Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Cloverfield (2008) Caution; Spoiler Alert


 Cloverfield (2008) Poster

Came out; 2008
Time; 85 Minutes

Watched on; DVD

Rating; PG-13 for violence, terror and disturbing images

IMDB Rating; 7.1
Rotten Tomatoes Score; Tomatoemeter 77%, Average Rating 6.8/10, Reviews Counted 198, Fresh 152, Rotten 46. 68% Liked it

Caution; Spoiler Alert

Synopsis; A group of friends venture deep into the streets of New York on a rescue mission during a rampaging monster attack.

Lizzy Caplan as Marlena
Jessica Lucas as Lily
T.J. Miller as Hudson “Hud”
Michael Stahl-David as Rob
Mike as Jason
Odette as Beth

I remember the previews for this movie when it came out. It looked pretty good then. It was a movie I wanted to see, but never did. We found this movie at a second hand store for a whole $1.20 and decided to take the chance.

It started out pretty boring, very basic. It’s not until the “earthquake” comes that it gets really good. From this point on it’s action and crazy.

I like T.J. Miller, I used to watch Chelsea Handler on Chelsea Lately and he was a regular round table person, I have seen several movies that he is in. He was pretty young here, but still good.

As far as disaster, found footage films go, they tend to not be to my liking. I do however like monster and horror movies so the fact this was a “found footage” film didn’t at all bother me.

I wish they would have showed the monster a little more and maybe explained “where it came from” what I mean by that is, did it appear to fall from the sky, did it come out of the ocean? I know I’m a bad movie watcher because I have questions and I shouldn’t have them, that I should just enjoy the movie, but I just can’t!

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