Friday, December 30, 2016

Movie; Blair Witch (2016) Caution; Spoiler Alert

Blair Witch

Blair Witch Poster

Came out; 2016
Time; 1 Hour 29 Minutes

Watched on; Amazon

Rating; R for language, terror and some disturbing images

IMDB Rating; 5.1/10
Rotten Tomatoes Score; Tomatoemeter; 35%. Average Rating 5.1/10. Reviews Counted; 176. Fresh; 62. Rotten; 114. 33% Liked it

Caution; Spoiler Alert

Synopsis; After discovering a video showing what he believes to be his vanished sister Heather, James and a group of friends head to the forest believed to be inhabited by the Blair Witch.

James Allen McCune as James
Callie Hernandez as Lisa
Corbin Reid as Ashley
Brandon Scott as Peter
Wes Robinson as Lane
Valorie Curry as Talia

Same as the synopsis

I know, how many times do I say how much I dislike the “Hidden footage” type movies. Having seen the original (In the theatre I might add) and thinking it was pretty good at it’s time, I took a chance on this one.

It had the same creepy feel as the other. Same woods of course and things were very predictable as to what was going to happen or what was coming.

Not a real good movie, it really was the same as the very first one with different characters. 

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