Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Chronic Pain Thoughts: Volume 18

 Dear Reader,

Today I want to talk about medical gas lighting.

Here is the exact definition: Medical gaslighting describes a behavior in which a physician or other medical professional dismisses or downplays a patient's physical symptoms or attributes them to something else, such as a psychological condition. Medical gaslighting is especially likely to happen to women and people of color.

It happens in the treatment of pain often. Your pain is often downplayed. I know I've personally been told to get a good night sleep and I'll feel better, this is just one example.

It's happened twice to me recently by two separate so called specialists. I'm angry, upset and feel very not important. I'm currently debating writing a letter to the corporate office, but I feel like it will be dismissed as “I didn't get what I wanted.”

What do I want exactly? For someone to listen, to understand what I'm saying. To help me. It's a sad world that we live in when: We pay for health insurance, we pay for the visits, we continue to pay money, but our health continues to decline.

It's suggested to write down your questions and concerns and give them to the doctor. I do this anyway because my brain fog and fatigue come out the most when I'm stressed over a doctor's visit. I've also brought my husband with me. Neither of things have done any good.

I will make a separate post calling out the providers, by name and clinic so that my story will be heard. When google searching those providers you will come across this blog.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and experiences. We all matter

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