Friday, June 14, 2024

Chronic Pain Thoughts: Volume 28

 Dear Reader,

The power of words. Words have the power to build people up and bring them down. We all have the power over the words we choose to use.

Language is how we communicate. When someone is constantly gaslighting you or making you feel like you don't matter, can't do something or must follow them it can really take a toll on you.

Toxic People, Doctor's and even the people you love the most can say things that stick with you.

When I was younger, I wanted to go into law enforcement, although I'm glad about with my chronic illness I never pursued it, I was always told “No one will take you seriously” because of my size. It was now, at 44 years old that I have finally decided, I will show them. It's not law enforcement, but it's something.

The most recent doctor who told me “Your back isn't really that bad” should know the power of words. Most people I know go to medical school to help people, not tear them down. How do you deal with a doctor who has poor bed side manner? You find a new one.

Don't let words hurt you, don't dwell on them or believe all of them. Self Esteem is so important and when you have a chronic illness you can feel torn down by your own body.

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