Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Love for all things Wax & More (FAT Wax); September Pre-Order

Vendor; Love for all things Wax & More (FAT Wax)
Order; September Pre-Order

Owner; Shell Zaiontz

YouTube Reveal;

What I ordered;
4 Tarts

What I received;
Purple Marbled Skeleton Melt in Lollipops & Pink Sugar
Yellow Marbled Skeleton melt in Pink Sugar, Lavender Birthday Cake
Blue Green & Black Skull in Blue Raspberry Cherry Bomb Fizzy Pop
Pink & Red Marbled frog in Pink Sugar Vanilla Bean Noel

Extra “Love” Received
Scent Shot and tart in Mixed Emotions
Brownie Tart in Kick Ass Blackberry

These wax melts are always so nice looking! They look amazing with all the marbled colors. They smell great also!

I used to purchase supplies from her and she started focusing more on just wax, she does have pre-orders and then puts up mystery boxes when everything is out.

She admitted she ran further behind that she had hoped on this pre-order, which can happen when tons of orders come in but it's always worth it!

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