Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Chronic Pain Thoughts: Volume 14

 Dear Reader,

Today I feel like I haven't slept in a week, I feel tired, off and my stomach is just upset.

It's strange that healthy people can say “I'm so tired” but it has a completely different meaning when you're chronically ill. It's a deep in your bones tired for no reason.

I have felt this on and off for the past few years but when I'd go to the doctor, I was basically ignored and told “Well everyone feels this way from time to time”.

I thought for the longest time it was my medications, I worked hard to get off everything except my daily pain pill and the anti-acid I have to take. It wasn't that I still feel this way. I am not lazy, I am not a procrastinator, I am chronically Ill.

What do we do? Since I live in America, I don't have any good sick pay and what I did have I used it all during my 7-week medical nightmare. I have to work to pay to live, my kids and for the medical insurance I do have. I have to suck it up today and move forward but at what cost?

Until things change with our medical system, our government and economy all of us with chronic illness are just stuck doing whatever we can to move forward.

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