Monday, October 23, 2023

Movie: Fear Street Part 3 1666 (2021) Caution: Spoiler Alert

 Fear Street: Part 3 1666

Came out; 2021

Time; 1 hours 54 minutes

Watched: Netflix

Rated: R for strong bloody violence, drug content, language and some sexual content

IMDB Rating; 6.6/10

Caution; Spoiler Alert


Kiana Madeira as Sarah Fier

Ashley Zukerman as Solomon Goode

Gillian Jacobs as Adult Ziggy

Olivia Scott Welch as Hannah Miller

Elizabeth Scopel as “Real” Sarah Fier

Benjamin Flores Jr. as Henry

Story Line.

1978. Against the backdrop of the endless feud between the teenagers of Shadyside and Sunnyvale and the centuries-spanning curse of the doomed witch, Sarah Fier, a spate of brutal axe murders terrorises the unsuspecting campers of Camp Nightwing. Now, after the pitiless killings in Fear Street: Part One - 1994 (2021), a handful of lucky survivors find themselves in dire need of help to link the past to the present and, hopefully, unearth the gruesome truth. But warm, bright-red blood follows. Will Deena and her friends ever find out what happened that horrible July?


This one brings it all the way back to the beginning. We finally see how Sarah Fier came to be. We also learn who is really responsible for the Witch.

The 2nd half of the movie is back to the first one, the kids come up with a plan to end it all. It's pretty good and I enjoyed this one the most.

CAUTION; Major Spoiler Alert


After reuniting the severed hand of Sarah Fier with the rest of her corpse, Deena has a vision showing the events of 1666 from the perspective of Sarah Fier. She lives with her father George and brother Henry in Union, the original settlement before it was divided into Sunnyvale and Shadyside.

One night, Sarah and her friends Hannah Miller and Lizzie meet a reclusive widow to gather potent berries for a party, where Sarah stumbles on a book of black magic. The group joins Isaac and Abigail at the party where Sarah and Hannah are harassed by Caleb. The two run off and start kissing, unknowingly seen by Mad Thomas. The next day, Pastor Cyrus Miller begins to act strange, as the town's food and water supply are poisoned. Sarah confides in Solomon Goode and wonders if she is responsible for the town's bad luck. The town then discovers that Pastor Miller has murdered twelve children in the chapel, including Henry and Abigail’s sister Constance. Sarah is attacked by Pastor Miller before he is killed by Solomon. That night, a town meeting is held at which the townspeople decide that witchcraft is the cause of the events, and Caleb claims that Sarah and Hannah are the witches responsible. Hannah is captured while Sarah escapes and the town declares that Hannah will be executed at dawn.

Sarah sneaks into the chapel where Hannah is confined and the two profess their love. Sarah decides to retrieve the widow's book and use it to make a deal with the devil and save Hannah, but she discovers that the book is gone, and the widow murdered. She flees to Solomon's house and hides after he is ambushed by men hunting her. While hiding, she finds tunnels under his house, discovering a ritual as well as the widow's book. Solomon reveals he took the book to make a deal with the devil, offering Pastor Miller to be possessed in exchange for power and wealth. He offers to share it with her, but she rejects his offer, and a fight ensues with Sarah's hand being cut off in the struggle. She escapes to the chapel only to be captured by Solomon and the townspeople. At her and Hannah's execution, Sarah convinces the town to spare Hannah's life by proclaiming she is the witch and swears vengeance to Solomon before she is hanged. Later, Lizzie, Issac, Hannah, and Abigail grieve Sarah and properly bury her body.

1994: Part 2

In 1994, Deena realizes that the Goode family is responsible for the Shadyside curse, as the firstborn of each generation repeats the ritual begun by their ancestor Solomon. Because of this, Sunnyvale has always prospered while Shadyside has become worse. Deena and Josh are found by Sheriff Nick Goode, but the two escape in Nick's car and arrive at Ziggy's house. The trio deduces they must kill Nick to end the Shadyside curse. After they recruit the help of Martin, the mall janitor, the group concocts a plan to lure Nick to the mall and set traps to have the Shadyside murderers kill him.

The group manages to trap the killers and Ziggy pours a bucket of Deena's blood over Nick, causing the killers to attack him. As Nick escapes into the tunnels, Deena and a possessed Sam follow him while the others fight off the killers. Sam attacks Deena, but she breaks Sam out of her possession temporarily before incapacitating her. Nick nearly kills Deena, but she exposes him to the pile of beating organs in the tunnel, which gives him the visions of all of the killers' victims, distracting him long enough for Deena to kill him. With the sheriff's death the curse is lifted, releasing Sam and evaporating the killers.

Sometime later, the Goode family are exposed for their actions while life improves for the residents of Shadyside. Josh meets his online friend in person; Ziggy reunites with Mrs. Lane; Simon, Heather and Kate are commemorated by the school, and Deena and Sam have a picnic date at Sarah Fier's grave, naming her the first Shadysider.

In a mid-credits' scene, an unknown person takes the widow's satanic book from the tunnels.

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