Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Chronic Pain Thoughts: Avoid OSMS Green Bay


This is a rant/vent/rhetorical question.

Has anyone had successful treatment from OSMS?!

If medical gas lighting was a place, this would be it.

I find everyone except the check in staff to be rude, uncaring and not compassionate. I understand that medical community puts up with a lot of shit, but I've always felt like I was in the wrong place for the wrong reasons.

In the past 10ish years, I've been there exactly 3 times and all 3 times I've left with no answers, no follow up, no nothing.

I've been made to feel like my issues “Aren't that bad”, that I shouldn't be in the pain I'm in. I've been told things like “Get Better Sleep” “Go Swimming, that really helps” and “Strengthen your core”. This past time I was given a lecture about how some chronic illnesses don't have great support when it comes to treating it. Gee, thanks because that really helped me understand why I can't walk.

I was given a list of several books, web sites and articles to help understand my pain. Trust and believe, I understand my pain, there isn't anything magical to get rid of it. I know that, but I can't do is continue struggling with the pain I'm in.

I was active before all this started, I wouldn't sit down and was always on the go. This has changed me and I don't think I can get back to where I was. My ultimate goal is to fix what can be fixed and have something to help manage the pain.

The anxiety all chronic pain patients feel when going to the doctor is insane. The anxiety of having to see a new doctor is even worse. Will they listen? Will they believe you? Will they acknowledge that something is going on? OR Will they treat you like a drug seeker? Will they tell you that things don't look that bad? You just don't know what awaits you when the doctor opens that door.

When I pulled up the web site for the link, it actually states “Paving the way to pain-free living and getting back to the activities you love”. I will say again, if medical gas lighting was a place, you'd be look at it. They most definitely don't practice what they preach.

This has to be a money-making scheme disguised by a medical clinic.

They billed my insurance for $287. I'm not sure what will be actually covered but let's think about this.

This clinic has Orthopedics, Sports Medicine, Rheumatology and Pain Managment. The TV commercials and web site make it sound like they care. They make it sound like they will treat people with pain of almost any type. They make it sound like they care, which gives hope. People make appointments.

Let's assume that 50 people see these commercials and think “Wow, someone cares about what I'm going through”, they call the phone number only to get a very rude person on the other end of the line. They make an appointment which is at least a month away. The whole month they keep thinking “This clinic advertises that they care” I can make it, I can hopefully get answers.

Before the appointment, notes are made. Experiences, sensations, thoughts and questions. You get there, only to wait in line for 10 minutes to check in. You sit with the given paperwork, feeling hopeful. You get called in by a nurse who doesn't seem happy to be there at all, this is all routine. The doctor comes in and starts right away “Why are you here” “This is your normal, you just have to find ways to deal with it” “Read a book on pain”. You cry because your normal is doing nothing because everything hurts. You didn't get to look at your notes, you didn't get to ask your questions. You leave, in tears because it's frustrating and you were just treated like shit. This has been my experience all 3 times I've been there.

Now, they bill my insurance $287, but we have 50 people who have gone through the same thing. That's $14,350. Even with operating costs, there is a profit there. They've done nothing but make your cry, how do you feel now? Still hopeful?

OSMS - Orthopedic, Rheumatology, and Pain Management Services in Wisconsin (osmsgb.com)

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