Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Chronic Pain Thoughts: Volume 25

Dear Reader,

Today I'm irritated. I am always reading articles and books about how I can help myself with all these back issues. New Flash, I can't.

The problem with these articles and states of minds is that most of us were very active members of society before pain took over. We slowed down because we were in pain. Personally, if I walk too much, spend too much time sitting in the wrong position or have to stand in line at a store for more than a minute (which is almost always) I'm unfortunately done. My pain takes over because of the issues that are actually wrong with me.

Let's face it, exercise, therapy and behavior modification can help, but it's not a solution. The medical community is scrambling to try to figure things out and I get that, but what I don't get is how they can get away with stating things like this. I've been dismissed, gas lite and told to move on, but at the end of the day no amount of this is going to actually fix the problem.

Opinion: That pain in your back? It's really a pain in your brain (

A New Way to Treat Chronic Back Pain Starts in Your Brain (

Exercise May Help You Better Tolerate Pain (

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