Friday, January 28, 2022

T-Shirt Review; My Honest Thoughts

 The situation was brought to the vendor, and I have received a partial refund, however I am still a little peeved and feel that I need to vent. This is my safe space so to speak so here we go. Now, I am in no shape or form bashing this vendor because I love their product and feel that this may just be a fluke. 

I do feel that when you purchase something, even online you have a reasonable expatiation that you will receive the item as pictured or very close to it.

My friend Jennifer told me that The Pharm was selling these super cute Valentine's Day shirts. They had 4 different ones. They offered Gnomes and my favorite "Roar Means I Love You in Dinosaur" They were $12 each and looked super cute with the splotchy bleach looking colors. 

I did check out the Facebook group to see if people posted reviews, I only saw people posting how cute they were. I decided to go ahead and purchase, I bought one of each plus some bath bombs. I expected to get the shirts as pictured in long sleeve. I did not get that.

Below is the picture from the web site of the Gnome shirt that I thought was so cute

This is the shirt I actually received. It's short sleeved and an orange color. It's not as bright and vibrant as those shown on the site or in the Facebook group

Here is the dinosaur shirt, I took this screen shot from the group which is the exact same picture from the web site. I love the green, long sleeved shirt. Everything fits together nicely and it's so my style!

This is the dinosaur shirt I actually received. It's also a dull orange color and short sleeved. I was the most disappointed in this one. The colors just don't match with the saying at all!

After I contacted the vendor, she stated that it said on the web site regarding the different colors and short sleeved. I went back to look, and it only stated this.

So, the colors could be different, but nothing about short/long sleeve. This was a little frustrating as I had expected to receive them as pictured, they were so cute! The vendor did offer me a refund if I sent them back, which I didn't want to do and, in the end, gave me a refund of $10 total.

The only reason I'm coming here still is because I have a huge issue with bait and switch, people who nickel and dime and with sellers who think it's ok to rip people off. I understand that with the internet age it happens all the time, this is just not what I expected of this vendor.

I appreciate you reading through my small vent, this vendor has amazing body products and the best lotion. If you're interested in ordering here is the information.

Vendor; The Pharm



Owner; Melissa Shriner

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