Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Chronic Pain Thoughts: Volume 22


Dear Reader,

I am still reeling from my appointment yesterday. I saw a rheumatologist, who treats arthritic, which I have. I was told there is no treatment, I'm still confused, frustrated and in pain.

I was going through my save web pages and came across the Pain News Network (link below)

I found an article titled “Pain Patients Feel Abandoned by U.S. Healthcare System” and it couldn't more correct.

The article states 3,000 pain patients or their caregivers participated in PNNs Online Survey in the final weeks of 2023. Here are the staggering facts:

One in Five Patients couldn't find a doctor to treat their pain. Many were abandoned by a physician or had a doctor retire from clinical practice.

20% Unable to find a doctor willing to treat pain.

14% Doctor retired or left their practice.

12% Abandoned or discharged by a doctor.

27% Tapered to a lower dose or taken off opioids.

3% Received a referral for addiction treatment.

.6% Stopped Opioids & pain and quality of life improved.

These stats are even worse.

29% Considered Suicide

32% Hoarded opioid medications.

30% Used cannabis for pain relief.

14% Used alcohol for pain relief.

11% Used kratom for pain relief

11% Obtained prescription opioids from friend, family or black market

4% Used heroin, illicit fentanyl or illegal substances for pain relief.

This is what I was talking about yesterday, I truly believe the surge of illicit fentanyl and heroin has come from the Opioid Epidemic. People have been forced to go elsewhere.

I know personally my quality of life is struggling. I continue to get up every day before I have to, I have to eat, live and take care of my kids but there are days that I almost can't. It's so frustrating.

Pain News Network

Pain Patients Feel Abandoned by U.S. Healthcare System — Pain News Network

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