Thursday, February 8, 2024

Chronic Pain Thoughts: Volume 23


Dear Reader,

I saw my new pain provider yesterday for my monthly visit. I finally found someone who will listen and suggest alternatives.

My first visit last month, he re-filled my medication and suggested inversion therapy (hanging upside down) and to read the book “Managing Pain before it Manages you”. Personally, I don't want to hang upside down and reading books is all fine and dandy, but this doesn't actually help the pain I feel.

I found an inversion table, hated it. Do not recommend if you have vertigo issues. I didn't read the book suggested yet BUT I will look into it.

This time Pain Reprocessing Therapy was recommended. I watched a few YouTube videos and find that this is the same thing of “It's all in your head”.

According to everything I read this is for pain that doesn't have any meaning. You've done all the tests, MRI's, CT's and X-Ray's and they are all “Normal”. Mine isn't that way. Blood test sure, my test results are always normal. But through MRI, CT and X-Ray I've been diagnoses with: Spinal Stenosis, Disc Displacement Lumbar, Disc Degeneration Lumbar, Spondylosis, Face Arthropathy and I have an Annual Tear. These things are NOT in my head and I'm unsure how this type of therapy would be beneficial for me.

I was very active before all this started. I had to stop because it all causes more pain.

Being in this position is the most frustrating thing ever.

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