Friday, December 29, 2017

Book; The Sinner

The Sinner; A Novel

Author; Petra Hammesfahr
Translated by; John Brownjohn
Came out; July 25, 2017
Read on; Nook App (Barnes and Noble)
Rating; Per Amazon 3.5/5

Caution; Spoiler Alert

On a sunny summer afternoon by the lake, Cora Bender stabs a complete stranger to death. Why? What would cause this quiet, kind young mother to commut such a startling act of violence in front of her family and friends?
I admit, I watched the min-series before I read the book. I wasn't aware of the book until the series. The series staring Jessica Biel was amazing, this book however was not.

The book was very hard to read. It jumped around and it was super hard to follow. It took me awhile to read it as it didn't peak my interest as the series had.

Cora Bender is depressed, she talks her husband into a day at the beach, mainly because she is suicidial and wants to walk into the water and never come out. She does decide to come out, for whatever reason and starts to feed her son an apple. There is another group next to them who is loud and playing music. All of a sudden something snaps and she stabs the man to death. Once arrested things start to come to light about her past with her crazy mother, father and invalid sister.

As both doctors and the police talk to her the real story starts to come out.

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