Monday, October 23, 2017

Product; Minamul Luxurious All Natural Dry Body Brushes

Product; Minamul Luxurious All Natural Dry Body Brushes

Ordered from; Amazon

You can order the brush here; Dry Brush

I was reached out to by the company asking if I would purchase their brushes and do a YouTube un-boxing. At first I didn't because I was under the impression these were make-up brushes and I don't really wear any makeup. I re-looked and decided I could give it a try.

The box arrived quickly as it was sent by amazon. The amazon packaging was much larger than it needed to be, which is how amazon packages items. Inside the way too large amazon box was a sleek black box that contained all the brushes.

Everything was nicely packaged and there was an instruction sheet. The brushes are nice and very sleek looking. My only concern is that the instruction sheet only tells you how to use the face brush and how to do a dry body brush. It doesn't explain which brushes are for which or how to put the back scrubber together.

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