Thursday, January 4, 2024

Book: Pretty Girls (Karin Slaughter) Spoiler Alert

 Pretty Girls

Author; Karin Slaughter

See all books at


Sisters. Strangers. Survivors.
More than twenty years ago, Claire and Lydia’s teenaged sister Julia vanished without a trace. The two women have not spoken since, and now their lives could not be more different. Claire is the glamorous trophy wife of an Atlanta millionaire. Lydia, a single mother, dates an ex-con and struggles to make ends meet. But neither has recovered from the horror and heartbreak of their shared loss—a devastating wound that's cruelly ripped open when Claire's husband is killed.
The disappearance of a teenage girl and the murder of a middle-aged man, almost a quarter-century apart: what could connect them? Forming a wary truce, the surviving sisters look to the past to find the truth, unearthing the secrets that destroyed their family all those years ago . . . and uncovering the possibility of redemption, and revenge, where they least expect it.


Wow, Wow and Wow! What an amazing writer. This book literally kept me at the edge of my seat and guessing the whole time.

She has the amazing ability to twist everything and use the most descriptive words. You can literally feel what the characters are feeling!

I saw some of this coming but not all of it. It was literally amazing

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