Friday, December 23, 2016

Movie; The Remains (2016) Caution; Spoiler Alert

The Remains

The Remains Poster

Came out; 2016
Time; 1 hour 25 Minutes

Watched on; Amazon

Rating; Not Listed

IMDB Rating; 3.7/10
Rotten Tomatoes Score; Nothing available

Caution; Spoiler Alert

Synopsis; After a family moves into an old Victorian home, they discover a chest in the attic containing antiques tainted by a malevolent spirit. As the antiques slowly possess each family member, the spirit grows stronger, hellbent on kidnapping the children.

Todd Lowe as John
Hannah Nordberg as Victoria
Brook Butler as Izzy
Samuel Larsen as Tommy
Lisa Brenner as Melissa
Maria Olsen as Madame Addison

Ok, I admit that I do look at the movies on IMDB before or while watching, I do read the user reviews but don’t ever judge the movie by this. This movie deserved the low scores it was given. This movie was not great.

It had potential, the “spooky house” which is on the market for a low price. It’s big, it’s old and it’s spooky. Well, all of these things have what could be a great scary movie. This movie, however was not. There were a few parts where I thought it would get good, it didn’t. The only back story you get is at the very beginning of the movie, and even then, it isn’t really a back story. You also don’t get what happens in the end. The movie ends the same way it started, with the house for sale. Ok, fine and dandy but what about the realtor? The last family that lived there, their stuff. I mean the entire movie is about the family that is currently living there and what is happening to them, but where did they go?

Confusing and not scary at all. I was disappointed.

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