Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Movie; Thanksgiving (2023) Caution Spoiler Alert


Came out; 2023

Time; 1 hour 46 Minutes

Watched: Netflix

Rated: R for strong bloody horror violence and gore, pervasive language and some sexual material

IMDB Rating; 6.3/10

Caution; Spoiler Alert


Patrick Dempsey as Sheriff Eric Newlon

Ty Olsson as Mitch Collins

Gina Gershon as Amanda Collins

Lynne Griffin as Grandma

Karen Cliche as Kathleen

Nell Verlaque as Jessica Wright

Rick Hoffman as Thomas Wright

Jalen Thomas Brooks as Bobby

Mika Amonsen as Lonnie

Amanda Barker as Lizzie

Shailyn Griffin as Amy

Tim Dillon as Manny

Chris Sandiford as Doug

Addison Rae as Gaby

Tomaso Sanelli as Evan Fletcher

Jenna Warren as Yulia

Story Line.

After a Black Friday riot ends in tragedy, a mysterious Thanksgiving-inspired killer terrorizes Plymouth, Massachusetts - the birthplace of the infamous holiday


This is the exact type of slasher movie that I've been looking for!

It was cheesy, well put together and was just like the B movies that used to made , simply put it was perfect!

This goes back to the original horror rules and brings back 80/90's memories of the movies we used to rent.

CAUTION; Spoiler Alert

During Thanksgiving in Plymouth, Massachusetts, people are gathering outside the local RightMart superstore in preparation for a Black Friday sale. Jessica Wright, whose father Thomas owns the store, lets her boyfriend Bobby and her friends Evan, Gaby, Scuba, and Yulia inside the store early through a side door. While in the superstore, the others especially Evan taunt the crowd with the items they are buying, such as an iPhone or doing reps with a microwave oven. The crowd especially Lonnie seeing this instigates a riot and, in a frenzy, stampedes into the store, resulting in multiple people dying, including Amanda Collins, the wife of store manager Mitch. Bobby gets his arm broken when he tries to rescue one of the security guards trapped under the doors while being trampled on and subsequently disappears from the group.

One year later, RightMart is preparing for another Black Friday sale, despite the protests of Mitch and several other residents. Meanwhile, Jessica and her friends are tagged in a social media post of a Thanksgiving table with their names around it. Bobby, who has broken up with Jessica, returns to Plymouth to work for his uncle after being injured in the riot, much to the chagrin of Jessica's current boyfriend Ryan. A waitress named Lizzie is attacked and killed by a figure dressed in black clothing wearing a John Carver mask. The police discover that Lizzie was present at the Black Friday incident, which leads them to believe those involved in the massacre are being targeted by Carver.

Jessica aids the investigation by providing footage of the riot to the town's sheriff, Eric Newlon. Carver rampages through Plymouth and kills several residents, including RightMart security guard Manny and high school students Amy and Lonnie. Evan and Gaby are soon abducted by Carver, while Jessica narrowly avoids being killed. Yulia's father decides to move their family to Florida, but he and the deputy sheriff guarding them are knocked out by Carver before he attacks Yulia. Jessica and Scuba drive to Yulia's house, but are unable to stop Carver from disemboweling Yulia with a buzz saw before he escapes.

The police attempt to lure Carver out by having the Wright family and Scuba participate in a Thanksgiving parade, disguised as Pilgrims. However, Carver deduces their plan and decapitates a turkey mascot before sending smoke bombs into the crowd, causing everyone to scatter in panic and giving Carver the opportunity to abduct the Wrights and Scuba in the chaos. Carver then cooks Jessica's stepmother Kathleen alive in an oven before serving her as the "turkey" at a dinner table surrounded by his hostages and his victims' corpses. Carver then bludgeons Evan to death in a live-stream before Jessica cuts through her bindings and escapes, luring him away from the others. She eludes Carver by climbing over a fence and running through the woods. Jessica makes it to a parade warehouse, and finds Newlon unconscious. When she follows a figure wearing Carver's mask inside, she sees it is Bobby. She calls Newlon to help capture Bobby, but he escapes.

The police soon arrive and inform them that the survivors are safe. Once they leave Jessica and Newlon alone, Jessica notices the same bramble debris from the fence and the deep woods that stuck to her are also on Newlon's clothing and sneakers, realizing he is the killer. Newlon reveals that he was having an affair with Amanda, who was pregnant with his child before she died. This was his motive to become Carver and seek revenge on those responsible. Newlon had abducted Bobby and put him in the Carver costume, intending to shoot Bobby and frame him for the murders. To Newlon's horror, it is revealed that Jessica has live streamed his confession, leading him to attack her until she is saved by Bobby.

As they attempt to escape in a tow truck belonging to Bobby's uncle, Newlon hooks it to a support beam and approaches them with an axe. Jessica uses a musket to shoot a turkey parade balloon that was attached to a tank of flammable gas, causing an explosion that engulfs Newlon in flames. The following morning, Bobby is taken away in an ambulance and Jessica reunites with Ryan, Gaby, and Scuba. The authorities are unable to find Newlon's remains, leading them to believe he was incinerated in the explosion. However, Jessica continues to have nightmares of a flaming Newlon attacking her.

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