Monday, October 22, 2018

Wax; Thunder Chicken Creations; First Order

Vendor; Thunder Chicken Creations
Order; First Order

Web; None
Owner; Lisa Robinson

YouTube Reveal;

What I received;

11 Clam Shells.

Burnout; Smells like oil and rubber
Workin' Man; Smells like a sweaty minty person
Fresh Pear
Bomb Shell
Rustic Woods and Rum
Salty Mariner
Cottage Breeze
Pineapple and Paypaya


I originally thought it was it 15 clam shells, but it was 10 and I received 11 so we are all good!

Some interesting scents. The first two are scents that I don't like at all on cold, especially the one that smells like rubber, it's strange to me.

I am sharing this order with a few people so they can try it as well!

Here is the story behind the name;

Well back in 2015ish my husband started growing a beard and my wax obsession was gaining momentum. Lol so he started researching beard care products. And man they are expensive. So he started looking into oils and found a couple oils he liked then an EO he thought would help with his beard health. So he did human trials on his self for over a year and decided he would give some to friends to try. So he wanted a name that was unique. He wanted to have a connection to beards but Viking, buffalo, goat have all been used a lot. One day when he was listening to some outlaw country a song called Drop Zone came on. And a lyric in that song refers to hunting the Thunder Chicken. Thunder Chicken is hunter slang for turkey of course. And well it stuck.”

I love the name and the story behind the name! How fun is this

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