Sunday, July 25, 2021

Movie; Old (2021) Caution; Spoiler Alert



Came out; 2021

Time; 1 hour 48 minute

Watched in; Theatre

Rating; PG-13 for strong violence, disturbing images, suggestive content, partial nudity and brief strong language

IMDB Rating; 6.1/10

Caution; Spoiler Alert


Gael Garcia Bernal as Guy

Rufus Sewell as Charles

Thomasin McKenzie as Maddox aged 16

Nikki Amuka-Bird as Patricia

Eliza Scanlen as Kara age 15

Embeth Davidtz as Adult Maddox

Vicky Krieps as Prisca

Alex Wolff as Trent aged 15

Abbey Lee as Chrystal

Ken Leung as Jarin

Aaron Pierre as Mid-Sized Sedan

Emun Elliott as Adult Trent

Alexa Swinton as Maddox aged 11

Kathleen Chalfant as Agnes

Nolan River as Trent aged 6

Gustaf Hammarsten as Resort Manager

Francesca Eastwood as Madrid

Luca Faustino Rodriguez as Trent aged 11


A thriller about a family on a tropical holiday who discover that the secluded beach where they are relaxing for a few hours is somehow causing them to age rapidly reducing their entire lives into a single day


So, I knew the main plot of this movie based on the previews. The family goes to a beach and suddenly starts aging. The ending is what I didn't expect and I'm still thinking about it 24 hours later!

The family seems to be in a van, traveling to some fancy resort in the beginning. Once the door opens, everything seems weird. Did they pay or win this trip?

Once everyone arrives on the private beach things start getting even weirder. All seems fine until the body floats out of the water and they figer out nobody can leave. The kids start aging right in front of everyones eyes. Once this happens all hell breaks loose and one by one everyone goes a bit crazy.

By the end of the movie Maddox and Trent are the only people are living. They are now adults, Trent remembers that he has something from a friend he met at the beach, he de-codes it and it talks about the coral, they both swim out to the coral, where the watcher thinks they drown and goes back to report it.

Don't read any further if you don't want to know the ending of the movie;

Once the watcher, who we find out is the one who drove everyone to the secret beach gets back to the “center” we find out that this is a companies way to fast track drug trials. They lure people based on their diagnose, test new drugs on them in the drinks they give them at the resort, then take them to the beach where they age rapidly and the watcher can see how the drugs work. Turns out that both Maddox and Trent live and get the entire place closed down. Ugh, this movie was good!

Plot Summary; CAUTION; Major Spoiler Alert

Married couple Guy and Prisca travel to a tropical resort with their young children Trent and Maddox as a final family vacation before they divorce. On the advice of the resort's manager, the family visits a secluded beach also occupied by rapper Mid-Size Sedan, surgeon Charles and his wife Chrystal, young daughter Kara, and mother Agnes, and married couple Jarin and Patricia. Tragedy strikes the group's vacation when the body of Mid-Size Sedan's female companion is discovered, which is followed by Agnes suddenly dying. Strange events soon occur, including the three children becoming teenagers. The group realizes that the beach is rapidly aging them, resulting in their health deteriorating. They also notice that at least one member of each family has an underlying medical condition. Efforts to leave result in the members of the group blacking out and waking up on the beach.

Amid the group struggling to find a way off the beach, Trent and Maddox discover the notebook of a previous traveler, along with indications of them being watched by an unknown individual. The attempts to leave grow more tense when Charles' worsening schizophrenia leads to him killing Mid-Size Sedan. Jarin and Kara perish during their escape attempts, while Patricia and Chrystal die from their medical conditions becoming exacerbated. Charles eventually attacks Guy at night, but Prisca slashes him with a rusted knife, causing a fatal infection. As the night winds down, an elderly Guy and Prisca make amends before dying moments apart from each other.

With only the now-adult Maddox and Trent remaining by the next morning, Trent revisits a secret message given to him by the manager's nephew, which he deduces is connected to an underwater coral passage. Suspecting that the passage will allow him and Maddox to not lose consciousness while leaving the beach, he and his sister start swimming through the coral. After they fail to emerge from the water, a resort employee monitoring them reports that the entire group has died.

It is revealed that the resort is a front for a research team conducting clinical trials of new medical drugs, with guests suffering from conditions being used as unwitting test subjects. Since the beach reduces the lives of the guests, the researchers have been able to complete the drugs' lifetime trials within a day. The researchers move forward with luring a new group to the beach, but are interrupted by the arrival of Trent and Maddox, who survived their underwater swim. Using the notebook as evidence of several guests going missing, the siblings are able to bring the police to the resort. Once the researchers are arrested, Trent and Maddox head home to their aunt, uncertain of their future

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