyle is going to be late for school. His Uncle Fred is talking to his mother on a lap top in the kitchen.

Kyle and Rachel finally leave the house but run into major traffic, they decide to get off the highway and take the city roads. They get to a traffic light which is green but the truck in front isn't going. Rachel honks a few times then decides to go around the truck. At the next traffic light the man pulls up next to Rachel. For some unknown reason Kyle rolls down his window and the Man starts talking to Rachel and asks for an apology. Kyle clearly recognizes the man from the news but doesn't say anything. His window doesn't go up. Rachel is telling him she is sorry that she's had a bad day and the man is telling her she has no idea what a bad day is and that her apology isn't real. The light turns green and they go. She drops Kyle off at school and leaves.

Rachel goes to a gas station and while she is the station she notices that the man has followed her. She tells the attendant and the male customer offers to walk her out. He gets the man license plate and watches Rachel drive off. The man then hits the customer who is thrown into traffic and is hit by another car. The man terrorizes Rachel on the road. He then simply disappears. Rachel is digging for her phone but can't find it. When Rachel realizes the man is not following her she pulls over and digs through her entire car for her phone but can't find it.

Suddenly she hears a ringing, she finds a phone that isn't hers, The Man is sitting at the restraunt with her friend and Lawyer Andy. The Man kills Andy, in the restraunt after beating him with a butter knife to the back of the neck. After leaving the man calls Rachel and tells her to pick someone to die. She chooses the client that fired her today. The man goes to Rachel's house instead. Rachel has called the police and told them about sending the Man to her clients house. She is on her way to get her son. The man calls to tell her that Fred's girlfriend is dead, Fred is forced to read a letter he was forced to write while duct taped to a chair. The police come in, Fred it started on fire, the Man is shot in the shoulder but escapes.

Rachel has Kyle and she drives to her mother's house. They have already made a plan, Kyle sets the alarm and goes and hides in a secret spot in a closet. Rachel starts grabbing things that can be used as a weapon. The man figures out where she is, while he's still in the car Rachel rams his van (that he stole from her house) with her mother's car. She then goes at him with a golf club. He gets the upper hand but doesn't kill her. The man runs into the house and starts calling for Kyle. Rachel gets to Kyle first but is pulled out the hidey hole that she shouldn't have gone to in the first place by the Man. He begins to beat her up then sticks his head in to get Kyle. Kyle hits him with something but not before the Man grabs Kyle. Lots of things go on and the Man ends up dead. Of course the police arrive after and her and Kyle are ok. She then learns that Fred is still alive. Bam the movie ends.

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